I think I paid £60 for the collectors edition... and, I'll be honest, I think I did get what I paid for. Content of the collectors edition box was: the game; an art book; the soundtrack; two L'Cie Brand stickers; and three double-sided character cards.
I'll talk about the game first. I wasn't disappointed* with it, despite feeling annoyance at certain things, like the early Hope and later CP grinding. It was the most energetic and fast paced RPG I've played so far, and I liked that because it incorporated action into a series which needed it about now - I do like the medieval-feel Final Fantasy games, but those ideas can only go so far. The story left me confused in parts, but that's because it took me until chapter four or five to find the codex, or whatever it's called.
The story was quite short, but there were other activities to participate in. Story could be done in more or less fifty hours... but I spent over twice that doing missions, grinding, and trophy hunting that game. ^^;
*The one thing that disappointed me about the gameplay was how linear it is. I was expecting a world to open up for me much, much sooner. Even then, it was still very linear in terms of the map and direction to take, and completing sixty missions got boring real damn fast. I expect towns and cities, shops and markets, interaction with other characters and an easier way to earn gil with Final Fantasy games - not the beautiful, one-way world XIII produced.
The art book is simply an art book. The pictures are too small, and there's not enough of them. Nothing special.
The soundtrack is on my iPod, and I play it every now and then. A couple of tracks have become my ringtone in the last six or seven months.
The stickers and cards are apparently collectable, and don't have a practical use until I'm thirty years old with a kid on the way, and I need to sort out a college fund or whatever. (jk)
I guess it also helps that I'm a Final Fantasy fan, who isn't so far up my own ass that I can accept change lol. XIII is not my favourite, but it's a welcome addition.