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Thread: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

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  1. #1
    Nobody Shaves Me Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots Gummy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Oh okay, I'm not one to dribble over graphics everyday, but some of the new FFXIII-2 shots are truly dribble-worthy. Especially if, like me, you get very excited for mini-games.

    Loving the rain on the ground effects, mannn. Overall fabulous.

    It's like...Bladerunner. <3


    Mini-games in space?

    Gold Saucer 2011.

    An actually golden Chocobo?

    The walk-ways remind of Estar (spelt?).

    Dojo, Casino, it's all in the mind!

    Hmm, name is familiar!

    Start the clock!

    Hope has become a man.


    More at NeoGaf. Which was the source. Dunno about you guys, but I'm impressed.

    Only real criticism is the Chocobo racing doesn't seem to have advanced much from FFVII, but who knows. Maybe it is more fun that it appears, one screenshot is too little to go by.

    Just happy to see the return of the mini-games. Sadly makin' me more likely to buy the game.

  2. #2
    Riding the waves of adventure Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots RainingOasis's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Is that a town I see? (rubs eyes) Yes, yes it is!! Awesome!! It's going to be really cool to be able to play mini-games again. I wonder if they changed the way you buy things in the game also, maybe you have to go into the stores to buy stuff now. Anyways the town looks really cool, love the rain effect also. Hopefully they incorporate the rain in battle also.
    Enjoying the ride of life, one adventure at a time

  3. #3
    Nobody Shaves Me Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots Gummy's Avatar
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    Sep 2011

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Yes, there are towns in this one. At least two, I think. Your eyes are right.
    That would be nice. It's a little strange buying things from save points, huh? Poor ol' npc were put outta business.

  4. #4
    .............. Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots smurphy's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Final Fantasy going back to the cyberpunk.....ish of old like VIII and VII. Since I wasnt excited before I may be just a little bit now that they have added ambience and some atmosphere. I especially love that parts of it look esthar-esque. Now all they need is the pink and sky blue colour palette. And to completely rejig the gameplay and characters of course. But I guess its a step in the right direction.
    "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
    Winston S.Churchill

  5. #5
    Riding the waves of adventure Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots RainingOasis's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Yeah it was a little weird, there's something about going into a store and buying stuff that makes it all worthwhile. I guess the npcs were rioting and that's why they were put back in the game haha (little final fantasy joke) As long as there's towns in this game I'll be happy.
    Enjoying the ride of life, one adventure at a time

  6. #6

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Looks too damn futuristic for my taste. But if I hear enough good reviews by credible people, not silly fanboys just drooling over graphics, I'll give it a shot. If there are towns, that makes it better.
    Currently Playing: Final Fantasy

    Up Next: Final Fantasy II

  7. #7

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Towns? Hope has grown up? Choocobo races? Did i mention towns?

    This must be amazing! Now I really can`t wait for Versus.
    I apologize if you was like this '''' . If i made any gramar, spelling or any other stupid mistakes, i`m sorry

  8. #8

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    I'm very excited! Why can't January the 31st hurry up?

    I'm a Hope fan...Oh my..

  9. #9

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    looks so cool
    if you live a creative life you will live a long and happy life

  10. #10

    Re: Magnificent New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

    Yes i agree with you there the pictures look awesome and the walkways do look famieler to ff8 in ester. i can't wait for ff13-2 to come out i have put a 5 pound deposit down so when it come out i will be the first one early in the morning to go into town and get it. The graphics look awesome i'm glad some of the characters come back and i'm glad hope is grown up and not as whiny as he used to be. i love the pics you have put on here the effect of the rain looks fantastic i just cant believe how good the the graphics are and the rain is just mind blowing. i'm playing ff13 now and hopefully i will have it completed for next year then i can start ff13-2. i sorta hope they can make the bosses a bit eaiser and at the beguinning of the game i hope you can choose easy or normal before you play it. that would be good but proberly there wont be anything like that will they. the chocobo reacing will be pritty cool and its good that you can get a gold one again i bet its better then ff7 chocobo racing. and the game like the arcade will be fun to play. anyhow i'm looking forward to ff13-2 coming out next year febuary 3rd.i'll be looking forward to doing everything in that game the chocobo racing the arcades the fights. its all going to be one amazing game.
    Last edited by joleine taylor; 12-07-2011 at 01:29 PM. Reason: spell check

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