I played the whole game with lightning, but after I used Fang, because she helps me take down adamantoises with NO PROBLEM! Ahaha.
Your mom.
As we all know, your party leader is the most important part of your party as if your party leader dies it's game over, and you can only use special abilities of the character that is your party leader. Every character also has a different summon as well. So who do you usually go with?
I used Lightning for the entire story part of the game. After I beat the game and needed to farm Adamantoise, I started using Vanille for her Death spell. My current party leader is Fang, however. As she can put out some amazing damage with genji gloves+highwind. It really makes things a lot easier to be able to use highwind endgame. As far as I know, she's the best damage dealer. She also has pretty good hp.
Do any of you find that you base making your party leader around what class you want to choose commands for? I don't really like maining as a SEN unless I have to because I hate having to challenge things seperately whereas support party members will challenge every mob without it being a hassle.
I played the whole game with lightning, but after I used Fang, because she helps me take down adamantoises with NO PROBLEM! Ahaha.
I have been using Fang since I hit pulse. I found it easier getting her seperate from the others. So when she is a sen, the others dont get splash damage.
Scene from a movie.
Well, right now I have Fang as my party leader, with Hope and Lightning as my supporting characters. Only problems I've had with that is when Fang switches to being a Sentinel, and all the baddies start attacking her, and my healer doesn't do his job properly. >> I've had some close calls, but luckily I used up a few potions until Hope finally got in the mood to do what I need him to.
Click at your own risk.:
I've been using Lightning for as much as possible.
For awhile, I used Fang, and even against the Final Boss. But, I don't have the Genji Gloves, so I cannot take advantage or her supposed rape damage. Army of One is useful once the enemy is staggered, as it really rises the Stagger meter possibly 200% in 5 seconds.
I used Hope just a little bit not too long ago, but his small amount of HP caused me to get killed by one of the marks. It was against a bunch of Goblins, and I couldn't heal myself in time. Lightning and Fang aren't exactly the best healers... >_>
My party is currently Lightning, Hope, and Fang. It just appeals to me, and seems quite balanced. Even though Fang's physicals beat Hope's magic, but Hope is invaluable to me with that 3000 Magic stat.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
I use lightening, her running annoys me the least - I'd love to use Vanille but she runs like a gimp
My team consists of
Lightening (Leader)
and I only ever use :
Don't think Ive ever used anything else...
Last edited by Serah; 04-06-2010 at 08:36 AM.
Wishes aren't enough, prayers either ... I'm making a promise ...
I've switched between having Fang and Lightning as my leaders.
My parties have been switched around too, when Lightning is my Leader, I tend to use Fang and Hope. If I have Fang as the leader, I tend to use Sazh and Vanille.
Its what has worked for me up until this point. I find that I can't have one set party. With some fights and some marks its easier to have the different classes.
Very true! But it annoys me very much that you can't create and save item sets. You have to switch around your party a lot to get the best results and rearrange all their equipment and then set up paradigms all over again.
And before every fight you have to open your menu and set up the paradigm you want to start the battle with for the best results. That's quite annoying. I'd like to spend less time in the menu and more time kicking ass.
Mine is Lightening cos she kicks butt, but I think I might switch to Fang soon she is a pretty tough cookie![]()
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I haven't played this game yet, But i always goes for the main character as party leader, In this case Lightning.
I have always goed with that, Don't know why, I geuss it's just so.
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Used Lightning for the most part of the game, but now that I'm taking down Adamantoises I am using Fang as my party leader because of her Highwind ability. It really comes in handy. When I'm not killing Adamantoises though Lightning is leading the way with Fang and Hope.
Wanna Know More:
Snow is my favorite character on the game so I use him. My party is Snow, Lightning, and Hope. I go for a powerhouse team. I have Hope sit back and heal, or go to synergist and boost my shit. Wit Snow, and Lightning I go Commando-Commando, Ravager-Ravager, or Commando-Ravager(and opposite). I have not used Fang once other than the times when I had to use her.
I like using Hope, my team is Lighting, Fang & Hope. Hope is my awesome magic dude and healer, and i feel i have more/better control using hope as a medic as the AI is useless
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I switched to Fang as my party leader as soon as the option was available. I'll set other characters as lead for specific tasks/battles (like Death spam) but other than that, Fang's pretty much my permanent leader. Even tanking boss battles or massive crowd control as a SEN 95% of the time if something goes wrong she's still the last one standing. XD
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
I've used everybody but Hope; I don't know why I haven't had Hope as my lead. I like to give everybody love and to use different party set-ups to keep things fresh. As to whom I used the most? Vanille, Sazh, Snow, and Fang all have around the same amount of time being the leader - this is all rough estimates. Lightning I have used the least as a leader.
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I have Lightning right now, and I can't change my party leader....
....Yet. :3
But when I do get my chance, the first thing I'm gonna do is set Sazh as the leader.
Sazh as a Synergist is probably the best thing ever, next to Fang and Hope. And for, uhhhhh.... having a chocobo in his hair.
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
Fang or Lightning. Depends on my party setup. If I'm fighting things that tend to cause large ammounts of hurt, I usually run Fang (leader as a Sentinel/Comando), Lightning (Comando/Ravager/Medic), and Snow (Sentinel/Synergist/Commando)
For anything I don't need to tank, I usually use Lightning as a leader, just because the CPUs act like complete idiots with the healing. Seriously, Fang as leader in the red with three things running at her, and CPU Lightning decides it's a good time to heal Snow. Meanwhile Snow stands in a corner Mediguarding in no danger of dying anyways... but hey, at least he has his health in the green when we lose!
Of course that's not to say I like the way the computer plays Sentinels either... I didn't spend hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million gil upgrading Gae Bolg to tier 3 so you could rely on Steelguard and Medigaurd, ****ing counter something!
For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.
For battles that require Fang's power, I play as her just before the fight. For grinding with the Death method, I play as Vanille for a while., But for the whole majority of the game I use Hope, as you all might have guessed. Why? Hope is quite simply my favorite character to have ever been made, so it pains me [not] to play as him. D= Plus, using magic in battle is fun, too, instead of just attacking -> Highwind. ^_~
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
Fang has been my party leader since i was able to make teams she just feels more better than lightning as a commando
I've always used Lightning as my main party leader.
She's awesome![]()
I said your mom just for the fun of it lol. Seriously though it changed between Fang and Lightning. Once Lightning got One Army I used her though.
None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.
My TFF family
Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
Ruin-My bro working in the military
Nickness89-My brother from another mother
angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
I always set Light at the lead. Fang was next in line if I felt like mixing it up a little. Besides, of all the playable characters, Light was easily my favorite. Too bad Raines wasn't playable though, that would've made my day.
Last edited by CrazedMonkey; 08-19-2013 at 07:55 PM.
You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.
Lightning of course, I used Fang too but that is so I can use Lightning's Army of one, and Lightning is just too cool)