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Thread: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed

    The Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival is currently running in Las Vegas and to open up the event Yoshida came with the big announcement of what would be 3.0 for Final Fantasy XIV. The first expansion in their successful relaunched MMO will be coming Spring 2015 as Heavensward. The focus of the expansion looks to be the north lands of Ishgard. It will be a massive new area opened up to the player reportedly being an addition of content equal to the original relaunched ARR. The story focus will be on the war Ishgard has with the dragons, which has already been teased repeatedly throughout the story and current patches.

    More information is going to be released at the Europe Fan Festival and likely the Japan one as well. But this is what they've announced so far.

    A new level cap of 60 which will be across the board to all classes, even crafting and gathering ones.
    A new race which will be male and female.
    New jobs.
    New Primals with one original primal never seen before in a FF game.
    More High End Raids.
    Floating Land Masses, the Floating Continent a FFVI reference was teased.
    The Free Company Airship construction will be coming and a big focus on Airships throughout the life of 3.0 to 4.0.
    New gear and recipes.
    Chocobo Forest was mentioned.
    New Beastmen and dailies.
    A mature and darker story.
    A lot of new dungeons, more than 3 or 4.
    The Wyrmking and Twelve Knights were mentioned for the story, with teases of the Knights of the Round, FFVII reference.
    The new city will be split into two sections a upper and lower levels where the poor are below and the nobles or wealthy or on top.
    Lands will expand beyond Coerthas into Dravanian territory.

    Source: New Classes, Race Coming In Final Fantasy XIV 3.0, Heavensward
    Attached Images Attached Images Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed-ffxivarr30logo-jpg 
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  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    A new race which will be male and female.
    A hermophrodite race?

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed Andromeda's Avatar
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    You know what I mean, Rowan. There will be playable male and playable female genders for the new races, no gender restrictions like in 1.0.
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  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    You know what I mean, Rowan. There will be playable male and playable female genders for the new races, no gender restrictions like in 1.0.
    There hasnt been any gender restrictions for a long time Im guessing though. Has there been any info released on what the race will be like? You cant change the race of your character either, can you? So you'd have to make a new character in order to play as the new race, right?

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Revealed Andromeda's Avatar
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    There is nothing known about the new race other than that Yugiri, the new NPC from 2.3 is the new race. But she is heavily clothed and masked, which won't be revealed until 2.5 Yoshi said. There are phials of fantasia that will be able to change your race. You get one or two free from just subscribing and I'm going to guess that they'll hand out another one for people that want to change to the new race when it becomes available. They won't force you to create a new character for the new race to play it.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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