Yoshida met with the community manager for the forums to answer questions coming from the English speaking fans. The live stream was translated live in English with a translator. The follow two events for FFXIV Wednesday and Thursday are both in Japanese.
Personal housing has been confirmed by Yoshida that they want it in before Patch 2.4, with them thinking 2.38.
Frontlines will be in the Coerthas area and open up some areas that were previously affected by Bahamut giving players a bit view of what happened to some of the more damaged and closed off areas.
Open world FATE like Primals are still planned, but they are still trying to working on it.
Marriage will have no restrictions, ie same sex marriages are allowed (Loco, I'm looking at you).
Rogue and Ninja are confirmed jobs coming.
Shiva will be built up and teased in 2.3 storyline as her role in the main story and history is deep.
Queue for dungeons with Chocobo in party is still being worked on, but is harder than the community might think to make it work.
Hug and slap emotes coming soon.
Brutal modes for the Coil fights will be coming, pretty sure it's 2.3, the Brutal are the original difficulty that even the devs could not complete. It will require completion of the current version before that can be played and for the Second Coil will have the same lockout as the existing and it must be picked normal or brutal for that week.
Free Company quests might be coming 2.4 to give FC more group content.
Specialized stats for weapons are in consideration, much like ones found in FFXI, i.e. +10 Shield Bash.
The Airship workshop concept art was previewed with it be very large.
A dueling feature is in consideration.
Further advances in the Zodiak weapons will introduce appearance changes with the end goal of the weapons be like Excalibur like weapons from other FF games.
The UI lead would like custom HUD for different jobs.
Source: Final Fantasy XIV E3 Letter from The Producer Live Recap, Artwork and Video | DualShockers