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Thread: Only one way to fight bosses

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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Only one way to fight bosses Rowan's Avatar
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    Only one way to fight bosses

    I think this is something that bothered me most about the game. Bosses could only be defeated using select few stratagies. By that, I mean theres only 1 real way of dealing with them that will be the same as everyone else (until late game where 'death' and other cheap abilities become available).

    I only realised this when I had to look up stratagies for some bosses. If I even attempted to use any other class of character than what was sugguested, I would lose. If I tried to do it my way, I would eventually die. You cannot get your characters any stronger than what the crystarium would allow for certain parts in the game, so you must rely on stratagy. I believe there is only a single strategy per boss.

    Did anyone else find this?

  2. #2
    I wouldn't exactly say its impossible to finish the bosses with a limited crystarium. I finished off most of them just using a basic strategy of rav/rav/com and switching to rav/med/com when down on health. The only ones I really had to think about how to eliminate the enemy as easily as possible was the eidolons and barthandelus.

  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Only one way to fight bosses

    It didn't bother me. Not really. It was a bugger to work it out alone once or twice, but it added challenge for me. There are other ways to defeat them though - not just one way. Just one way is easier and quicker.

    It's like trying to defeat Ifrit in FFVIII with just Attacks instead of Shiva. One way is going to work a hell of a lot faster and more efficient than the other.

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  4. #4

    Re: Only one way to fight bosses

    It was more a case of thinking about your paradigms, and making sure they were well rounded and took advantage of your charactes particular strengths. There were always certain tactics that i'd use such as Com/Rav/Med, or Com/Rav/Rav.

    Most bosses have a weakness and if you use Libra on them to find out what it at the start of the fight it makes them alot easier.

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