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Thread: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

  1. #121
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I'm still grinding in Mah'haraba. I'm close to getting the Crystarium maxed out, figured I might as well just do it and be done with it. I kept having a MASSIVE issue with the boxed phalnax and those 3 hoplites right before the Flowered Filled Fissure. My party was Lightning (leader) with Hope and Fang.

    Decided to switch it up and am using Fang as the leader (she's my hardest hitter), Sahz for his buffs and Vanille for hers. Works like a charm and I can slice through them now with no effort. Tried Vanille's Eidolon battle once but I wasn't near the levels I am now and while it was close I still got smoked.

    Back to grinding.

  2. #122
    Gunblade wielder Game Progress (No Spoilers) Nunubx's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralz View Post
    What if, nothing. Goddamn, the second phase was too easy... >_> Had me going there with Doom, but all I needed was two Saboteur and Synergist, three Ravagers, and three Commandos. I never even needed to heal once...
    Considering all the BS you had go though in the first phase(The bastard death me when he had about 17% of health left), The second phase HAD to be easy.
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  3. #123
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunubx View Post
    Considering all the BS you had go though in the first phase(The bastard death me when he had about 17% of health left), The second phase HAD to be easy.
    Almost makes me feel like they planned the players to never get past the first phase. So, they got lazy with the second phase and just made it easy.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  4. #124
    All is One.One is All. Game Progress (No Spoilers) Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Now I am at Tejin(???) Tower and just now reached the top. I am really stuck on Dahmask and I need help. Anyone got any tips for beatin him??? Really would be appreciated!
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  5. #125
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith Heartilly View Post
    Now I am at Tejin(???) Tower and just now reached the top. I am really stuck on Dahmask and I need help. Anyone got any tips for beatin him??? Really would be appreciated!
    You'll get killed by the Debuffs and then Aeroga. It's important to get rid of them ASAP, especially DeShell. Also, you could use a Saboteur to inflict some Debuffs of your own. For attacking, use Com, Com, and Rav until his Stagger meter's halfway. Then, when you're healed, use Rav, Rav, Rav to Stagger him. Continue using this combination and when its about 700%, unload with Com, Com, Com or Com, Com, Rav again. When you've done all you can, back off and heal up. Prepare for his status inflicting moves with as many Medics as you have. Combat Clinic and, even better, Salvation are recommended.

    You can repeat the attacking strategy and he'll go down soon enough. Its been so long since I last fought him, so I don't remember everything... but that's the tactic I used.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  6. #126
    Death Before Dishonor Game Progress (No Spoilers) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I am still stuck at the f*cking Taejin Towers. The statues tell me to kill an enemy that is like a Boxed Pharnyx except it attacks. It kills my characters so quickly and there is nothing that I can do about it..

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #127
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I am still stuck at the f*cking Taejin Towers. The statues tell me to kill an enemy that is like a Boxed Pharnyx except it attacks. It kills my characters so quickly and there is nothing that I can do about it..
    I just did this part actually! You can take down the Boxed Phanax easily if you wait by the door way for the two hoplites with it to turn around and walk away from you. Then you can sneak up and get a preemptive strike and stagger it asap.

    Don't worry about debuffing, healing or anything just take the POS out. I set my paradigm to Relentless Assault and then kicked the crap out of him. Thanks to Fang being a commando and having the Launch ability it never hit me.

    I've almost maxed out my Crystarium. Everyone has their Level 4's for the 3 classes they started with. I'm just going back and cleaning up loose ends and filling out some of the off-shoot crystals that I skipped to get to the role levels.

    About to go onto the 4th Floor of Taijen's Towers.

    Editing, because no one else has posted yet!

    Totally maxed out the level 8 or whatever of the crystarium. Made me realize just how long I did the grinding for in Mah'haraba. Ooops.

    Back on Cocoon now, totally LOVED the FMV when you travel back. Epic!
    Last edited by Tiffany; 03-30-2010 at 03:32 PM.

  8. #128
    Registered User Game Progress (No Spoilers) Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Made it back to cocoon last night, begining of chapter 12 is epic. Definately worth a save slot just for that video. Everything is still gravey to this point cept for a little trouble with 2 hunts that I got 0 stars on . Maybe since I have leveled up quite a bit now I wont have as much trouble. As a side note finally got my Final Fantasy Anthology disc last night that I ordered like 2 months ago. Been waiting soo long to play 6 again.... So much gamming to do and so little time, 13's progress might have to take a hit.

  9. #129
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Been on and off with this game, lately.

    Now that the game's finished, I've been so dead focused on completing the Crystairum, but its a daunting task. 60000 CP a line is dangerously repetitive territory. But I have to do it. I'll ultimately need it for the later Cie'th missions, and that final mission looks like a real doozy. o__O

    I'd have lost my sanity by now if it weren't for the Growth Egg, but its still a god awful long process. Granted, I still love the Crystarium and everything, but wow... LOTTA devotion. As for progress on said Crystarium, everyone has 4 roles maxed out and now now its just 2 more for everyone. Sazh is working overtime and has only 1 role left to finish. O__o

    But, I get easily bored with it, and I would leave Gran Pulse and return to Edenhall. I read a FAQ online of how to get some good gil without fighting Adamantoises. Its that final stretch area at Edenhall, where you fight the thing which is clad full of pride a second time. (Trying to avoid spoilers, but I need to describe it for everyone else who is interested.)

    There are five battles: two Sacrifices twice, two Sacrifices and an Urbal... whatever, and one Sacrifice twice. Sacrifices used to be annoying, because Death freaked me out, but then I realized its horrible hit rate, so they're easy. On a normal run, I can get a few Perfumes and Scarletites, and get about 30000-70000 gil each time. Very nice, and a helpful distraction from CP grinding from a while. I'm still lightyears from taking on Adamantoise the force method. Apparently, I need ultimate weapons, Genji Gloves, very high Strength, and max HP. But, one day... I promise you that.

    I've gotten the three Catalogs, so I SHOULD have higher drop rates, rare drop rates, and shroud drop rates. I read they don't stack, and even star'd, it doesn't seem to affect a whole lot... Beyond that, I'm finally figuring out how to change my Warrior's Wristbands into THE POWER GLOVE. (Its so bad.)

    I also gave Chocobo digging a try. A nice break from running around aimlessly, anyway. And you can do some awesome leaps at the Eastern Tors area. Anyway, I can only get a Gold Nugget when the game feels like it apparently. Every other time its Cobalite or Chocobo Tail Feathers... That's why I turned to the Edenhall trick. Its a little more reliable. The weather is being annoying lately, with apparent sandstorms being commonplace. I still wish there was a nighttime phase when walking around. That would be so cool.

    Everyone's Tier 2 Weapons are star'd, but I need the one and only Trapezohedron to finalize it. Until then... good luck with that Malboro Wand, Vanille. Death, please hit. Death, please hit. Death, please hit. DAMN IT, DEATH, HIT!!!!! (I'm not like that, but I was with Neochu. )

    I feel this comment is dragging on now. So, I'll end it here. Back to CP grinding. If I remain focused, I can be done by tonight. Then its onto more Cie'th missions.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  10. #130
    All is One.One is All. Game Progress (No Spoilers) Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Thankies Ralz for the advice on kill Dahamask,really helped me out! Anyway I have finally started to advance on the game.I am at Edenhall,now stuck on P-something boss. I hate these bosses,they are soo hard! I am heading for some serious grinding,because I desperately need to. Wish me Luck!
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  11. #131

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Finally maxed out my Nirvana. Started playing again last night. Oh, and I saved and dismantled it and you do indeed get 3 Traps from it. I dunno if I wanna do that, though. I've got Lightning (RAV/MED/COM and learning SYN), Fang(SEN/COM/SAB and learning SYN), and Vanille (RAV/MED/SAB and learning SYN) as my party, and I think I'll be able to do all I want in the end-game with these three characters. Vanille has her maxed Nirvana, Lightning has her non-maxed final weapon, as well as Fang. So I am basically waiting on the money from farming platinum ingots to upgrade those, and by that time I should have all the CP I need.

    I basically just want to complete all the missions. I don't really care about the Plat trophy.

  12. #132
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Aerith, do you mean the ProudClad?

    Here's what I did, although I admit I had to check the strategy guide for this one. I tried like 15 times and was like **** IT.

    Anyways, here's what I did:

    Use a party of Lightening, Fang and Hope. I used Fang as the party leader as she has the highest HP and is the strongest hitter.

    You need to have the Delta Attack paradigm (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning: Commando Hope: Ravager), Combat Clinic (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning and Hope as Medics), Protection (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning: Medic, Hope: Synergist) and Mystic Tower (Fang: Sentinel, Hope and Lighting as Ravagers)

    Hope should have Haste, will make life a heckuva lot easier.

    Because of the attack that the Proudclad does after it is finished Staggering, start the beginning of the battle in the Protection paradigm. Wait until Hope has given a bunch of buffs to your party, then switch to Delta Attack. I found that switching to Mystic Tower once the stagger gauge was half way full helped to Stagger the ProudClad quicker.

    Once Staggered, switch back to Delta Attack. About 10 seconds before the stagger ends, switch to Combat Clinic and that *should* keep you alive during the crazy onslaught of attacks. After a bit he'll go back to the regular routine, and then repeat the process. Protection to replenish buffs, then Delta Attack and Mystic Tower to stagger him. Delta Attack while staggered then before the gauge ends switch back to Combat Clinic.

    Although it didn't actually "die" so I'm imagining that there will be another encounter with this piece of shit.
    Last edited by Tiffany; 03-31-2010 at 03:18 PM.

  13. #133
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Finally, finally, FINALLY done with the CP grinding!

    It took so damn long, but its over. The worst is behind me, now and forever. (But wait... don't I have to do it all over again in my next playthrough? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)

    Anyway, now that everyone's completedededed... (Yeah...) I guess I should post my stats. Have I done this before? Oh well, here.

    All Stats:
    My Entire Party:
    HP - 20000
    Strength - 1913
    Magic - 1913
    Weapon - Ultima Weapon *
    Accessories - None (Not using her right now)
    HP - 30000
    Strength - 2053
    Magic - 1277
    Weapon - Battle Standard LV 39
    Accesories - Ribbon *
    Doctor's Code * (Useless, but might be handy if my Medics are taking a long time.)
    Collector's Catalog *
    Power Glove * (Its so bad.)
    HP - 24000
    Strength - 2227
    Magic - 1618
    Weapon - Calamity Spear *
    Accessories - None (She's taking a vacation.)
    HP - 27000
    Strength - 1274
    Magic - 1229
    Weapon - Procyons * (Gonna give him a new weapon, soon.)
    Accessories - Warrior's Wristband *
    Sorceror's Mark *
    Energy Sash * (For Adamantoises)
    Connosseur Catalog * (Why did I buy these again???)
    HP - 21050 (That's gonna take some getting used to... )
    Strength - 1567
    Magic - 2465
    Weapon - Malboro Wand *
    Accessories - Wierding Glyph * (What a wierd name. )
    Sorceror's Mark *
    Goddess's Favor * (At this point, I'm just tossing on anything that looks helpful.)
    Survivalist Catalog * (Actually, I've seen a noticeable increase in shroud drops with this.)
    HP - 18000
    Strength - 1224
    Magic - 2406 (I can totally reach 3000 Magic now with proper Magic-boosting accessories. o__O)
    Weapon - Eagletalon * (His boomerangs have mostly worthless abilities, so I just went with the high Magic stat.)
    Accessories - None (He's not available ATM. Please try again after the beep. BEEEEEP.)
    Eidolon Stats(Why Not?):
    SP - 99999
    Strength - 5405
    Magic - 3586
    SP - 50365
    Strength (Stiria) - 3685
    Magic (Stiria) - 4028
    Strength (Nix) - 3931
    Magic (Nix) 3144
    SP - 62957
    Strength - 4914
    Magic - 4914
    Bahamut(Anyone else think he looks gay?:
    SP - 56661
    Strength - 5896
    Magic - 5011
    SP - 88139
    Strength - 6388
    Magic - 3292
    SP - 99999 (Been this way since, like, Stage 8 of the Crystarium.)
    Strength - 7371 (Got high enough stats, man? O__o)
    Magic - 7371 (And I've not yet used him, yet...)
    There you go. Anyway, now that that NIGHTMARE is over, I can focus on more pressing issues. For example, I'm just going to go through with finishing leveling my crap and make it into the best crap it can be. Then I'll proceed wit the Cie'th missions. But I've got school tomorrow, so I can't exactly pull an all-nighter here. I finished the Crystarium. That's a massive achievement in its own right.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  14. #134

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I can't get past mission 62. The double elementals that spam multicast and are immune to physical damage. I can double MED+SEN through it just fine, but I barely have time to buff haste again before I have to switch back to that setup. I can't seem to land any debuffs on them, either. I've tried 33% wind resistance (noticed they used what I thought was Aeroga?) and it didn't make a difference at all. I'm really at a loss here. Any tips?

    this is ****ing stupid. I change EVERY time on the last animation cast so I'm NEVER waiting to fill my ATB gauge and it still doesn't matter. I spent 10 minutes getting one of them to 75% and the other was still at full, used a summon for 3 TP and 2 TP on a renew. what in the ****?

    Holy ****ing shit I literally just spent 45 minutes tanking it, but AS SOON as I switch out of MED/MED/SEN it just ****ing multicast orgasms all over my face and I die, or get behind in healing and lose my stagger meter.

    edit: disregard. I changed out characters and made totally different paradigms and got super pissed and went hardcore on it and beat it. rofl
    Last edited by Che; 03-31-2010 at 07:50 PM.

  15. #135
    Registered User Game Progress (No Spoilers) Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Just beat the game, was fun. I honestly beat the second stage first try 5 stars. /shrug he just kinda sat there and took it. I got 0 stars on the next phase and I thought I did really well... still had tons of fun, now to grinding I suppose.

  16. #136
    I'll make you famous Game Progress (No Spoilers) Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    im stuck on barthandalus on the rusted bridge is oerba. its pissing me off and im about to give up.
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  17. #137
    The Quiet One Game Progress (No Spoilers) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    We've got some guides on how to beat him around here somewhere. There is a lot of stuff to say, but be short make sure that you do full buffs and get in debuffs as well. Getting in the debuffs will make the battle go significantly faster.
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  18. #138
    All is One.One is All. Game Progress (No Spoilers) Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Aerith, do you mean the ProudClad?

    Here's what I did, although I admit I had to check the strategy guide for this one. I tried like 15 times and was like **** IT.

    Anyways, here's what I did:

    Use a party of Lightening, Fang and Hope. I used Fang as the party leader as she has the highest HP and is the strongest hitter.

    You need to have the Delta Attack paradigm (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning: Commando Hope: Ravager), Combat Clinic (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning and Hope as Medics), Protection (Fang: Sentinel, Lightning: Medic, Hope: Synergist) and Mystic Tower (Fang: Sentinel, Hope and Lighting as Ravagers)

    Hope should have Haste, will make life a heckuva lot easier.

    Because of the attack that the Proudclad does after it is finished Staggering, start the beginning of the battle in the Protection paradigm. Wait until Hope has given a bunch of buffs to your party, then switch to Delta Attack. I found that switching to Mystic Tower once the stagger gauge was half way full helped to Stagger the ProudClad quicker.

    Once Staggered, switch back to Delta Attack. About 10 seconds before the stagger ends, switch to Combat Clinic and that *should* keep you alive during the crazy onslaught of attacks. After a bit he'll go back to the regular routine, and then repeat the process. Protection to replenish buffs, then Delta Attack and Mystic Tower to stagger him. Delta Attack while staggered then before the gauge ends switch back to Combat Clinic.

    Although it didn't actually "die" so I'm imagining that there will be another encounter with this piece of shit.
    I actually didnt die the first time but thankies for tryin to help.I am stuck on the second part,or is that wat you meant?? Sry I amm soo confused lol
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  19. #139
    Death Before Dishonor Game Progress (No Spoilers) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    I just did this part actually! You can take down the Boxed Phanax easily if you wait by the door way for the two hoplites with it to turn around and walk away from you. Then you can sneak up and get a preemptive strike and stagger it asap.

    Don't worry about debuffing, healing or anything just take the POS out. I set my paradigm to Relentless Assault and then kicked the crap out of him. Thanks to Fang being a commando and having the Launch ability it never hit me.
    Thanks for that. I will be sure to try that out later today

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  20. #140
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I'm definitely taking a break from the game, now.

    I haven't reached a point I can't surpass, and I have become bored of the game. I'm just... tired of it, right now. Just about every night I'm staying up for hours hooked on it like a drug. Its fun, but I gotta let it go for awhile.

    I was reading some guides about the Cie'th missions while I was doing them. If you care, I've completed 1-36. Yes, I've begun the Titan sidequest. I didn't think it had a voice. Kinda cool.

    So, beyond 1-36, I've gone through several others: against a ridiculous looking lobo upgrade, some damn annoying Tonberries (which I'm glad look like they always have), and apparently, NEOCHU is coming up. NEOCHU. o_O

    Are you serious!? I'm not fighting that BITCH again! (Getting the Growth Egg was 3 and a half Hells. I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT IT AGAIN. NOOO!!!!) Of course, I might just luck out with the Death thing again... Probably not.

    Then I looked at the final mission four missions. Juggernaut again? Seriously? And by itself? Does the game think they're hard or something? I've had NO problem with them at all. And I have to take on the mother of all douches... THAT CIE'TH WHO HID IN THAT SHELL!

    Yeah, taking a break now. I'm going to finally beat Till the End of Time, for the trial that it is. Yes, I'll go play that douche, and then get back to this in maybe a week or so.

    EDIT: Wow, I had an epic fail moment just now. I was looking through my trophy collection for this game, and noticed I didn't have the Master's Seal. I'm like "I MISSED something!?"

    I looked back, and I missed a Strength + 18 and a Dispelga node on Snow's grid. And now I have the MS. I didn't even think about the stupid seal, I just wanted it DONE. Well, as of right now, officially, and without denial, my Crystairum is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT COMPLETE NOW!!!! D8<
    Last edited by Ralz; 04-02-2010 at 07:43 PM.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  21. #141
    #LOCKE4GOD Game Progress (No Spoilers) Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I'd hedge a bet that anyone who started this game on release is further than I am. And I got a CE on release day. But meh.

    I'm up to Lake Bresha (Chapter 3), and I just beat that Alpha Behemoth that I thought was a boss, but was really just a large enemy. Only just unlocked the Cyrstarium, and it looks like the sphere grid, so I'm happy. But I never fully completed the sphere grid, so I don't know how this will unfold.

    Anyway, probably won't be able to play it for another few months. I, for one, would appreciate on-going spoiler tags for story-related posts

  22. #142
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by <3 Serah <3 View Post
    I actually didnt die the first time but thankies for tryin to help.I am stuck on the second part,or is that wat you meant?? Sry I amm soo confused lol
    No worries! It was me who was confused, lmao!

    I just finished the second part of this and jeebus was it a nightmare. I didn't read the strategy guide, beat it my first try but got like 0 stars on it.

    Anyways, here's what I did:

    I had a party of Lightning/Fang/Vanille.

    I would NOT recommend this as a party. Sure, both Fang and Vanille are saboteurs but not having protective buffs in this was a real BITCH. Oy.

    After nearly dying a few times (thank god for renew) I figured out that using Entourage for the first part of the battle while he's doing that Moen Beam or whatever its called worked well, then diversity when he goes to the aerial form. When the notification that the charge was at 90% I'd switch to Combat Clinic and heal up.

    I thought that you had to hit him a certain amount of times otherwise he wouldn't go to the aerial form. Ha! I was so wrong. Once I figured out the pattern I'd use Diversity (COM/RAV/MED) while he was in the air, Combat Clinic (MED/SEN/MED) while he was in annihilation mode and then keep on Combat Clinic until he went back in the air and that's when I'd switch to Diversity again.

    Again, I didn't do well on this fight at ALL. I about nearly threw my controller at the TV screen when he replenished his HP and bestowed the non-removable buffs. Frig, I was super pissed. I think the battle would've gone better if I had Hope in the party. Having Shell, Protect and Haste would've made a MASSIVE difference.

  23. #143
    The Lone Dagger Game Progress (No Spoilers) Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I've beaten it and know I'm trying to take down and farm some Admantoises lol its rather hard though. I think I've spent like 77 hours on it already and have all my characters maxed out of their initial 3 crystarium roles and I'm almost finished with the next one I'm working on with each character. Those darn things are hard to take down though lol. My main party is Lightning, Fang and Hope.

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    Final Fantasy XIII - My Hands
    Kingdom Hearts - Stand My Ground
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  24. #144
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)


    I'm trying to do Ce'ith mission 6, I think its called "No Place Like Home"? I can't freaking FIND where it is! I finished Mission 5, and according to maps I have found online, it should be in an area below where I am. However I can't exactly find where to get into there! My map doesn't show anything. Argh. I'm sure its something really obvious and simple that I'm missing.


  25. #145
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII - Cie'th Stone - Mission 6

    Go to that place past the Base Camp that has the calming theme. (Tropical-like?) If you've explored, go down the fallen tree to the left as you enter. Blah, blah, blah, go a really long way, and reach "Cie'th town." You'll see a save point there, too.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  26. #146

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I finished the game and am currently hunting marks and getting achievements

    About 60 hours in (15 after I beat Orphan), looking forward to fighting in the Faultwarrens

  27. #147
    This ain't no place for no hero Game Progress (No Spoilers) Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I found it, thanks Ralz! Thankfully I was on the right way towards it so it didn't take me that long to get to it. Although I haven't actually attempted the mark yet. Once I found it my guy threw a bit of a hissy fit because it was apparently "his turn" on this xbox.

    Will try today!

  28. #148
    I feel epic... Game Progress (No Spoilers) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    ^ Glad to be of service, Tiffany.

    As for me, since I've found my game collection is boring, and nothing really entertains me anymore, I'll try and continue the game. I'll... face Neochu if I must. I hear its alone this time, so maybe I have a chance besides Death. I was watching more guides on YouTube, and apparently Mission 62 is one of the hardest. (Sounds like fun... >_>)

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  29. #149
    The Lone Dagger Game Progress (No Spoilers) Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    Prepare to be frustrated Ralz because one of those Raktavija's is enough trouble but two haha. Almost pulled a Wii and threw my PS controller at the screen. Def gotta make good on these three paradigms: Delta Attack (COM-SEN-RAV), Mystic Tower (RAV-SEN-RAV) and Combat Clinic (MED-SEN-MED). Pretty much gotta live with a SEN in the group most of the time with these tougher bosses.

    I know there is a way to completely nullify magic damage but I'm not too sure of exactly how to do it. I know that not everyone can do it and you need all accessory slots to get the bonus of all similar accessories and the weapon. I'll try to find it somewhere

    Wanna Know More:
    Like Kingdom Hearts? Come join the Black Dawn RP!

    My latest videos:
    DBZ AMV - Breathe Into Me
    Final Fantasy XIII - My Hands
    Kingdom Hearts - Stand My Ground
    Naruto - Way Away
    Other Videos on my YouTube Channel: Xithor22's Channel

  30. #150
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Game Progress (No Spoilers) Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Game Progress (No Spoilers)

    I have officially beaten FFXIII. I'm doing some grinding now to get ready for the next set of missions. Pretty damn good game, if I do say so myself. I might try to write up a review or something in the next couple of days, but I'm lazy as hell, so we'll see.

    The second form of the final boss is a total disappointment, I literally beat it in about a minute.

    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

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