View Poll Results: How Did You Like This Final Fantasy Game?

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  • Crazy About It!

    35 50.00%
  • Could Take It or Leave It..

    25 35.71%
  • Hated It!

    10 14.29%
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Thread: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

  1. #31
    Registered User What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    i actually like this game dispite alot of people putting it down for being very linear in the first part of the game.....yet it makes more sence this way, as your hated by most, so it wouldn't make sence if you could just stroll around lots and wave to the locals

  2. #32
    黒い翼の天使 What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? yuki's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    i think the game is great
    and for anyone that says it changed from the other ff .. yeah let it change you dont like to repeat the sama thing over and over ........
    change is good that mean the game wont lose to other games in the play way

    and let someone say the graphic isnt good its actually beyond great ..
    and for the story its graet any one how plays the game second time ithink well agree

    and im still head over heels for the game ...

  3. #33
    Rabanastran What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    The battle system is tedious and boring, to me there is no excitement at all. I haven' t understood the idea of auto battle in any game, who wants a game that plays itself?

    The environment are beautiful, and in some places vast, but I don't like the general esthetics of this game, something feels off, like Oerba.

    The cutscenes. Beautiful. Character interaction? They pretty much just hold one big "emotional" self realization speech after the other. Abit into the game they just start repeating themselves. The story has potential, I like the deal about the L'cie and Fal'cie, it's a shame that there is this stiffness to the characters. They feel uncomfortable somehow. (And I don't mean in the way that they feel worried about their "mission" but that they're awkwardly executed.) Except Sazh I really like Sazh and his flattened afro and chocobo sidekick. Something's strangely nostalgic about his goofy character traits.

    The soundtrack however - I love most of it, and Lightning's design, I wish she had more unf, because the more I play the more I realize what a bland character she is, sadly.

    In my opinion, FFXIII is linear, tedious - and a disappointment.


    Haha I don't really have a lot of valid arguments I'm sorry, I just don't like this game. It's nice to see that a lot of people has a liking in it however. I guess I'm bitterly experiencing something that's just not my cup of tea, which I haven't in an FF except for FFVIII, which still was pretty okay with it's dialogue and character interaction making up for everything else.
    "I don't think I have what it takes to make a good action game. I think I'm better at telling a story."
    Hironobu Sakaguchi

  4. #34

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    This game is freaking awesome. I am currently playing it right now and loving it so much. Yeah it is a bit linear and yeah it is pretty laid out but I think the whole game is just fantastic. Everything about this game is impressing me so far and I must say that the more I am playing it the more addicting it is becoming

  5. #35

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    I'm not quite sure about the game...
    I bought it when it first came out and I was really into it the first few days. But when I came to Grand Pulse, everything changed. Suddenly, I didn't follow the story anymore and I was more into hunting monsters and trying to level my characters. The story didn't matter anymore.
    After playing for about 30 hours, just running ahead, with nothing to explore, Grand Pulse was just so... huge!
    At the end, after I played for ~70 hours - which took me 4 months! - I decided to come to the end... and then I realized: "Oh, nothing really happened while I was on my missions..." Seriously, at the end I had the feeling it was all clear - how it would end, what would happen. And all the characters said and thought was still the same.
    In my opinion, the game stopped to be interesting in Grand Pulse, when all characters had their story and their paths which they followed. They just said the same things (like "We have to face destiny and fulfill our focus, destroy Orphan, etc.") and didn't develop anymore. That was quite sad.

    So I'd say: I loved the game at the beginning, but I began to get tired of it since Grand Pulse. So... I don't love it and I don't hate it. It's just... yeah, it's just FFXIII. .-."

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  6. #36
    Registered User What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    It's a good game, overall. Fun to play with some challenging battles and an interesting story. The characters were a bit... weird, to me. I didn't really like them at first, whereas I'm typically in love with FF characters as soon as I start playing. The battle system was... flawed, in my opinion. It's severely frustrating when your leader dies and, even though both of your other party members are alive and well, it's game over. I think being able to switch the leader mid-battle would have been awesome. I think that maybe adding in free movement in battle would have been an awesome step in this game. It's irritating to sit there powerless while a boss just continuously beats on your character and you can't even dodge. Like I said, though, overall, awesome game. I enjoy playing it and, as always, the story keeps you interested (even if it is kinda predictable...)

  7. #37

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    Personally, the beginning really bored me, the battle system was beyond my comprehension for the first 25 minutes. Then, I started to explore in the battle menu and found the "Abilities" button, and I used the little clicky noise that it makes to entertain me for the boring first 15 hours of the game. Then I started to understand the story, and from there I got hooked. Some bosses were ridiculously hard, and others, not so much. The cast was great, except for Hope, I grew to hate him right from the beginning. The graphics were brilliant, even though it lagged a bit for me during some parts (does that happen to anyone else? Note: I'm on an xbox 360 console.) I found myself stopping just to look at the beautiful scenery.

    The story was good, well in my opinion. Yes, it could've been better, but it was a good way to entertain myself for about 60-80 hours. I find that people tend to criticize a bit too much about this game, you have to look at what the game has. Yes, it was a bit confusing, but if you waited long enough everything would start making sense. For example, in a movie the story doesn't unfold immediately, they slowly introduce each concept, and then explain it later on. I used my curiosity to keep me playing.

    Some things I didn't like were, first of all, HOPE. That kid got on my nerves from the beginning, his plot to kill Hope, his ignoring Lightning's advice, his arrogance at times, simply annoyed me. Another thing I didn't like was the Crystarium, I found myself skipping a lot of the orbs because of the menu. It also required a lot of grinding once you got to Gran Pulse if you wanted to stand a chance against the more frightening enemies.

    Nonetheless, it was a great game in my opinion.

  8. #38
    Registered User What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

  9. #39
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    The cutscene between the first orphan battle and the second one was the most stupid CS I have ever seen. And I had to turn down the volume cause It didn't sound right.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  10. #40
    Registered User What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    The ending wasn't that much of a surprise because in most FF's somebody dies in some shape or form. The story was good, straight forward enough when you pay attention. I did like FF XIII and it is one of my favourites (although I could say that about most of the games in the series)

    "One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them -"

    "Hey dude! Wrong place! This isn't The Lord of the Rings."

    "Really? Are you sure . . . I mean . . ."

    "I'm sure now go! Yeah now get out of the spotlight. I have some Deepground soldiers to shoot."

  11. #41

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    It was interesting enough that I finished it, which is more than I can say for FFXII and FFVIII.

    There are certain characters that seemed to make or break parts of this game. Lightning and Sazh were fine, Snow got better as things went, I just barely put up with Vanilles stupidity (and horrible lisp), Fang and Hope were terrible as characters (sadly the best as team members).

    The story takes a long time to pick up, especially since It starts abruptly with a battle that you know nothing about (but the characters do, brush it off and of coarse explain nothing) then it seems to get dead for awhile. Eventually some character development happen (some good: Sazh, some bad:Hope & Fang)

    The battle system is terrible and even once you get the hang of quick and decisive paradigm shifts it gets incredibly annoying to see them do the poses while they're being beaten in tough battles (this got so annoying for me I try to time shifts while they are in air so it doesn't show them one by one doing a stupid pose)

    Compared to almost any other Final Fantasy though (except the horrible XII) it falls short on almost all categories except, of coarse, graphics. It was good enough to play once and I might play additionally for some trophies but I probably won't play the story again for a long time.
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

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  12. #42
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    yea, and the hunts were repeditive.

    I mean... a sahagin for 3 hunts?!?!
    The last hunt is freaking retarded and not hard at all...
    Poision, heal...done in 6 minutes.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  13. #43

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    i love ff13 iit is one hell of an awesome game. the story line is brillent and the game is execilent and the graphics are just amazing.what i love about this game is the paradigm shift idea it is great.and the upgrading of the weapons is great and the battles are just wicked.there is not much i can say about this game its more then words i think the game and story is more then i can say.thank to the people who like these games are a really true final fantasy player.good on those people who have commented on this game they say they like it you are a true final fantasy fan lol.

  14. #44
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    Don't disregard me saying I'm not a FFfan because I don't like it...>.>

    I played all of them other than 11... and getting 14 for ps3...
    Jk... in a sense.

    anyways, I like the game, just that it doesn't match the FF anme, better if not a FF game

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  15. #45

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    I am helping my missus through this game we are not finished yet but near the end of the story and the game is just so awesome it is unbelievable. The graphics are just mind blowing I have been helping my missus and I still can't get my head around how good it looks. It is very original and the Crystarium and the Pardigm shift features are mega cool. Can't wait to see the end and get stuck into the extras!!!

  16. #46

    Re: What Did You Really Think of the FFXIII?

    Didn't like when things were not clearly explained (took awhile for me to know the difference between L'cie, Fal'cie and Cieth and other such things)

    Vanilles lisp coupled with her retarded stupidity made me want to knock her out. When I could ignore it she was ok.

    Fangs "Jump in at the last moment just to be an OP character" was annoying

    Hated everything about Hope

    Lightning and Sazh were likable. Snow became bearable.
    Story was ok. Mostly linear areas was disheartening.

    Overall the game warranted a first play through and certainly wasn't a complete disaster *cough*FFXII*cough* and Trophies made the game have some lingerings to keep playing. Graphics were good battles mostly flowed cept when everyone needlessly stop to pose and change roles. If I had to give the game a # score I would give it.


    EDIT: sorry didn't realize I already posted
    Last edited by Dan558; 01-15-2011 at 06:05 PM.
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

    -"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)

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