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Thread: Housing System Trailer

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Housing System Trailer Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post Housing System Trailer

    Yoshida as part of his two day Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Live Letter from the Producer talk has talked a lot more about what to expect from update 2.1 for the game. One of the new things to be added, the Housing System has an accompanying trailer showing off what to expect. It has confirmed that you will able to customize the appearance of the house and what appears to be instanced neighborhoods for dozen or more players to live in.

    The interior seen in the trailer is very large and not clear if this is a Free Company house or a standard player house. It had three floors at the least. There was plenty of room for players to move and set furniture and show off events or trophies from defeated bosses.

    The last pan is a little more uncertain. It could be a Free Company house complex, as it is planned that multiple members will be able to live in it. Or it could be a high end rich neighborhood with mansions spread through.

    Attached Images Attached Images Housing System Trailer-ff14-logo-jpg 
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  2. #2
    Consistently Average Housing System Trailer Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    So what will you be able to do in these houses? Are they like your own personal Inn where you can restore health or are they like a base of operations?
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  3. #3
    The Quiet One Housing System Trailer Andromeda's Avatar
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    You don't restore health at inns. The house would be a personalized type of inn though. It would be considered a sanctuary, meaning you would get the standard rest exp. You would also likely have access to the standard inn options like the retainer and armoury chest. But the player is also able to customize the interior and exterior. Most of it is a personal space. In the case with FC you would be able to hang out with your other FC members and organize things before heading out.
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  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Housing System Trailer Rowan's Avatar
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    I love that music !

  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Basically same thing as the one in FFXI just with more features I'm sure. Still cool since most MMOs fail to do this part well.

    Also it's a nice place to get Rested EXP if you are having a hard time finding a sanctuary.
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  6. #6
    The Quiet One Housing System Trailer Andromeda's Avatar
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    A lot more features than the FFXI. You were limited to a single room in FFXI. Here you have floors and large rooms and even the exterior and a neighbor with others. It is so much more than what FFXI offered.
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