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Thread: The LR ending, what do you think? (obviously a SPOILER thread)

  1. #1
    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    The LR ending, what do you think? (obviously a SPOILER thread)

    Only for those of us who have played through LR; especially those who have played through the previous two titles. What did you think of the ending? I was certainly more than satisfied. I kind of figured it would be a super CG ending for the game, given the fact that there wasn't much included during the actual gameplay (aside from the opening sequence). Among the biggest questions is, who was Lightning referring to when she got off the train about "seeing you again"? And where was she, it looked like, well Earth. From what I know, there weren't plans for a follow-up; though there are some rumors she could actually make some kind of cameo in FFXV.

  2. #2
    The Quiet One The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Andromeda's Avatar
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    The ending before the credits made me think of how the 2.0 story ended in FFXIV. Anyone that has seen both should understand what I mean.

    Not a huge fan of the power friendship turned into a weapon to kill god sort of thing. We kill gods on a regular basis in FF games, deal enough damage is enough to do it in other games. No reason, Lightning's near god-like status herself couldn't have done so alone. It makes for a nice send off, everyone coming back to help out. But it would have been nice to leave that off, god is dead and Lightning reunites with everyone. It could have been a little like FFVIII where Squall loses his way and eventually manages to find himself with a little help from Rinoa. Could have gone similarly with Lightning needing to accept and understand Lumina and then having Hope as he did come and save her from the darkness. Cut out the over the top death by friendship and move to making Noel happy.

    Still it's a good ending and things tied up nicely.

    The rest of the ending, the planet they move to is easily shown as Earth. Which I felt was just silly, it could have been any planet, that was just unnecessary. And she ends up coming off the train somewhere in France I'm pretty sure. I'm assuming that she's meaning that she'll see Serah soon, since the whole part of everything for Lightning was to reunite with her dead sister.

    They made some odd choices, but still liked it and have fun.
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  3. #3
    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    The Lumina character is one thing that I was a little confused by. Was she supposed to be Lightning's younger self, before she became, well, Lightning? Kind of like a Yin to the current Lightning's Yang.

  4. #4
    The Quiet One The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, how it works is a little strange, but it is the physical manifestation of the part of herself, Lightning, that she removed when she was younger in order to grow up and look after Serah. She is the part that Lightning denies existence, believing she needed to be strong and could not allow the weaknesses and emotions hold her back. Why it happened, isn't explained and probably best answered by the chaos providing a sort of needed opposite to Lightning to allow her to accept yourself. Either that or she was created when the part of Serah Lighting kept safe was removed and Lumina protected it becoming another part of Lightning to keep her sister safe.

    But yes, Lumina is what Lightning looked like when she was probably a few years younger. Ignoring how it's possible, I actually like the reveal about Lumina. It was too easy that it was just some aspect of Serah. They painted it up as something that was almost too obvious and everyone expected it. So the fact that they went and said nope, not Serah at all, it's actually Lightning makes sense appearance wise and helped to give closure to the last part Lightning was unable to accept, herself. I liked that.
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    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    Another part initially threw me off was Hope. Before you beat the final boss, it almost seems as if Hope IS Bhunivelze himself; but then you see he's nothing more than a puppet.

  6. #6
    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) LauriJ's Avatar
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    To be honest, the fact that the planet in the ending appears to be Earth certainly would have interesting implications when it comes to the series as whole...

  7. #7
    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    Depending on where you read, some discussions have suggested that the idea of Earth (or at least an Earth-like planet) is a factor on FFXV. From the looks of the trailer, you get more of a feel for a more familiar like environment - like how Midgar was portrayed in Advent Children.

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Love2FFgirls View Post
    Depending on where you read, some discussions have suggested that the idea of Earth (or at least an Earth-like planet) is a factor on FFXV. From the looks of the trailer, you get more of a feel for a more familiar like environment - like how Midgar was portrayed in Advent Children.

    Midgar is short for Midgard which is what is known as the 'world' according to norse mythology which was created by norsemen (vikings) many years ago. With the added addition of using many beasts and names for places in norse mythology, why have we not seen any Vikings??? where are my brothers and sisters from ancient ancestry?
    Last edited by Rowan; 03-25-2014 at 02:53 PM.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Andromeda's Avatar
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    FFVII was fairly contemporary, which is why it would look a little more Earth like with the architecture. Barring some specific technological advancements, FFXV is going to be very contemporary, more so than any of the other FF games. It has inspiration drawn from Venice and Shinjuku, so it is only natural.
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    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    I've visited both Venice and Shinjuku over the past several years, so I'd know what you're talking about :-)

  11. #11
    chocolateer The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) 01habbo's Avatar
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    I've finished the game and I was both happy and sad about the ending, sad because the trilogy is over and there will be no more story, I would have liked to see them all in the new world but it makes sense the way they ended it with just Lightning. I'm happy though because it all wrapped up nicely, the twist with Noel's Yeul being allowed to be free was a nice touch, I really thought that Noel would be forever separated from Yeul. I loved the twist with Lumina in the end, she was one of my favourite characters in the game. I really have nothing bad to say about the ending, my sadness is only due to my attachment to the characters and I had wanted to see Snow and Serah finally get married. But if they did that the ending would have dragged on for too long. It was really clever to end with just Lightning on the train since that is how it started. Plus Lightning's smile at the end was so pretty.
    Last edited by 01habbo; 04-07-2014 at 12:37 AM.

  12. #12
    Registered User The LR ending, what do you think?  (obviously a SPOILER thread) Love2FFgirls's Avatar
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    It's one thing among many you have to appreciate among most, if not all FF games (at least those not MMORPGs); that they really have strong character building. How many of us were upset with what happened with Aerith in FFVII? I had an affinity for Auron in FFX, and of course he had a pretty touching send-off.

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