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Thread: Friend Recruitment Codes!

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  1. #1

    Friend Recruitment Codes!

    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Recruit a Friend Campaign

    That's the information we have for the referral program. To gain any of the bonuses, the referral code must be redeemed by a newly formed account.

    This means that those of us who are currently playing the game must find a way to either recruit someone who is not playing, or pay for our own second accounts, which makes me sad.

    Basically, we can generate one code per day for the referral program. Anyone looking to start playing, feel free to visit here and pick up a code so that you can receive some of the bonuses as well.

    My current code is:
    Last edited by existingdark; 08-10-2014 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior Friend Recruitment Codes! LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    I was just about to post this same thing!
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #3
    Just had a bit of a surprise, I logged on this morning to find my Circlet, Crystal, and Chocobo in the mail! Apparently someone used my code somewhere along the line, and I love them forever for it. I wish I knew who, though.

  4. #4
    Really? Then let me throw one up here too, maybe I will get lucky. =) I originally posted this in the gamefaqs forums but it looks like they are taking down any pages that have to do with the codes.

    Recruitment Code: 4AHKP9XQ

    If it's used let me know. I don't mind throwing more up here. The more people that play the bigger the game will get (and hopefully I will see samurai). I did a quick search but I think i posted this in the right place, if not let me know and I will fix it as soon as i get off work. ..... Oh crap, I gotta go to work!

  5. #5
    my code : 8GRAKNQX (Not used)

  6. #6
    Feel free to use my recruitment code to obtain you exp. circlet and some items you can change for lvling gear.
    Also if you are on Ragnarok server i can help you ingame =)

    Recruitment Codes:

  7. #7

    Welcome to FFXIV! New and Available recruitment codes below :)

    Enjoy the bonuses!



    Congrats to those who were able to use my codes.
    More new recruitment codes below


    Note: You have to enter the recruitment code in mogstation BEFORE you very first game time subscription.

    Enjoy your bonuses!

  8. #8

    Here's my recruitment code(s) ^_^

    Hello! Here's a recruitment code(s) that you can use in order to get a lotsa items when you create a new account.. this is still new and active! ^_^
    have fun!


    Using this code will allow you to receive:
    • Friendship Circlet - Increases EXP earned by 20% when level 25 & below.
    • Aetheryte Ticket x 99 - Using a ticket when using Teleport will not incur a gil fee.
    • Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Greetings - Using this unlocks the /brofist emote.
    • 10 Silver Chocobo Feathers - Trade these to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items.

    How to activate it:
    Please, do it BEFORE you buy a subscription
    1. Log into the Mog Station
    2. Click on "Manage Service Options"
    3. Click on "Enter Recruitment Code"
    4. Enter the code posted above.

    Please refer to the page below for more details on bonus items.
    Recruit a Friend Campaign | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone

  9. #9
    Hello! Here's a recruitment code(s) that you can use in order to get a lotsa items when you create a new account.. this is still new and active! ^_^
    have fun!

    QPFWSZYS - updated a new one!

    Using this code will allow you to receive:
    • Friendship Circlet - Increases EXP earned by 20% when level 25 & below.
    • Aetheryte Ticket x 99 - Using a ticket when using Teleport will not incur a gil fee.
    • Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Greetings - Using this unlocks the /brofist emote.
    • 10 Silver Chocobo Feathers - Trade these to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items.

    How to activate it:
    Please, do it BEFORE you buy a subscription
    1. Log into the Mog Station
    2. Click on "Manage Service Options"
    3. Click on "Enter Recruitment Code"
    4. Enter the code posted above.
    Last edited by edsendemic; 05-12-2016 at 08:52 AM. Reason: updated new code

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by edsendemic View Post
    hello! Here's a recruitment code(s) that you can use in order to get a lotsa items when you create a new account.. This is still new and active! ^_^
    have fun!

    qpfwszys - updated a new one!

    Using this code will allow you to receive:
    • friendship circlet - increases exp earned by 20% when level 25 & below.
    • aetheryte ticket x 99 - using a ticket when using teleport will not incur a gil fee.
    • ballroom etiquette - improper greetings - using this unlocks the /brofist emote.
    • 10 silver chocobo feathers - trade these to the calamity salvager npc for special items.

    How to activate it:
    Please, do it before you buy a subscription
    1. Log into the mog station
    2. Click on "manage service options"
    3. Click on "enter recruitment code"
    4. Enter the code posted above.

    new codes available!!


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by edsendemic View Post
    new codes available!!


    those 3 codes have been used.. so here's new code(s)! thank you! ^_^

  12. #12
    Please use my codes and message me when used and I will find someway to repay you! I just need three people for the twintania mount!



    Recruitment code for mogstation account is KUHPWPEC

    Using this code will allow you to receive:
    • friendship circlet - increases exp earned by 20% when level 25 & below.
    • aetheryte ticket x 99 - using a ticket when using teleport will not incur a gil fee.
    • ballroom etiquette - improper greetings - using this unlocks the /brofist emote.
    • 10 silver chocobo feathers - trade these to the calamity salvager npc for special items.

    How to activate it:
    Please, do it before you buy a subscription
    1. Log into the mog station
    2. Click on "manage service options"
    3. Click on "enter recruitment code"
    4. Enter the code posted above.

  13. #13
    Re code is available the first one has been used, thank you so much for whomever used it you're awesome!
    New recruitment code-GY5MF2FA


    Quote Originally Posted by HomicidalBarney1993 View Post
    Re code is available the first one has been used, thank you so much for whomever used it you're awesome!
    New recruitment code-GY5MF2FA
    Another code when the 2nd code has been used and that will be all that I need for the twintania mount

    3rd code is-JMCHX98D

  14. #14
    So, I was searching for a way to get my twintania mount and got into this thread.
    I hope someone could use my Code: 552T2H2G

    Pls let me know if you used this code so I can thank you^^

  15. #15
    Likewise, i have a friend code that i would like to share as well.


    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone <-- this URL has all the details of the rewards we will both receive

  16. #16
    Hi here's my recruit code for peoples who need used this if you want free stuff ingame for new players..

    1. XVTWE9UW
    2. 4KRZ7DZZ
    3. DZSKSXK3
    4. B4ZJDVKJ
    5. 7234B579
    6. Y2DHTP6H
    7. CQ3DX8ZG
    8. ESHZNNM3
    9. T5YZ3TSB
    10. SE9VP894
    11. 844KUQNW
    12. YA35YXET


    5 Codes might be used already =)
    Last edited by dthanzo; 01-28-2018 at 11:43 AM. Reason: new codes

  17. #17

    What to do:
    You need to use the code before getting a paid subscription, during the free trial after the purchase of the game.

    After creating a Square Enix account, log into the Mogstation .
    Go to "Your Account", then find the "Enter Recruitment Code" button. Click on it and enter the code.

    You will get your rewards after you get a paid Sub. =)

    What we get:
    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone

  18. #18
    If you have any questions feel free to message me!


    thank you for using my code!

    *Make sure you enter code BEFORE purchasing 1st subscription*

    How to redeem:

    Log in at: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station -ファイナルファンタジーXIV: モグステーション-
    Click "Manage Service Options"

    Click "Enter Recruitment Code"

    Enter code: 4J2FKHQZ

    What you get:

    Friendship Circlet: EXP +20% when level 25 and below.

    Aetheryte Ticket x 99: Free teleport

    Ballroom Etiquette: unlock the exclusive emote: The Fist Bump

    10 Silver Chocobo Feathers: Trade to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special weapons and armor

  19. #19
    CODE :
    1: PWT82C6M
    2: Q4ETXACB
    3: 4F4HM88R
    4: Z6FRQVQJ
    5: QSKTQ8H5
    6: 7U26GQFJ
    7: R6CDT6KN
    8: ER6639NE

    Must use the code before buying sub time or you dont get the rewards.
    Come try out the new expansion that just launched!

    Instructions for redeeming a code:

    1 - Create a Square Enix account.
    2 - Log into the Mog Station.
    3 - Enter the game code you got when you bought the game.
    4 - Click on "Manage Service Options"
    5 - Click the button that says "Enter Recruitment Code"[/I]
    6 - Enter the code above!
    7 - ENJOY!

    You'll receive:

    > - Friendship Circlet: Increases EXP earned by 20% when below level 25.
    > - Aetheryte Ticket x 99: Use in place of gil for teleports.
    > - Ballroom Etiquette: Fist Bump emote.
    > - 10 Silver Chocobo Feathers: Trade to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items.
    Read more at Recruit a Friend Codes - Offers and Requests - Page 15 — Forums
    Last edited by dthanzo; 10-01-2019 at 10:58 PM. Reason: new code

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