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Thread: Raising Agrias

  1. #1
    Consistently Average Raising Agrias Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Raising Agrias

    So Agrias recently became a permanent member of my party, and I was wondering what jobs/abilties you guys give her. Of her Holy Knight abilities she only has Hallowed Bolt to go before she's mastered it, so I just wanted to get a few ideas in order to maximise her potential. 100% accurate, no mp cost or charge time, ranged attacks are too good to pass up

    And I understand Balthier is a better Mustadio? I've never really used story characters, other than Ramza, so any tricks you guys can give would be great.
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  2. #2
    Chief Inspiring Officer Raising Agrias Cyanist's Avatar
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    Eh, I was at a loss when Agrias mastered as well, kinda wished they'd made more abilities for her job class, but then, all of them are already pretty awesome...
    I would like to go with a longer range job-class, that's truly the only thing I disliked. She's like a tank, powerful, but slow, and is often left behind when my other characters surge forward on the field, leaving her to pick at the left-overs.
    It's a problem that her Holy Sword abilities can't be used without a knight sword equipped, so if you go mage AND want her to be able to use an A-ability of Holy Sword, she'll suffer from lack of a rod. (That's not um... ugh...never mind, pressing on) assuming you've given her Equip sword, of course. I'm tempted to go with the thief job right away, the extra movement squares are appealing, but at this point it's probably best to go with the knight job, it'll help her physical attack and HP growth. AFTER that you should go Thief and then Geomancer to further her attack, which will lend itself to her Holy Sword attacks even more!
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  4. #4
    I stopped using Agrias, mostly because for her being what seemed like twice as slow as everyone else she doesn't have any stats to make up for it. Orlandu is basically Agrias+1 anyways lol

  5. #5
    Consistently Average Raising Agrias Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrus34 View Post
    I stopped using Agrias, mostly because for her being what seemed like twice as slow as everyone else she doesn't have any stats to make up for it. Orlandu is basically Agrias+1 anyways lol
    If you do the Tynar Rouge sidequest and give it to Agrias she'll have auto Haste (and Shell and Protect) which makes up for her low speed. And I agree, Orlandeau + Exaclibur = instant win lol
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  6. #6
    Spoony Bard
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    Neither here nor there, but the thread's title--Raising Agrias--sounds like a great Final Fantasy Tactics sitcom spin-off.

    Mr. and Mrs. Oaks get a divorce and are convicted of heresy by the Church of Glabados. Agrias Oaks is sent to Orbonne Monastery to be raised by her grandmother, which ultimately influences her decision to become a Holy Knight.
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  7. #7
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Raising Agrias T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    In the PSX version of FFT, Agrias makes the best Thief to get Elmdor's Genji equipment. Naturally, she can equip both the Barette that protects her from most status effects, and also the Chantage to prevent her from dying, not to mention wearing decent equipment to protect her from attacks. The extra bonuses from being a named NPC make her survivable when the rest of the party is taken down, and being a female, she's immune to the Assassin's charming ability.

    Otherwise, Agrias makes a fair White Mage, being that she knows already a lot of spells from the list (or started with them), and being a female she makes a decent spellcaster. Holy Knight allows her to wear robes, so she ends up with good MP, and she can get Short Charge/Swiftness to cast spells faster. Since, IIRC, MA affects the power of Holy Sword skills, she ends up being pretty powerful in that regard. Otherwise, it's mostly a judgment call. She doesn't have any abilities that require MP, nor she's gauged heavily towards PA, so Monk isn't gonna be as effective as putting that on Orland(ea)u or Ramza.

    As for Balthier: he's to Mustadio what Orland(ea)u is to Agrias. Not only does he have all Engineer Aim skills, but also more effective theft skills, and Barrage is a fair way to use Guns. Not only that: he wields guns naturally, so he'll most likely attack from a distance, and yet, he has enough Speed to make a good Ninja, or simply ruin people by using Battle Skill/Art of War at a distance to disable people. He can even make a nice Monk, though mostly to heal (and mostly because Monk is a great skill).
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