Motomu Toriyama talked more about their upcoming game for the FFXIII series, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Some of it was already covered information, but there were a few more details talked about. They explained the reason for the difference in the title. He explained that FFXIII was story driven and FFXIII-2 was player driven, but the new game was going to be world driven. So they wanted to change the name. They also wanted to avoid the confusion of it being a direct immediate sequel to FFXIII-2's story.
The important thing he impressed about Lightning Returns being a world driven game was that the world was going to be moving in real time. This means that even if the player is not in an area things are still happening. So if there is an event going on in another part of the world and the player is not there, they miss it. He said it is going to require multiple playthroughs to see and complete everything. He wanted players to go in and find new things that they missed the first time.
He said that they are still working out how long 24 hours will be, but guessed it would be about 1-2 hours with their current plans. As discussed before, fighting monsters will be a way for the player to change how much remaining time exists before the world comes to the end. It is even possible for the player to cause the end to come prematurely because of their actions.
Source: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Has A World That Changes In Real Time | Siliconera