The first trailer likely meant for the Jump Fiesta has been accidentally released early. Which means that youtube already has it while it has been pulled from other places. So the trailer is likely to be pulled from various youtube places in time.
The areas of the environment show off what they had concept art of before. Though it looks like interaction with the game is still very similar to past games. So it has not shifted as significantly as some might have feared with their announcement of the game. Lightning in several scenes is shown with different equipment, a shield and a longsword. But her clothes remained unchanged, they may not be wanting to show it off.
The combat looks like it is modification of the same combat system from FFXIII and FFXIII-2. Though there seems to no longer be sections of bars that need to be filled. Actions do consume an action bar like in past games and different actions consume different amounts. There was an additional stat present, but it is not clear what it controls. It also looks like there is no longer a menu to go through the different actions. It seems you have only 4 actions per paradigm, you may be able to swap out the actions in the paradigm.
Hope narrates most of the trailer confirming in some respect that he is going to be present in the game, as previously stated. Though Lightning is only ever seen in the trailer. She mentions finally having awoken from her sleep, making reference to the events of FFXIII-2. The fate of everyone else is unknown. There seems to be a religious aspect to the game if Hope's narration is anything to take away from the game. But details on the story is still slim.
Source: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Shows Off World, Battles | Siliconera