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Yeah Dragonheart you'll have to get used to switching up the Paradigms on a dime if you want to come out ahead in battles. I try to switch Paradigms in the middle of attack animations since it removes the long display of everyone changing and just does it.
It took me about 35 hours to get to the final boss, but I skipped a lot of the things that you could do on Gran Pulse. As for comparing it against other FF games. It is certainly the hardest FF game that I've ever played. And there hasn't been this much pre-planning, tactics and strategy involved since maybe FFT. ^^; The game is also probably the most forgiving and unforgiving. Because the main character dies its game over, its pretty rough, but death is only a reset back to the start the battle if you wish. So you are only out the time, which doesn't exist in any other FF game.
There are tons of FF reference in it. You have to fight the Proudclod at one point in the game and there's the Lindblum. It feels just as much like a FF though as times a playful nod to past games as well. If you look you'll find all sorts of references in the game. It definitely has one of the best story and characters of any FF game.
You don't have a lot of options for your path, but if you remember FFX you did not get to pick your path until getting the airship at the very end of the game. And people never complained about its linearity and if you look at moment RPGs. They all have only one path and it is pretty linear with some forks to deadends that provide treasures. So I think people are making a big deal over nothing, FFXIII maps just happen to have less shoulder room when running down than most RPG maps. So if anyone wants to complain about linearity tell them to go replay FFX and re-evaluate their decision, because its not unique in the FF series or RPGs in general. FFXIII just doesn't try to hide it from you. In the context of the story though it all makes sense. Pretty much everything that exists in the game makes sense in the context of the world.
The funny thing is that if you read the background text provided in the datalog you understand everything even better. Everything that makes a FF game fun is there even if it is not easily recognized. Towns exists, but they generally are safe for you. Talking NPC exists, but you don't have to press a button to talk they just start speak in your proximity. Shops are all together, Chocobos come in two varieties and there are plenty of challenges in the game. It is well worth the price of admission.