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    The Quiet One More Housing Details Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post More Housing Details

    As the patch 2.1 approaches, more details about the major features to becoming in the patch come out each day. Today, there was a new bit of information on the Housing feature coming to the game. Most of the information has been covered in past releases, but they did say where the instances will be accessed from and the steps to go through getting a house. Specifics on Free Company rank and cost are still unknown.

    Housing Overview

    Players will be able to purchase a house together with members of their free company. The house may then be used for a number of in-game activities.
    * While there are plans to allow for individual housing in the future, only free company housing is scheduled for patch 2.1.

    In order to acquire a house, players must first raise the rank of their free company and obtain a Land Acquisition entitlement.

    Residential Districts

    Residential districts will be instanced to accommodate fluctuating player populations.

    Entrances to residential districts in each city-state may be found in the following locations:

    City Limsa Lominsa Gridania Ul'dah
    Housing Area Mist Lavender Beds The Goblet
    Entrance Lower La Noscea
    Red Rooster Stead
    Central Shroud
    Mirror Planks Pier
    Western Thanalan
    The Eighty Sins of Sasamo
    * Locations of residential district entrances are subject to change.

    Acquiring a House

    1. Purchasing Land

    Plots of land will be sold by auction. An unowned plot can be purchased by first examining the placard located at its entrance. Land may be purchased in any city, regardless of your free company's affiliation. Furthermore, only free company members with proper authorization may purchase land. For the time being, only one plot may be purchased by a single free company, though the ability to purchase multiple plots is scheduled for a future update.

    2. Auction System

    The designated prices for all plots of land available for auction are set to be reduced every six hours. To confirm the price of an unowned plot or make a purchase, examine the placard located at its entrance.

    3. Purchasing a House Permit

    House permits will be available for purchase from a vendor NPC.

    4. Building a House

    After purchasing a plot of land, build a house by using a house permit on said plot.

    Remodeling a House

    1. Customizing the House Exterior

    A house is comprised of four mandatory parts—roof, exterior wall, windows, and door—along with up to four optional parts: roof decoration, exterior wall decoration, placard, and fence.

    * Any parts used to customize your house will be consumed, and disappear from your inventory.

    2. Outdoor Furnishings

    A number of furnishings can be placed in the garden outside of your house. The following three options will be available to adjust their position:
    Move: Change the position of selected furnishing.

    Rotate: Rotate the selected furnishing

    Remove: Remove the selected furnishing from the garden.

    * The number of furnishings that can be placed in your garden will depend on the size of your land.
    * Once a furnishing has been placed in the garden, it can no longer be traded. Furthermore, certain furnishings will be lost upon placing them in or removing them from the garden.

    3. Customizing the Interior

    A number of parts including the wallpaper, flooring, and lighting of the interior can be changed.

    4. Placing Furnishings in the House

    A wide range of furnishings will be available to decorate the interior of your estate including tables, lamps, plants, wall mountings, carpets, and more. Certain furnishings can be placed on top of others, such as lamps atop tables or desks.

    * The positioning of furnishings inside a house can be adjusted using an interface similar to the one used for the exterior.
    * Once a furnishing has been placed in the house, it can no longer be traded. Furthermore, certain furnishings will be lost upon placing them in or removing them from the garden.

    Planned Additions to the Housing System

    A crafting workshop where players can build vehicles such as airships.

    An orchestrion to change the music played inside houses.

    A chocobo stable to raise chocobos.

    Mannequins that can be dressed with player gear.

    A bulletin board that can be place inside the house.

    * The specific names of these features are subject to change.

    These are but a few of the ideas planned for player housing.

    With the release of patch 2.1, free companies will finally have a base of operations to call home. We hope you will enjoy this new addition to the world of Eorzea and look forward to the many related features that will follow.

    * Please note that housing is still in development, and certain details are still subject to change.
    Source: FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Housing Preview (11/25/2013)
    Attached Images Attached Images More Housing Details-ff14-logo-jpg 
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