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Thread: Apology to FFXIII fans...

  1. #1
    Badass Military Agent Apology to FFXIII fans... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Apology to FFXIII fans...

    I've AWAKEN!!!!

    I guess this is what it means to realize the fault of your own ambition and to experience true RPG gaming. As most of you probably already realized, I use to have a very bad animosity towards FFXIII, mainly because I was still in my growing phase of being an RPGer. But after experiencing a few chapters of XIII, I realized something, when I am not thinking about the overall type of the game I can enjoy it a lot more.

    The characters all have their different personalities of course, but for some reason this game helped me realized that in a way, their personalities are exactly what it needed... in a way.

    The Paradigm system is also impressive when I think about it, kinda cool the way they processed it. The Crystarium system is also a nice little touch, something along the lines of the sphere grid but in a way more easier to understand.

    As far as the linear gameplay, when you look at it from the character's perspective, it makes a lot of sense.

    Now for my favorite part, the music is absolutely legendary, has a nice touch of anime style tune to it (which I loved)

    So this is my apology to all FFXIII who read all my bias comments. This is actually a great game to the FF Franchise and I'm pretty happy my friend told me to replay this game.

    I feel like I just lost my virginity all over again...

    I was even able to watch a couple of episodes of Inuyasha again, maybe I've somewhat come to understand the *SIT BOY* syndrome...

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2
    Scourge of Esthar Apology to FFXIII fans... CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    I'm glad to see that we've got another one on our side. Welcome aboard friend.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  3. #3
    Registered User Apology to FFXIII fans... jd4's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    good that you like the game

    I personnally played FFXII on the PS2 before and for some dark reason I don't know, I didn't like FFXIII but i played it because i thought: 'i buyed the game so i play it' kind of dissipline.

    But later on when i got to know the characters better the game was much more fun to play

    and when i finally got to know the features and basics of the game I liked it even more

    And it took me 58,5 hours to beat the game... It took me also those 58,5 hours to see that the game is really based on the tactics you use by setting up your personnal paradigims...

    Now it is time to play until i max out every character's crystallium :-)

  4. #4
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Apology to FFXIII fans... Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    In a place far from the exalt.

    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    Not to combat your opinion, but their personalities were bland. There wasn't enough to them. Sadly to say, Snow had more personality than Lightning.

    Music is interesting. It had great music pieces, but again, sadly, since you can't backtrack, we miss out and the tunes become forgettable.

    Yes, story wise, the linearity mad great sense, but in game, it doesn't.
    All storys can be considered linear, it is how the director places it.

    The only real thing I have with this game is the leveling process. It is, bull...
    I don't like how they made a limit on how much you level. It does keep a difficulty to the game but, again, when has FF been known to be an assault on our brains? *points to Bahamut fight*

    However, it is a great game, just not if you say it's title... Final Fantasy

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  5. #5
    Final Fantasy Noob! Apology to FFXIII fans... ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    I really like the game. I'm only about 12 hours in, and I'm just as consumed by the story as I have been by any other FF!

    I really like all the characters. I can see how some people would see Vanille as annoying, but for some reason she doesn't bother me...I don't know why...I feel like she should.

    Also, I love this battle system. Really unique compared to the rest of the games. Its a lot more fast paced...and I like that!

    I've only beaten FF1 though, and I've only played through the first few hours of the other games, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Apology to FFXIII fans... Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    I actually really enjoyed playing through FFXIII, but having said that, its one of those games I wouldnt play again. It didnt have the replayablilty factor for me. After all the hard work it took to defeat all the missions on pulse, I realised that because I had sold a few items before upgrading, I was not able to attain the treasure hunter trophy. That was the only thing stopping me from getting every trophy. Its okay though. I found FFXIII to be the most difficult FF I've ever playey, which made it a little more interesting for me. I liked all the characters (especially lightning and serah) and as previously posted, I didnt find vanille all that annoying either. Fang was worse. But that is only because I'm Australian and it hurts me to hear such a lame attempt at an Australian accent (not sure if voice actor was actually australian, but if she was then it was just poor voice acting)

    overall a good game.

  7. #7
    Final Fantasy Noob! Apology to FFXIII fans... ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    Just finished the game yesterday. I could totally see myself playing through it again. Great game! I still need to complete all the Cie'th missions, so I'm going to go back and do those eventually.

    Awesome game!
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

    Currently Playing: FFIX

  8. #8
    Registered User Apology to FFXIII fans... Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Apology to FFXIII fans...

    I'm glad you liked it!
    First, the linearity kinda bothered me. But when i figured out the story, the characters, and the challenging battle system, it didn't bothered me anymore. Everything was AWESOME!

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