For those that remember, during TGS Square Enix ran a contest for players to challenge the hard mode version of Titan. Every time Titan was defeated one of the many worlds in FFXIV would be drawn at random. The winning world would gain the earring. By the time that the contest ended they had given out two earrings to every world, a cactuar earring and a bomb earring. Both of these will be available to all players for purchase at the starting towns for 1 gil. The moogle NPCs will appear on October 15th and remain in the world until Patch 2.1 comes out, which currently has no release date.
The locations of the moogles are:
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:8, Y:13)
Old Gridania (X:10, Y:6)
Ul'dah: Merchant's Strip - Steps of Thal (X:11, Y:11)
Source: FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Distribution of Tokyo Game Show 2013 Cactuar Lottery Items (10/10/2013)