Where to begin...
Story: The story in this game is one of the deepest in all of Final Fantasy. Corruption, betrayal, friendship, love, and heartache. That is all just from one character. The story keeps you guessing as to who will be an ally and who will be an enemy.
Classes: The only class that they added to the game that can be used by all characters is the Dark Knight. They changed Gafgarion's class to Fell Knight. The Dark Knight has the same abilities as the old Dark Knight, where it drains HP or MP, but it also gives a few new abilities that are amazing. Finally, Ramza can be a class that uses Sword Magic.
Additions: There are some battles that are added to give the story some more depth and challenge. They also added a couple new characters that will join your party with unique classes.
Another bonus they did was make cutscenes with voice acting. It was a nice change to give a voice to Delita.