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Thread: Tactics War of Lions

  1. #1
    I'm the one and only ace here! Tactics War of Lions Tidus1872's Avatar
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    Tactics War of Lions

    Maybe I shouldn't be saying this but whatever. The first FFT for PS1 has a job points glitch. I know it's sad but I like playing the first one because of that glitch. I've played the second one and it's great with the added characters and all that, but you can't master jobs when you're level one. So I'm wondering, which is better to play? PS1 where you can get every ability near the start of the game or PSP where there's more to do?

  2. #2
    True Master of Darkness Tactics War of Lions Noctis Lucis Caelum's Avatar
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    I prefer the PSP version even though it is hard its fun to do a lot more for all the abilities.

  3. #3
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Tactics War of Lions T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Both are nice, but I'm inclining over the PSP version for several reasons:

    • Portability. Both are now technically portable, but one only requires you to buy it and that's it. The other requires you to buy it online, download it to your Mem Stick, and then pray it works (and even more if you're using a PSX emulator, but those are other issues).
    • Expanded options. Onion Knight and Dark Knight aren't the only new things. The new items, the new missions, and the expanded unit list (something I find most enjoyable) make it worthwhile. Luso is good if you get it, if only because it has ingrained Poaching and you can learn Ultima faster through him (aside from having a second chance to learn Ultima). Plus, he's a second Ramza; if you have two builds to try, you can do so. Or, if you wish to try a new setup for Ramza but you don't want to neglect the old one. Balthier is a less powerful version of Orland(ea)u, since it allows you to have a pumped Thief, along with the Engineer/Machinist, and another class at the same time, with the ability to wear shields, and natural use of guns which make it all the more worthwhile. Plus, Barrage; 'nuff said.
    • Revamped translation. While the fix towards Old English is a nice touch, the fact that the story now makes a little bit more sense makes it worthwhile. Plus, the CGIs; they add a new layer of replayability to some scenes. You'll see if you get the game and get Balthier. Oh, not to mention some vocals, as well.
    • Melee and Rendezvous mode; aka, cooperative and competition options. You can cooperate for prizes, or pretty much face each other and test how build X compares to build Y (and finally test your build skills are better than your pals' build skills). A catch, though: it's only local wireless, so if you don't have a nearby friend, you can't participate.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Tactics War of Lions Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    I really like the cutscenes in the PSP-version, but as I can just watch them on YouTube, I'm happy to stick with the PS-version. The new classes and quests are a nice addition, too. The PSP's new translation is fabulous, but unfortunately too fabulous for me to understand. I already had trouble understanding the going-on's in the original one and now I should learn this poetic Old English. (+ me likes the glitch, too, fufufu)

    No, sir, I think I'll be sticking to the old version.

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    The only and I mean only thing I dislike about the the PSP version is how slow it is when you cast a spell. Other then that, I like the PSP version way way better.
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  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Tactics War of Lions Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    I have played both and both have their flaws. But when it comes to myself older is always better, so I have to go wit FFT for the PSX..

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  7. #7
    I will live forever or DIE TRYING! Tactics War of Lions Myst's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    I enjoy the PSP version over the PSX, only because of the portability. I have other things to do and a portable game is great. Especially FFT. It's like why I haven't been able to get very far in Persona 4, there is so much to do in the game yet I don't have to much time to sit down and play it T_T

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  8. #8

    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    The PSP version really only sounds bearable to me because of Cut-scenes and maybe voice acting. Maybe some extras

    I HATE the translation though. I got used to all the names and even liked them, now they changed them all and it was really unneeded. Wanted a closer translation did you? Then play the Japanese version. Was it really sooooooooo terrible that "Orran Durai" was called Olan Durai (Oh the humanity!!!), mediator to orator (seriously?) and Holy stones are now Holy "auracite" (cause we need more of that garbage)

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxo View Post
    I really like the cutscenes in the PSP-version, but as I can just watch them on YouTube, I'm happy to stick with the PS-version. The new classes and quests are a nice addition, too. The PSP's new translation is fabulous, but unfortunately too fabulous for me to understand. I already had trouble understanding the going-on's in the original one and now I should learn this poetic Old English. (+ me likes the glitch, too, fufufu)

    No, sir, I think I'll be sticking to the old version.
    God, and if what this person says is true about now everything is in Old English this remake can go straight to the trash. I don't need to be pissed off every time they say something like o'er rather than OVER just because every old english person has a damn lisp or has to add imagery to everything.
    I'm having enough of that crap from FFXII at the moment
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  9. #9
    Star of the FF Show Tactics War of Lions Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    Ahh this was a great i spent soo many hours playing this never got bored of it
    So many jobs, the story was really gd so was the cast, liked the battle system as well.

    Also the bosses with hidden HP was quite challenging too

  10. #10
    Jack of all trades Tactics War of Lions Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: Tactics War of Lions

    I like both versions but like the PSP version more becasue of the new classes and the cutscenes.

    Hi there were Red Mages. We can hurt you with our Black Magic and heal you with our white Magic just so we can kick your asses some more. If we run out of MP or is just bored we can shank you with our sword. No need to waste your slots on a Black or White Mage since we can do both and more. So what if our stats aren't good or we can't use the best Magic of either classes, we can still hold our own far better than those two. Did we forget we also have a pimp hat and a badass feather on it. Our outfit's color is the same as your blood that is about to be spilled the second you fight us.Muhahahhaha Blue Mages,Dragoons,Monks, all of the classes don't got shit on us. Were just that good.

  11. #11
    Registered User Tactics War of Lions Martial Master's Avatar
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    Here's a question: the PSP version is available on Android, and I got a Kindle Fire for christmas. Is it worth picking up War Of the Lions for that? Specifically, did they fix the problems with slowdown that plagued the PSP version and basically made it unplayable to me? Thanks if anyone can tell me yes or no.

    Edit: As of 1/3/17, I bought the Adntroid version for the tablet on Play Store to find a resounding YES. The slowdown has been fixed, and the resolution is amazing. I think the android version is the best way to play this game, even if touch controls are sometimes spotty.
    Last edited by Martial Master; 01-09-2017 at 07:58 PM.
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