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Thread: Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns

    According an recent interview by Famitsu, new information about Lightning's role in the game story wise has been revealed along with some additional bits of information.

    The biggest is that Lightning is no longer with the Goddess Etro, like she was in FFXIII-2. This might explain her responses in the screenshot about the Goddess. For Lightning Returns she is working for Bhunivelze, which is one of the higher tier gods in the FFXIII mythology. According to the mythology, Bhunivelze is the son of Mwynn that started everything, he killed her to become ruler. However, he learned of a curse placed on the universe and believed it to be Mwynn's cause, who now is in the realm of the dead. Bhunivelze created Pulse, Lindzei and Etro to find a way to the realm of the dead and then went to sleep until the appointed time. Pulse and Lindzei went about their assigned work and Etro killed herself because she was given no task, because she was feared for looking like Mwynn. Etro's blood gave birth to humans. Etro is in the realm of the dead this point and communicated with Mwynn who warned her about the sea of chaos, which the curse that Bhunivelze saw. Etro was given the task of holding back the chaos after Mwynn faded away from having being absorbed by the sea of chaos.

    So that is who Bhunivelze is and who Lightning is working for this time. In the interview, they said that Lightning's role is Soul Liberator. She is supposed to guide as many souls as she can to a new world, which is created at the end of the 13th day. This maybe why there is a cycle pattern and how they feel like explaining in world why Lightning is repeating the same days. That part is not answered.

    For those that saw the trailer, Chocolina was visible briefly. They confirmed she will be in the game, but not as a shopkeeper like in FFXIII-2. She has a different purpose in the game, but they were not specific on what the new role is for her.

    The reason for Lightning's new outfit is because of her new role and who she is working for. While in Luxerion Lightning will discover that there are serial murders occurring in the city. These murders have caused by people opposing Bhunivelze and likely what Lightning is trying to do. They also said that each of the four continents has a different concept and for Luxerion that is going to be the serial murders, because the development team wasn't to have a mystery element for mature audiences. It is unknown if they will be trying to make this story darker or more adult for an older audience, but at least one part of the game will have a more mature component.

    The citizens of Luxerion know the world is coming to an end, but don't know when it is happening. They are waiting and living their lives peacefully until the end of days.

    Chocobos will be back for travel, which should not be a surprise. Careful watchers of the battles might have noticed the stagger meter missing. The new combat system will require the player to meet specific conditions before the enemy is staggered. The conditions maybe the three squad icons on the monster that is seen. When a condition is fulfilled the icon is filled in, but this part is just speculation. There will also be no QTEs this time around.

    Lightning will be able to buy or craft equipment. There are going to be decorative accessories, like Lightning's sunglasses available for her to wear. Lighting's level will be tied to the number of quests obtained from people. Don't know if this means completed or activated or how this affects repeat playthroughs.

    The game is currently 25-30% completed, but they said the development will speed up greatly when it hits 50%. There are currently no mini-games planned unfortunately, but they said that they will be considered near the end of development. Also there is not going to be any story DLC like with FFXIII-2. The game will come with the full story and an ending that they feel will be satisfying.

    Source: The Magic Box: International Videogame News
    Attached Images Attached Images Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns-fflr-logo-jpg 
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  2. #2
    I want to play a game. Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns Zargabaath's Avatar
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    This is quite interesting. I remember that Bhunivelze gave Etro no powers b/c she looked like Mwynn & that she sent her to the invisible realm/ dead realm. There she found Mwynn being consumed by the chaos, warning Etro of the danher an imbalance will cause. Bhunivelze seeks to become immortal of sorts. He seeked a way to merge the two realms at which point he would awaken.

    This news is different than the mythology released a couple of years ago.

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  3. #3
    The Quiet One Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns Andromeda's Avatar
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    No, everything is still consistent with the video from a few years back. I greatly simplified the story for the sake of providing the needed background, but I used the same mythology.
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  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Then isn't it odd she would be working for Bhunivelze who was at odds witb Etro? Etro wanted to maintain balance. Bhunivelze wanted the realms merged, which was Pulse's and Lindzei's goal to find the invisible realm.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 12-31-2012 at 02:16 PM.

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  5. #5
    The Quiet One Lightning Working for Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns Andromeda's Avatar
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    I agree that it is strange she is switching sides. But it seems by her statement that she might have become disillusioned or had a change of heart in relation to Etro. Might be the whole her sister being dead, who knows. Though I'm pretty sure that Bhunivelze goal is not to merge the realms. He just wants to find the realm of the dead so that he can deal with Mwynn, who he believes is the cause of the curse he found after she vanished. He didn't realize that it was just the sea of chaos, something that Mwynn learned about when she died and entered the realm of the dead.
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