On December 18th, the Starlight Festival began for FFXIV. Unlike the previous Halloween event which was more quest focused, this is a FATE focused event, much like the Summer event. The FATE mechanics actually are not as straightforward as some would think. So this guide here is to help you understand what you need to do to complete the FATE.
There are many of the Starlight FATEs placed around the game world nearby the main three cities. I'm still collecting information for the other cities, but here are the locations of the FATEs I've found so far in Thanalan. A lv 5 FATE in Central Thanalan and a lv 15 FATE in Eastern Thanalan.Once a FATE has popped and you've arrive at the location. You will see a large Snowman protect by a Treant that looks like someone mistook it for a Christmas tree and attacking Igniter Imps. Completing the FATE is simple, X amount of Imps must be killed before the Snowman dies.
If you watch closely the Treant is actually protecting the Snowman from the attacking Imps. When the Treant makes an attack is drops an AoE on a random attacking Imp. The damage from the AoE will hit friend and foe alike, but the damage is small.