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Thread: More Details on First Level Cap Increase

  1. #1
    The Quiet One More Details on First Level Cap Increase Andromeda's Avatar
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    More Details on First Level Cap Increase

    Well the official site has released some new information, which is more in the form of question and answers than providing a full list of details yet. So we still don't know what to expect for new magic spells, job abilities or job traits. The update is coming soon though so unless we're going to be left to find this answer out by logging in, they'll be telling us soon what we can expect.

    Here is the details that they gave today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Square Enix Development Team
    As previously announced at VanaFest 2010, the impending version update will usher in the first stage of the long-awaited level cap increase! What factors led to this monumental decision? What implications will it have for adventurers? Today, we would like to take the opportunity to address pressing questions and concerns about the latest major evolution to hit Vana'diel.

    Q: What inspired the decision to increase the level cap?
    A: With the cap set at level 75 for quite some time now, a wide variety of monsters, equipment, and game content has been introduced over the years for players who had reached this limit. With such content having been fleshed out to the development team's satisfaction, it was deemed that the time was right to usher in the sort of new challenges that could only come with the ability to achieve higher levels.

    Q: What changes can we expect to see after the cap is lifted?
    A: Beginning with the upcoming version update, the level cap will be gradually increased to an eventual maximum of 99, with new job abilities, magic spells, weapon skills, and equipment to be made available at these higher levels. These additions, as well as refinements to existing abilities and spells, will focus on preserving and strengthening the unique roles that each main job serves, while increasing the tactical options available to each support job. Needless to say, new game content will also be introduced that will demand every onz of adventurers' newfound might.

    Q: What specific changes will be implemented in the coming version update?
    A: The level cap will be raised to 80, and new abilities, magic, weapon skills and equipment for players up to this level will be added. Level restrictions placed on certain areas will also be removed, creating additional high-level battlegrounds for players to explore. The level cap increase will also result in a number of existing skills becoming newly available to support jobs, with a few exceptions and adjustments to preserve balance and ensure that main jobs do not see their thunder stolen.

    Unusable by Support Jobs
    - The white magic job abilities "Afflatus: Misery" and "Afflatus: Solace", and the ninja job abilities Yonin and Innin will not be available to support jobs.
    Usable by Support Jobs, with Altered Effects
    - The ranger job ability Shadowbind will be subject to an accuracy check, with a miss generating no effect.
    - The scholar job abilities Accession and Manifestation will triple (rather than double) recast time for the spells used.
    I think most people had already assumed that the level cap was going to 80, but I don't know if they specifically said until now. Still no answer on if we're going to have to see a moogle about a genkai quest though. I don't believe Maat will be doing it anymore since we probably have exceeding his abilities. Though I wouldn't put it past Maat to pull some "I was just holding back up until" deal and be the guy still.

    We have 5 levels to get for our mains and 3 levels for our subs until the next level cap increase in like 3 or 4 months. Which will be to 90, so this will probably be the easiest one. Who's looking forward to see how much exp we're going to have to earn. ><
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  2. #2

    Re: More Details on First Level Cap Increase

    DRK 36 and RNG 37 are my only non-40+ jobs now, so I'm set for subs.

    They have previously said that the first update was going to be 80, just not on the site. It's the next updates that they're unsure how they're going to do it.

    For new spells and abilities, we have the DATs. The preliminary update was released a couple of days ago. They've changed Libra from a spell (it was already in the DATs) to a SCH job ability, so it can probably be safely assumed that SCH is getting that.

    Holy II"s animation has been changed. Also, I think Barlight and Barlightra. Very likely WHM is getting those.

    DNC is gaining one new Waltz and two new Flourishes. Unsure what exactly they are, but the two Flourishes look like Reverse Flourish, except the ending colors are blue and green instead of yellow/orange.

    WAR, MNK, RNG, DRK, and PLD are all getting new job abilities. The MNK one is possibly what they suggested before: an ability that enhances attack speed while suppressing WS.

    Also, I think a BLM (maybe?) job ability that looks like a defensive one. It has a bunch of things that look like magic shields surrounding the user. No idea what it could be.

    That's all I can think of.

    My SCH/RDM is going to love this update.

  3. #3
    Magically Delicous More Details on First Level Cap Increase Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: More Details on First Level Cap Increase

    I suppose the required question is: People still play FF XI? When I left, the servers were bare a good chunk of the day and people were leaving in droves. This update is too little too late. It should have been done a year ago, not after a good chunk of the people left in anticipation of FF XIV or to move on to other games.

    Secondly, we all know that any good ability that would be "unlocked" on a subjob now that the level is moved up will be nerfed so bad it will be useless. In a way I can see why, because they would make certain job combos godlike (oh wait SAM already is).

    For me, this isn't enough to convince me to pick the game back up. It might get busier for a short burst, but overall the game will return to what it is now... a bunch of people level syncing in low level areas because nobody else your level is online anymore. /sigh

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