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Thread: Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda

    I'm joining Loco in doing one of these as well. I've been working on powering through to lv 25 for the time being. So I won't have videos yet, but I have started taking screenshots. I'll work on pulling them over when I have a spare moment to do so. The things you should know about what I'll be doing. Eytha is an explorer, so she'll be traveling to see all of the sights. So my focus will be one the new and unknown rather than quests. There are some interesting looking FATEs or battles, I'll include a little of that, but mostly it'll be a travel log of the places I visit.

    If you have any requests on places or things you'd like to see post here and I'll see about doing it. It may depend on my level if the area is high level, but that hasn't stopped me from exploring before. There's a lot of diversity in the game so I'll be sure you get to see it all.

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    A little background, Eytha Andromeda is an aspiring Black Mage, still only a Thaumaturge. She looks forward to the days of harnessing the full powers of the dark arts.

    I wanted to started out the journey with something really pretty and interesting to look at. During the beta I always saw this place in the distance figuring I couldn't get to it. At night it lights up something amazing.
    It's quite the sight to behold from a distance. If you look closely at it, you'll realize that it is more than just some glowing earth and rock. There is actually trees and plant life in there as well. My best guess is that this is impact left behind from Bahamut's rage when he went through destroying the land. His visit left lasting scars on the earth, beautiful scars at that, but still.

    Eytha being the adventuring type and curious decided to go exploring. If she sees it she wants to go there. Fortunately, there was an undiscovered part on the Eastern Thanalan map that she hadn't visited yet. Looking at it, there was a FATE in progress, it was lv 40, which said a lot about the area. But off she went.

    Working around some beastman foot soldiers in the area, which were no threat to a good round of Fire and Thunder. Tucked away in a cave off the side of a beastman camp was the path she sought. Following the cave, Eytha reached the torn land. A golden path led into the area.

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Eytha hails from lands far to the East of Eorzea, but traveled to Ul'dah for their prowess in the dark arts. So while exploring the areas of the city of Ul'dah she visited the upper floors of the inner city. Here the Sultana lives and other nobles. The red carpet really gives the since this is for the wealthy and influential people of the city.From the paths to the Sultana you can look down into the floor below where many of the crafting guilds make home.
    If invited there are the halls of the Sultansworn, where only the most proven of Ul'dah can walk. Eytha managed to help on several major incidents involving the theft of an important royal artifact and internal intrigue. She started to become known as a champion of the city.
    These steps led Eytha to a special banquet the Sultana herself requested Eytha attend. Only the respected, nobles and wealthy are invited.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Eytha is back again, she recently got a toy airship granted from an errand she ran for someone in Gridania. Now it follows her around everywhere. She's pretty pleased with it.

    Another stop, if you're in the Thanalan region is Horizon. Horizon is found in Western Thanalan over a deep raven. Horizon is an important outpost for trade with Limsa Lominsa. Adventurers find it a great anchor in their travels to deeper more dangerous lands.From the edge of Horizon you can see the capital of Ul'dah rising against the rocky terrain.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    If you're in the Horizon area there are some ruins to the west that are along one of the main trade routes. To the south of the ruins is a small fishing community and the west is a harbor. In the ruins, where nature and water are taken back what they lost, you can find crabs and orobon everywhere. It can be a dangerous area with the easily provoked condors in the area.
    Out in the eastern part of Thanalan, by the Drybone, is a church and lichyard. Those that died during the Calamity 5 years ago are buried in these grounds. It has since needed to expand a lot as the Calamity took many lives.

    More outposts were visited. You can see the crystals present in them.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Now to end things for now with a nice view of the sunset and Ul'dah in the distance as well as a bright day in the Golden Bazaar.

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    One thing I finally figured out was how to take pictures without the UI up. So now all of the screenshots will be nice and clean. I apologize for the ugliness of the previous ones.

    Eytha went on a little more exploring while spending time in the Highbridge area of Eastern Thanalan. The beastmen constantly push on the borders and threaten the territory of Highbridge. So it makes for a prime spot to gain experience for adventurers. While things were calm for a moment, she found a cave. Curiosity being more important, she followed it and discovered that it was another entrance into the previous area she found before. It offered a different view of the torn land.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    While in Highbridge, as Eytha's notoriety with the locals increased new requests popped up. While hearing out one of the locals, she discovered some old ruins carved into the side of the deep gorge that Highbridge sits upon.
    Taking a break from it all, she went to check out new areas. One was the Copperbell Mines and the other an area north of Vesper Bay that borders a Garlean outpost. It was barred, so she could not explore further.

    A long hard fought battle against a savage god, Eytha became known through the realm and the Grand Companies came wanting her to join. Electing to remain with she arrived, she joined the Immortal Flames in Ul'dah. Her first work, was the earn the chocobo license for a Grand Company breed chocobo.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Eastern Thanalan started become a little routine for Eytha. So she decided on traveling south. There she found another Ul'dah outpost struggling to survive being nearly completely surrounded by the savage beastmen. Their presence in the region was greater than other parts of Thanalan.

    A visit to Gridania brought Eytha into the Dark Shroud. She wanted to go traveling on her chocobo. So the two set off for sights unseen. She stumbled upon what look like ruins of something massive that crashed or a massive structure that fell apart or destroyed. The size and shape were unusual.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    The travels continued for Eytha. After the strange ruins, she found a mountain region going into the north. Here she found cold climate that she had not experience since coming to Eorzea. The first thing she discovered in the distance was a massive structure that looked like a crashed airship, probably from the Garleans.

    Near to the crash site was another outpost. While at the outpost she spotted an airship in the distance, a more rare sight these days. Also in the outpost was a tower. It must have a great view of the area, so she went up.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    This is what she saw from the view of the tower. It had a great line of sight out upon the region. While in the area, she heard talk about the Great Behemoth, he apparently had been spotted in the region. It was a sight she wanted to see, unfortunately, he was already gone before she could find him. Another day!
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Eytha was on the road again, this time visiting the region of Limsa Lominsa and La Noscea. Unlike deserts of Thanalan or the forests of the Dark Shroud, La Noscea is islands and wide fields of grass. It is quite beautiful to run through. The city itself is built upon the network of neighboring islands.
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    The Old Skool Warrior Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda LocoColt04's Avatar
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    These shots are fantastic! But don't be afraid to leave the UI in tact once in a while - gotta have combat sometimes too!

    But really though, these are some great collections of scenery.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Since I've got things cooled off a little on my fanatical urges. I'm going to start working on the videos. So I'll probably make some demo videos of the classes showing off the things that they can do and how to use them. It go along with my video travel log I'll make too.

    I sort of feel like the UI gets in the way of enjoying the view though. If it is combat I'll probably keep it up. I've got to get some screens of the Behemoth.
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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    So much for the whole videos. Yeah, sort of slacked on that. But not on the picturing taking at least. So I've got a very large batch of sights and vistas of Eorzea.

    In the roaming through the Dark Shroud, Eytha stumbled across a dark mysterious place in the distance through the thick rain. Marking it for a later date, it's been forgotten, but through the experiences it is clear that this is a Garlean military base, likely one of the bases brought up during the climax of the story.While in Eytha's stay in Gridania helping out in domestic affairs, one such aid sent her out to the Central Shroud. Far in the west of the region lie a forsaken mansion that managed to hold back against nature and the deadly creatures. Likely, it sensed the darkness that had taken root within.
    Curious to the new guardians of the mansion, Haukke Manor. These are the dangerous that you must brave to even reach the gates. Two different species of Malboro make their home within the winding forest path to Haukke.
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    The Old Skool Warrior Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I have a feeling you're about to unload an entire scrapbook of photos on us. Go go cataloguing!

    I just wish I remembered to take them more often.

    ~ sent from my Galaxy Note 3 via Tapatalk Pro
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

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    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Returning to the islands of Limsa Lominsa and the La Noscea region, Eytha visited the beach town of Costa del Sol. This beach town can be found in Eastern La Noscea with ferry rides straight from Limsa Lominsa. While traveling north from Lower La Noscea, Eytha stumbled upon a tower built near a cliff. The view of Costa del Sol was quite the sight, though the night rain made it difficult to view the beauty.In the distance the tower gave a great view of the damage the calamity left on the region. Like in Thanalan, the night makes the ruin left behind glow brightly for all to see. Accompanying is what it looks like during the day up close.Divided by impassable cliffs, the western part of Eastern La Noscea holds an untamed land of jungle with unique plant life.
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    While on the road in Eastern La Noscea, Eytha looked to keep moving north. More was to be found. Beyond the ruins of the calamity held the small outposts and land surrounding a large lake. The lake is site to old ruins, most heavily explored these days is the Wanderer's Palace. Eytha's made numerous excersions into the ruins. If there are curious individuals out there, she can document one of her travels. She travels there on a weekly basis to route the tonberry population.The Camp Bronze Lake outpost is a frequent home base for adventurers looking to take on the dangers of the Wanderer's Palace. The network of old ruins that line the entire area hide many secrets and many dangers.
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    While exploring the natural beauty of Upper La Noscea night fell. The breathtaking look at the ruins and the endless ocean of stars made Eytha just stare for hours. The lights in the distance are actually floating chunks of earth likely turned up and disrupted from the calamity, forever trying the physics of the area.
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    Adventure and danger called Eytha to the northlands of Coerthas. She needed to improve herself and gain new experiences. Challenging the formidable wild beasts and creatures of Coerthas prove invaluable. Eytha was not alone in her interests in Coerthas, she discovered it was a haven for hundreds of adventurers all with the same thought in mind. The activity was not something she had seen outside of the major cities. The lines of adventurers soon become a common sight. And by the time she left, she actually felt for the beasts, which died in droves as the adventurers held nothing back and left nothing but death in their wake.There is always something to test one's skill at in Coerthas. It is the proving grounds for adventurers who think they are ready. The cold lands will let them know if it is arrogance or confidence.
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    Something occurred to Eytha in her traveling. Her new home was Ul'dah and her backyard Thanalan. She was confident in her knowledge of the region and exploration, but she realized she had missed visiting a place. She made a visit long ago to Northern Thanalan while in Central Thanalan out of curiosity, but found the wildlife to be voracious. Since she had never been back. Emboldened by the trials of Coerthas, she returned to the forgotten lands of Northern Thanalan. It was the outer lands of Ul'dah, but still Thanalan. Her earlier visit found it to be similar to what she had seen before. She did not expect to find much of a difference. That was the cast for the first part of the travel into the unknown land. The wildlife were no longer intimidating, not after the extremes of the northlands.

    However, approaching to the central outpost of the region a dense eerie purple fog preventing her from seeing further. However, in the distance lights and pipes could be made out. It was a very omenious feeling and unnatural. It did not feel like the rest of Thanalan. The sound of machinery was thick. It seems something had taken over.Sensing a dark menace Eytha felt unease at an approach. There was something evil lurking and it made just enough of a presence to push outsiders away.

    Returning to Coerthas, she traveled to the western lands, the land of the Gigas. Strange red formations marker than territory. Unlike the yellow normally seen from calamity damage, it's unknown if this was also the cause of the calamity or something greater. The shape clearly points to something having fallen in the area.

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    The last outpost of civilization and the start of the true tests of an adventurer's mettle can be found in Mor Dhona. Fit between Northern Thanalan and Coerthas, the Garleans have strategically placed a base at the choke point between Northern Thanalan and Mor Dhona, prevent travel. Only the brave and foolish enter into Empire territory without a plan.

    However, the rest of Mor Dhona holds many mysterious and unusual phenomenon as Eytha soon later. One strange thing she discovered was the usual weather patterns. A strange energy permeates the air turning the sky pink. It feels like a barrier was cast over the whole area. A noteable feature of the terrain of Mor Dhona is that it is littered with crystals. It seems to have been significantly affected by the calamity as well with large crystalline structures raised up throughout the area. Even the ground is crystal
    Only recently discovered, a new structure was unearthed by the calamity. Simply known as the Crystal Tower, it is an ancient Allagan structure created by the advanced civilization and houses many secrets and dangers.
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    The strange is a commonplace sight in Mor Dhona. It almost becomes the normal that is strange. The reversal creates a strange new paradigm. A massive orange ball of light is just another day for Mor Dhona.A haunting reminder the days that came before the calamity and the arrogance of the Empire. In their arrival to Eorzea they meet with fierce resistance from a giant serpent of the sky that brought down their greatest airship. The wreckage in the lake of Mor Dhona is a reminder of what arrogance can bring against the forces of nature.
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    Curious how Eorzea celebrates festivals? Eytha made the tours of the cities to see how they were decorating up their homes to entertain all. The first event Eytha was able to experience arriving in Eorzea was the summer festival. This was the Moonfire Faire brought to everyone by the Cascadier. These brave souls combat the raging heats that frequent Eorzea during the summer season, which can give rise to terrible creatures threatening to ruin the countryside. Brave adventurers can join into aid them and are rewarded for their help.

    The cities go all out in their efforts to show their festival spirit. Giant bomb decorations can be see throughout the cities. Special banners and even fireworks were part of the event. No one was left out.
    Eytha practiced in the noble efforts of defending the lands against the threat the bombs brought to Eorzea. She fought along side the Cascadiers. The bombs could be seen everywhere and pushed their offensive lines with no sense of preservation. From the cliffs of Thanalan explosion could be seen lighting the night sky.Cleaning the bomb ash off after the harrowing experience, she discovered the gifts the Cascadiers had for the adventurers. Specialized gear to protect against the heat with powerful resistance. It was what they said, but she still felt a little awkward wearing something so sparse out in public, though they had seemed to convince a number of adventurers of their properties. Many wore them with pride around the city. Eytha keeps them all stored away in her armoire as a memory.

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    The next festival to arrive in Eorzea was the All Saints' Wake festival. It came not long after the closing of the Moonfire. These festival seems more about the darker sides and fright. Pumpkins and ghoulish creations littered the streets of the cities. The people running the festival created special illusions to recreate creatures from the realm. It helped to add to the darker spirits celebrated in the city. Eytha even got in on the scaring with a special outfit earned from helping out. A charming ghost to go around and frighten the more weak willed souls. Other adventurers joined in on the fun.
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    A tease for future installments will close out with some new things Eytha has discovered. She found an ancient relic, rescued an unicorn and even helped a couerl kitten and wolf pup. They ended up becoming attached to her and now follow her everywhere. They do enjoy playing with others. And the Starlight Festival arrived. New unseen sights. Even a mysterious woman calling herself Lightning!
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    Back for the next round of photo dumps for the adventures of Eytha.

    While roaming on her frequent travels over the lands of Eorzea, Eytha heard rumors of a mysterious woman by the name of Lightning. First clues had her spotted in La Noscea and later in Thanalan. Both cases she was illusive and hard to track down. After some run-ins with her there, Eytha found her often in the northlands of Coerthas and later traveled south into Mor Dhona. The battle in Mor Dhona faced Eytha against unknown creatures of great power and even Lightning summoning something to her side greater than what has been seen by Scholars, Arcanists and Summoners alike.After the many trials and encounters with Lightning, Eytha was bequeathed attire of that of Lightning. Nothing like Eorzea had seen it, so she had to try it out. Hair style aside, Eytha actually has a passable resemblance to Lightning once in the attire.
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    Another festival was around the corner after the All Saints' Wake Festival. The Starlight Festival descended upon the major cities of Eorzea. They decorated much of the city. Special trees along with many banners and lights filled the cities at every corner. It is impossible not to find the festival spirit during this time.Outside more dangers to the spirit of the festival appeared. The threats came to Snowmen wishing to help enjoy the spirit of the festival, but devious imps wished to spoil the fun. Fortunately, a large festival tree was willing to protect the Snowmen, but they needed help. Passing adventurers kept the imps from melting the Snowmen and ruining the fun of the festival.Eytha participated in the noble endeavor coming away with many festival gifts as rewards for her efforts. Some of the gifts was a Reindeer suit and Santa suit. Even Eytha's chocobo was able to be decked out in the festival spirit.
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    In the past, Eytha had gone into Haukke Manor to help settle the threat inside the locked mansion. She left believing that the threat was dealt with and the evil cleansed. However, she received word of a new darker threat discovered coming from the manor once more. Not wishing to leave business unfinished, she trekked inside to learn what had become of the manor in her time away and if the defeated evil really had returned.

    The mansion was not the same as she remembered it from her first visit. The paths she had taken were no longer available. She had to treat the expedition like a fresh visit and not expect the same as before. Her past experience should have made the place of little threat to her advanced skill, but it seem the evil had grown stronger since her last encounter and easily matched her skills once more.

    The manor's second floor was the only part accessible to her now. The wards protecting it before dispelled since her last time.Roaming the halls were not the same twisted staff of the manor, but demons and corrupted life. The Twin Adder's attempts to breach the manor failed requiring Eytha's aid to rescue them before becoming part of the twisted evil. The second floor seemed to only be a hint of what had happened.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  30. #30
    The Quiet One Let's Play: A Realm Reborn with Eytha Andromeda Andromeda's Avatar
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    Watching Quietly
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    Finding a portal, Eytha made it down a floor to the completely barricaded first floor. There were no entrances or exits, she could only move forward. But unlike the past visit, the signs of the evil were clearly stronger in their presence. The rooms swarmed with demons and deadly traps ready to kill anyone foolhardy enough to trespass. However it was not enough to detour her.Beyond the traps and hordes of demons, Eytha came across a powerful foe protecting the lower floor of the manor. It was a strange mechanical creature, but it was not to be underestimated. It was powerful and set plenty of deadly traps with a wide range of powers. Eytha emerged triumphant and discovered another portal down to the lowest floor of the mansion. The evil presence only seemed to get thicker. She knew the source had to be close.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

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