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Thread: Always slagging it off.

  1. #1

    Always slagging it off.

    Why is so many people slagging ff13 off. Personally I LOVE this game. So many people slag it off surely I cannot be the only person who really likes this game. I would love to hear back from anyone who agrees with me. Its seems terrible that I'm the only one who seems to really like it. My bf thinks it looks awesome and wants to play it sometime in the future.

  2. #2
    "Tiger Hair" Always slagging it off. HeroZero's Avatar
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    I loved XIII and hated XIII-2 (as seen in most disappointing FF thread) I thought the combat system was well done and I for one did not mind the linearity of the first part of the game at all. Since it was such a new combat system the whole first part was like a subtle tutorial slowly giving you more freedom and options and forcing you to work with other paradigm sets to really learn them inside and out. Having each of the characters have a trio of preferred roles and a trio of secondary roles also appealed to me, because in the early game the characters are distinct and you pick who you like to play with, but by the end you can use every role on any character letting you play whoever you feel like.

    I liked the characters except for hope, but what do you expect from a child, Vanille was young and at first naive until you find out more about her and suddenly your view of all her actions changes.

    I like the leveling system and the fact it downright prevented people from over leveling everything (because I hate those people that want to roll over every boss and never have any kind of challenge) by using the gated crystarium.

    I feel that a lot of the hate is "It isn't a standard JRPG" which for whatever reason ticks people off. I like having variety in games, I like doing something new, yes certain things have not appealed to me but I general I still liked them (I'm looking at you Draw system) they made you develop new game play tactics away from go here fight this enemy one hundred times in random battle and profit.
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  3. #3
    Consistently Average Always slagging it off. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    It's just personal opinion, similar to how you called XII crap in the other thread (which it isn't)

    Either that or it's people just trying to follow what's cool to like or hate on the internet.

    I don't have a PS3, so I haven't played XIII and becuase of that I'm going to withhold any hate or judgement unitl I've actually played it. From what I've seen and read some parts are ok while others, like the how linear it is are obviously bad. We'll see.
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  4. #4
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Always slagging it off. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I just wasn't impressed. Like I said in the "Worst FF Game Ever" thread, it's very pretty visually, but none of the characters and almost none of the music stood out to me (except for the music in Titan's Trials, fighting Dysley as the Fal'Cie Barthandalus, The Sunleth Waterscape, and -maybe- a couple of others), not to mention it was too linear with the only side quest being the cie'th stone missions, and riding around on the chocobos & digging up stuff (if you can even call that a side quest). Vanille's accent, IMO, was almost a completely forced fake Australian that didn't even sound consistent throughout the game (like sometimes it was there, other times not).
    Also, the world of Gran Pulse was -pretty- damn small in comparison to like Ivalice in FFXII or FFVIII or any of the older FFs.

    That's about all I can come up with for now, though.

  5. #5
    "Tiger Hair" Always slagging it off. HeroZero's Avatar
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    Vanille Speaks! FFXIII's Georgia van Cuylenburg Interview with Myouterspace - YouTube

    She IS freakin australian... facepalm...

    I enjoyed doing everything in the game and maybe its because I am just a completist, but never once did its linearity bother me. I mean very few of the Final Fantasy's were really open world, I mean think about FF7 for instance. You start in midgar and have to follow all the events and go through in a linear fashion, you can't say oh I'll go do this instead, no its move forward or don't move (sitting and power leveling doesn't count). You get through Midgar which only has one part with divergent paths (take the stair or go through the front lobby) and come out into the world. You go to Kalm (actually you may be able to skip it and miss a bunch of storyline but its RIGHT THERE) you are limited by the mountians and can't explore the whole continent. Then its the chocobo place, and crossing the marsh, and the cave system and your first real sidequest possibility is Yuffie and she isn't much of one at all really. I mean its always a set of breadcrumbs YOU MUST FOLLOW. I don't see how this is better than FFXIII linear gameplay.

    eh anyways I like it, and will defend it because it is easily defendable.
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  6. #6
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Always slagging it off. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    you've gotta be joking me. Was this woman smoking crack when she voiced Vanille?

  7. #7
    "Tiger Hair" Always slagging it off. HeroZero's Avatar
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    They wanted her to immitate japanese vocal mannerisms, for those high pitched squeaky girls in anime. At least that is what I always assumed.
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  8. #8
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Always slagging it off. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Well, that's what she said in the interview, but at the same time, I always just thought she was an American trying to fake an Australian accent.

  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! Always slagging it off. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    The only complaint I have about this game is the character arc. They would get happy, and then they would be angry and whiny, then they would feel better and much later they would be angry/whiny.
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  10. #10
    "Tiger Hair" Always slagging it off. HeroZero's Avatar
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    I dunno, I feel like it would be pretty damn stressful to become someonthing you have always been taught to fear in a boogeyman type way. Then have the forces that are meant to protect you try and kill you, and then end up on a world you have been told is just full of evil people.

    For whatever reason nothing seemed out of place to me, except hope, screw hope. I wouldn't have cared if he died at the end (although as an adult he is way more badass in the sequel).
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"


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