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Thread: A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS)

  1. #1
    The Quiet One A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS) Andromeda's Avatar
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    A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS)

    I'll get this out of the way now, don't read anything in this thread if you don't want to be spoiled and haven't finished the story through 2.55. You've been warned.

    And now, wow that was a nuts ending. I want to everyone's thoughts. But Nanamo's death was foreshadowed and pretty expected, though it was still possible to avoid. People wondered if they would really be so bold as to kill one of the leaders, especially since she is mentioned in a side quest. But they did it. And the train didn't stop there. Warrior of Light branded a traitor and fugitive on the run, going to Ishgard makes even more sense now and the dragons just make things really convenient.

    And then Raubahn, I didn't see him going insane and just murdering people on the spot, but giving what happened it shouldn't be a surprise. Just cut that man in half and then lost his arm. That permanent too, unlike some of the other things they can talk their way out of, he's got no arm anymore. He still fought insanely even with only one arm.

    And then all of the Scions go out in a blaze of glory protecting the Warrior of Light. All their death's I'm a little questioning. I'd preferred to think that they are bold enough to just do it and not back peddle come Heavensward and they all managed to escape. But I'm inclined to believe that they're all still alive just because it is so cliche to cliffhang on everyone sacrificing themselves, but they all live. Still it was amazing to watch and I sort of feel like they used that time cleverly to tease lv50+ job skills for MNK, BLM and WHM.

    And then picked up by the man on the chocobo cart, for anyone doing the Ul'dah storyline from the start it is so perfect to come back to that. You arrived in the game like that and leave 2.0 like that as well.

    Then the surprises don't stop with Urianger apparently working for the Ascians now. So of wonder if that is just a thing of him trying to get into their inner circle and bring them down after what happened to Moen or if he actually is just working for them all this time.

    Just one jawdropping moment after the next tonight. They really went out on this with a bang. I can't wait for Heavensward now.

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  2. #2
    A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS) ZRO's Avatar
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    Nanamo I think might actually be gone, and much as I dislike it, that's the one death out of this I hope sticks, because it opens the way for some major political chaos in Ul'dah, which'll make for interesting plotlines.
    Raubahn going off the deep end I didn't exactly see coming, but soon as Nanamo went down, I had a feeling he was at least going to fight, then Teledji just kept talking and talking, and I'm like "Kill him! Kill the little ****er!" Neeeever liked that little bastard, lol.
    Scions...I don't think they're gone,not with Minfilia suddenly gaining a backbone there at the end. Plus if they kill Y'shtola I'mma stab someone right in the damned knee! > Not to mention without them we go from Warrior of Light to Ex-Blessed-by-Hydaelyn-random-person-with-no-real-pull-anywhere, lol. Alphinaud's got some pull with Ishgardian nobles now it looks like, but at this point we've pretty much just got the Domans (who at least are still loyal), and Alphinaud...and I would assume Allisaie(sp?) as well.
    The merchant from the beginning picking us up, you're right about that being just perfect, lol.
    Urianger I don't think is so much working with/for the Ascians as he is attempting to parley a bit for information. Plus he's dealing with the white-robed Ascian, and both calling each other Emissary and Archon. Seems to be mutual negotiation and respect there. Or I could be wrong and Urianger is a backstabbing prick which would make me mega-sad, lol.
    I don't know what to think too much about just yet coming up, I've seen signs of our Astrologians for a while with Ishgard's fascination with the stars, and after Steps of Faith I can see where we end up with Machinists as well. Dark Knight on the other hand though, in spite of being I think the most hyped out of the new jobs, seems to be coming from left field. I've seen guesses that Raubahn is going to be involved with our DRK quests, and/or be the trainer for it, but I'm not so sure personally.
    All in all, I thought it was wonderfully done, but I tend not to overly critique things either, seems to detract from the enjoyment of it, although I will admit there were quite a few moments where I have to agree with other thoughts that it seems like we were very....not so much stupid, as inactive, during all those finally cutscenes. We've taken down primals, Ultima, more primals, freaking dragons...and we allow ourselves to be taken by a few Brass Blades? Even for the sake of storyline that seems...inept.

  3. #3
    The Quiet One A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, given that Nanamo's death is in the Heavensward opening cinematic, I'm feeling pretty solid that she is dead. I like that they are willing to do that. They shouldn't feel afraid to kill off characters. Because like you said, this is going to be some very interesting turmoil for Ul'dah right now. They're playing it quiet right now saying that she's just sick. But once Heavensward hits that's going to change. That little Taru is going to take power.

    As disagreeable as it might be to a lot of people. I want to see the Scions died. All of the ones that went out in a blaze of glory, they should be dead that are framing it that way in the cutscene. Ida and Papalamo I could see coming out of it, but Y'stola and Thancred dropped a tunnel on themselves. I want them dead purely for the sake of I absolute hate fake outs when it comes to deaths. Especially ones that look very final. I hold hope on it though, since Yoshida said that Heavensward and the story and theme is dark fantasy. So I'm betting on the dark being good and dark.

    Plus, it is perfectly fine for them to introduce new characters that can come in to replace the Scions' position. I mean for the most part the only thing that they were used for were liaisons/ambassadors to the different city-states and information gathering in those regions. They did not command anything or really take any action that their being gone would cause conflict for. Heavensward has plenty of opportunity to introduce new characters. We still have Cid, Wedge and Biggs and Minfilia likely got herself captured for the third time. She more than Tataru needs to go out and learn some useful skills. Twice captured in a single story arc and likely a third. That's some really bad case of uselessness.
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  4. #4
    A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS) cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Ahh, finally got to see the ending after all. Definitely in awe with how many plot twists were thrown in, and the deaths were unexpected. Nanamo's death was especially saddening when you think of how her plans for Ul'Dah could have panned out, but the conflict it creates could be really good for future plotting. The actual scene where you get caught though, kinda irked me. It might be because it's one of those issues with MMO games where your PC doesn't really get any dialogue, so it seemed like we didn't even try to defend ourselves. I mean, definitely after all the battles we went through if we had wanted to get away I think we could have. But I almost wonder if the point was supposed to be that the PC gave in thinking that their innocence would be proved once they spoke with Raubahn or someone else, so used to having the trust of the leaders that the possibility that we would be marked a traitor didn't even cross the thought process.

    And man do I feel sorry for Raubahn. Him and Nanamo were so close and he dedicated his life to helping her and taking care of her. I kind of wish I knew more about their particular back story because there has got to be some reason he dropped everything to stand by her with such loyalty. Like that one traitor of a Crystal Brave stated, he used to be a very fierce warrior and mercenary, so how did he get into such a highly trusted position? Meanwhile, the amount of betrayals here just makes me wants to shoot people in the knee, but it's still very believable because of how often we see money and political power do similar things in our own histories.

    As for the death of the Scions.... I'm kinda stuck. I don't see how they could really bring ALL of the scions back after those big endings, but Y'stola and Thancred were my two favorite Scions and I'm gonna be really upset if they are gone. Not sure how I'd feel if they did a cope out for it but I'd also be pretty bummed if those two were just gone. :/ Introducing new characters, especially those with Ishgardian ties, could be very interesting. I'm also curious as to how they'll play out the new race, especially with some the more dragon like features and characters playing them in Ishgard areas. There would be bound to be some stigmatisms since most the the area is very much against anything dragon and tends to have a lot of religious stand points. I'm wondering if they'll make that a part of the storyline.

    I'm really tempted to make a new character with that race, just because I'm curious and I want to explore all the lore possibilities but I'm not sure if I'm up for leveling and going through the whole story for a 3rd time.

  5. #5
    The Quiet One A Realm Reborn's Storyline Ended (SPOILERS) Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm going to guess that we'll probably learn more about the two of them in the expansion. Raubahn is featured in the opening cinematic for the expansion, so he is still going to be a key player even being imprisoned. There will probably be flashbacks or something to talk about their meeting. Like you said, it is a very important point to his character and the path he went.

    There's some interesting things people pointed out. The arm he lost, is apparently the same one that he held Nanamo up in during ceremonies. And strangely enough, his Triad card actually has a terrible number on the same side that he lost his arm.

    Given that Ul'dah is now on the edge of civil war, depending on how things play out. The adventurer's best move is to do nothing. Doing something only makes you look guilty as we all know in stories, especially when you're innocent. And starting a civil war is also not something the adventurer wants. So it seems like they're being an idiot, but the adventurer isn't dumb. They understand politics and the situation well enough to not act rashly.
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