I absolutely hate these characters. As for Fangs personality shes kinda bitchy, overconfident and a show off. Hope I've actually heard of other people not liking that whiny baby.
Mainly though I hate her for not really being a present part of the story for over 50% of the game then just comes in and has some of the best stats. This leaves every strategy guide and video of the game to have Fang in it. I refuse to use her, I like characters for personality and depth so she just rots off on the side of my character screen.
Along the same lines I also hate Hope, hes the winiest kid I have ever seen. I wanted to smack him through the screen a countless number of times, especially when hes like "Snow killed my mom..." HE DID NOTHING CLOSE TO THAT YOU MORON!!! Then he's just like "ok, Snow's cool" after 1 or 2 scenes, then is useless to the story. Yet his stats and classes are "sooooo good" that every strategy guide and video has him at the forefront.
So are there actually people out there who hate Fang and Hope like I do?