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Thread: Does this game ever open up?

  1. #1

    Does this game ever open up?

    I've finally got round to playing FFXIII and although i'm enjoying the story thus far the gameplay has been pretty awful as it is literally one big path with enemies dotted along the way with no need to actually think about what you're doing.

    Is the game a linear path from start to finish or does it open up for a bit of exploration and side quests?

    *Spoiler below*

    I am around 20 hours in aboard the Palamecia after breaking out with Sazh and Vanille and I am starting to wonder if it is worth persevering with this game as I am just Bored.

  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Does this game ever open up? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    I have only played through it once, and then I returned to Gamefly. It doesn't open up for quite a while. Mainly, side quests are hunting monsters and defeating them (like in XII). I will have to have the other members elaborate, because they have more experience than I. XIII is probably one of the more linear games, and you will be able to read more about it in other threads as well.
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  3. #3

    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    That doesn't sound too promising.

    FFX was a linear game but managed to do it well I think and remained entertaining, So far XIII has failed at that.

  4. #4
    TFF's Resident Messenger Does this game ever open up? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    Don't get me wrong, XIII was a great game, in my opinion. It's just that it may be too linear for most people's tastes. It has a great story, awesome use of color and graphics, and kick-but Eidolons. It is just not the greatest at battle systems and free-roaming.
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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    You have about 1 more chapter after the Palamecia (aprox 10 hours) before the game opens up a little. Honestly you want to know more about the game? Read the Data Entrys.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Does this game ever open up? tehmuffinmon's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    FFXIII doesn't really open up in the traditional sense, I think. Personally, it's actually one of my favorites, although I can see why many people have issues with it. I'm fine with the linearity because I think the pacing is excellent, and it has probably my favorite battle system of any game. FFX is by far my favorite and while I'll always love the simplicity of its battle system, I really found that XIII's had a lot of depth and strategy involved.

    It's very linear, though, and it did bug me a couple times. I was aiming to get the platinum trophy but stopped because the only two trophies left seemed like huge chores to me (Treasure Hunter and L'cie Paragon, I have everything else). Still, I think it's a great game. Probably not for you, though.

  7. #7

    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    I'll complete it either way but 20+ hours of pretty much the same thing has become a bit tedious and the places you visit along the way pass by too quick, fair enough it fits in with the story as they're on the run but I love FF for the exploration elements which are non-existent in this installment.

    I wasn't a huge fan of FFXII but what I wouldn't give for a big city like Rabanastre to explore and the choice to venture out into the plains and do something away from the main story.

  8. #8
    chocolateer Does this game ever open up? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    the game only feels the most linear ff because of ffxii which was a very open game and you could explore everywhere. Really this game is no more linear than ffx, and like ffx it does open up towards the end where you do get the time to explore as extra missions are then presented to you. The story itself is very linear , but I would say give it a chance and play through to the end as they do give you that chance to explore but it is very later on in the game.

  9. #9
    I want to play a game. Does this game ever open up? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    Really this game is no more linear than ffx,
    Except the player could go back to Besaid or Kilika in the beginning. There was blitzball that was something else besides combat. There were also the Cloister of Fayths that broke the linearity of gameplay. Almost all Final Fantasy stories are very linear but gameplay is another matter.

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  10. #10

    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gun_blade View Post
    I wasn't a huge fan of FFXII but what I wouldn't give for a big city like Rabanastre to explore and the choice to venture out into the plains and do something away from the main story.
    You won't get a city like rabanastre

    It is more linear then FFX but if I had to compare it to something FFX is closest. It's like you had FFX linearity but you only got to take the ship as far back to the Calm Lands.

    The open area is a huge (way bigger) calm lands like area, a cave, a tower
    and an empty village

    When I was first on my way to Pulse I expected to be able to visit pulse cities at ease where I wasn't running from the law but for some insane unknown reason Square decided to make pulse a barren empty planet where only monsters and Fal'cie live

    I have read that FFXIII-2 will be more open-exploring with towns being free roam but I don't know for sure. They kinda gypped us on a major part of FF games (exploring) in FFXIII but other then personal opinions on some of the characters hats the only problem I have with FFXIII.
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  11. #11

    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    Once you get to the Cerobi Steppe the game is more open to you however I personally would concentrate on beating the story first and then concentrate on going where you want and doing sidequests but hey that's just me.

  12. #12
    Final Fantasy Noob! Does this game ever open up? ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Does this game ever open up?

    The game opens up in chapter 11....but not really. You have a big world, but you don't really have cities to explore or anything like that.

    I mean, its a linear game. If you're bored and you're 20 hours in, its not going to get better.

    Personally, I loved the game. I thought it was great...I loved the battle system, the story, everything. I was so drawn into the story that I was actually okay with the linearity.
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