Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I just beat it around an hour ago. I may go and continue doing the missions or I may restart the game all over. The missions are pretty fun but I'm not a a person for after-game content. I prefer to restart the game over, experience the story, especially if there is a "New Game +".
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
Originally Posted by
I prefer to restart the game over, experience the story, especially if there is a "New Game +".
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: No such luck, I'm afraid. But there is a Continue +, where you can reappear right before the final battle. the Crystarium is now at Stage 10, where you can get your HP in the ten thousands. You'll almost need to max it out for the later Cie'th missions. END SPOILER
As for me, I'm starting a new game, taking all my knowledge from the late game and seeing if I can make the new one easier.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
Just beat the game. Epic!
I had all the 3 main roles in the chrystarium (sp?) maxed out for everyone, so I had about 180,000 to spend once I got to do the Level 10 portion of it. :) Maxing it out will be a biatch though, yikes.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I was finally able to get past Taejin's tower. I am now back on Cocoon.
Took a lot of training. But now my team are badasses and blow everyone away quickly.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I finished getting 5 stars on all of the missions today. The stupid mission 64 was annoying to get the time on. I beat him several times but only managed to get a 4 star for a while. I had to go very aggressive and just leave Vanille on Medic duty almost all of the time while I was always attacking to get the time that I need. Finally killed him in like 7 minutes.
I have all of the accessories I require for the upgrading and all the weapons apart from the 200k ones in the store. So I'm pretty much all ready when I have the money to get the upgrading all done. I have 4 traps for weapons so depending on how things work out I have what I need since I have enough to make another weapon and break it apart to get 6 total or just gain 2 more from fighting Long Gui.
The only problem is that the cost on the upgrade stones for everything that isn't the traps is over 4 million gil on top of the 6 million gil I need for upgrading weapons full to maxed out stats on the ultimate weapon. Though I don't need as much for a couple of them since I probably won't be using Snow, Hope or Sazh anymore. So that'll save me a little cash. Still though I'm going to farming for about 10 million gil to get this all done. ><
It's the last trophy I need before I get my Platinum. So I'm almost there, just need to hang in for some farming.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
Just got control of Sazh and Vanille onboard the Palamecia on my second playthrough. I didn't do all the missions in my first playthrough nor have I gone back afterwards to complete them; I was done with the file and wanted to beat the game. Once I get to the point where I'm itching to beat the game I go and beat the game. Doubtful that I'll ever go back in my first file to complete the game and shoot for the Platinum; I play the game to the extent I want and I don't care too much for trophies - I know what I've done.
As for this playthrough, I haven't bought anything and have around 63,000 gil. I haven't farmed extensively 15 minutes max in Chapter 7 getting only 2 or 3 incentive chips. I also haven't upgraded any piece of equipment; I'm waiting to get to Gran Pulse and the Collector's Catalog. I haven't seen an increase in difficuly because of this, in my first playthrough I hardly upgraded to begin with my highest weapon in chapter 10 was level 10 for Vanille and everybody else was levels 3-5. Of course, going through the game again I know how to defeat each enemy to begin with and the little secrets that the bosses have so it won't be any trouble. Not only that but, the enemy groups are the same as my first playthrough and will be everytime. YYYYYYES!!!!
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I haven't been able to play this weekend cause I am out of town. But I played a bit before I left. I was able to get to the Proudclad. Not the 1st but the 2nd. He kicked my ass very quickly. It kinda pissed me off. I got him down to 600,000 or so hp and he healed himself. All that work gone. He killed me not to long after that.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I have 100% the game yesterday. I now have the Platinum Trophy for the game and it is my first platinum that I've every gotten. Considering everything in the game and the things attached to the trophies it's pretty safe to say that I 100% it.
The annoying thing is that I ended up getting something like 7 Traps in like 15 kills. It was so annoying, because I didn't need anymore and they were suddenly dropping like there was a clearance sale going on. So annoying.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
So I finally reached . I've done the marks that were available to me once I got to Gran Pulse. I have still not upgraded any piece of equipment and am hording all my components.
As for my characters: I got Lightning, Vanille, and Hope maxed with their three main classes and they are now just collecting CP for after the crystarium grid expands next time. I am going to make Vanille and Hope commandos because I want to see them physically attack enemies. I had a difficult time picking what secondary role I would want Lightning to go down and I decided with Synergist.
I have went down the Medic path with Sazh again to increase his usefullness and I may take him down the Sentinel path as well since he has the second most HP. I made Snow a Saboteur because I wanted another character, besides Vanille and Fang, to be able to cast "slow" for the Spoiler:
Barthandelus fight at the end of chapter 11
and Snow is the only other character that gets "slow". Luckily, I wanted Snow to be able to get "slow" because I wanted to switch Fang out for Snow for the Spoiler:
Barthandelus fight
so it works out for me nicely. I made Fang a Ravager because she is the only other character to get all the "strikes", besides Lightning, and she gets the second tier of each element as well.
My party consists of Snow, Fang, and Vanille. Snow is my commando. Fang and Vanille are Ravagers. It does get a pick more difficult because I only have 1 Medic though both Snow and Fang have "mediguard" - I also switched Snow's weapon from Umbra to Paladin. So because of this I most likely will be making Snow and Fang Medics as well. Even though Snow, and Sazh, don't get "Raise" they are the only characters, besides Vanille and Hope, to get Curasa meaning they can heal a little bit better. Fang is like Lightning in the healing department so it won't be that different.
In my current party I also have the Ruthless paradigm with Fang being the Saboteur. The Dirty Fighting paradigm with Fang the Sentinel and Vanille the Saboteur. The Diversity paradigm with Fang the Commando and Snow the Ravager. The Consolidation paradigm with Fang and Snow Commandos and Vanille a Medic. And the Delta Attack paradigm with Snow being the Sentinel.
So by the end of the game I would have:
6 Medics
6 Commandos
3 Synergists
3 Saboteurs
3 Sentinels
6 Ravagers
Edit: June 10th
I just beat the game for the second time. I had all tier two weapons maxed out for everybody.
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I'm near the end of chapter 12 and I'm having a lot of trouble with the mobs, mostly the heavy stuff like the adamantoises and other fiends like them. Smaller groups I can handle but I get the feeling that my characters should probably be more advanced than they are.
My characters are all at lv. 4 on their main roles and I think most of my weapons are lv. 2-3. Maybe that's the problem? Anyhow, I just have this feeling that the final boss,if I ever get to him, is going to laugh in alien tongues at my pathetic attempts to survive. Any and all advice would be welcome, thank you. :)
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
i restarted the game at the end of chapter 9 and wanted to do my crystarium/over all character skill development differently. so when i tried it the second time around...
after many vids/walkthroughs/help to get through the fight with barthandelus, it still took me forever to the point where he casted doom on my arse and i still only beat him when the doom count got under 200 :ohno:
...anyway, i just arrived at gran pulse. excited to possibly get another big chunk of the game done this coming week :)
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
Happy Day, last friday I was finally able to get a PS3 and my 1st priority was FFXIII, I am now crawling through taejin's tower 40 hrs. in. The leveling system compared to previos titles is a bit annoying to me and I honestly would kill for an old-fashioned turn based battle right about now (this game is uber difficult) despite all this I am in love. Even when I am about ready to snap the disc in two after getting my a** handed to me by this boss or that one I can't stop playing, all I want to do is see what happens next. By the way, I REALLY hate the deamons, soooo annoying, completly beatable, but annoying all the same!!!:lol:
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
My second play thru. I am in Orphans Cradle and determined not to miss any enemies or treasure spheres this time. Its kinda confusing and if you arent careful (or dont know any better like i did the first time) once you pass a certain waypoint you cant go back. At any rate I want to grind the crap out here in this place and have my party's crystarium completed (plus have a few hunderd thousand CP to spare) and level everyone's weapon to max level 2 before I get to the end. Does anyone think that is doable? Or is that too much grinding?
Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)
I'm in Eden (when it's being attacked by Pulsian monsters). I'm not stuck or anything. I'm just...(grinding).