There is a lot of things to do in FFXIV. And we don't really have a place to just talk about what we've done in the game. So this thread will be for talking about the last things you saw in the game or succeeded. Something big that happened or something you're excited about having done or going to do. More of a general chat on the game and what you've been up to.
The most recent things for me has been fighting Titan. I've beaten him twice so far. I played it with no one I knew once and we died like 30 times before someone called it a day and then we all did. Then, I started up another duty finder and we won after a few attempts. It was tight, but we did it. Then I played it again later with Phinn and we won after a few attempts as well. The Titan fight is so much fun. Both Primal battles have been great, though Titan really stepped up the challenge and focus you need. You can't do it without having complete attention to what Titan is doing at all times.
I'm working towards Garuda, who's been the talk of the story right now. However, I've finally hit the level requirement wall. After doing something like 40 or 50 quests without concern for my level. I've finally reached the point where I can't progress in the story without leveling more. Plus I saw that the Garuda fight is a lv 44 to 46 battle. So I've got a lot of leveling I need to do.
The other big note is that I got my miner up to lv 20. So I can start making some money.