True, oh so very true xD
That was the most epic and the most accurate re-telling of the entire lv 27 saurian experience ever. Have you guys noticed that it also feeds on the wolves in the area, increasing his level even more? Haha, bloody reptile... I am really curious about how he ended up there though, right outside Rabanastre, just preying on wolves and leaving humes alone unless they...interfere, so to say. I mean, his relatives further into the estersand are everything but gentle.
....I must have repressed like EVERYTHING or just been in pure denial, but when I posted this I was pretty sure I've only had like a maximum of two game overs. But now that you mention the demon wall, I remember the Garuda. THE GARUDA. God I've never been more stuck in a game before. I went to face her, had a BRUTAL game over. Trained for a week in the sand sea (that soundtrack really starts to get on your nerves after a while.) And then tried again, doing a little better, well, since I defeated her an all. YAY!
..juuuust to, moments later, run into the tomb and become a gorey splash of pressed flesh between wicked walls. Half of my team was sent into the x-zone though but I'm not sure if that's any better...
Edit: OH and seerax, yes, we are! But on my first playthrough I had no idea where to get magic, and perhaps that goes for everyone else in here. xD
Last edited by Belugn; 09-20-2009 at 01:40 AM.
True, oh so very true xD
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut,
My weakness is that I care too much.
And our scars remind us that the past is real,
I tear my heart open just to feel...
I saw the HP and lvl but completely ignored it and like an idiot fought...
I got a ton of them early. I can't honestly say which was my first, but that Dinosaur in the Destersand kicked my ass, and then I died at the hands of the werewolves in the Giza plains. There were a few other ones, I think in the Westersand when it's just Vaan & Penello and you run across some really tough guys out there who outclass you.
The weird thing is, is that the game gets easier for awhile after than. You gambit cure and status items to any party member and you don't really have to worry about too much for awhile.
Oh... I remember those werewolfs... didn't end very well xD
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut,
My weakness is that I care too much.
And our scars remind us that the past is real,
I tear my heart open just to feel...
I died a few times in the pharoahs as well....
Wow. So I'm not the only one who decided to poke the dinosaur with just a measly sword. I freaked out at first when I saw it. I decided to stay away from it until I thought, "Hey he's here at the beginning. How hard can he be? Right?" Wrong. After one poke the jaws of death came down on Vaan.
I had many game overs my first time through. I remember that I avoided the Wyrm boss in the Golmore Jungle by taking a quick detour through the Feywood. I was running for my life through there.
I had trouble when it came to the Esper in the Stillshrine of Miriam. I died so many that I decided to start the game completely over from the beginning and train correctly, instead of moving through the game fast.
Angel of Darkness: You can AVOID battling the wyrm of golmore jungle by passing through the feywood? XD I have to try that sometime just for the heck of it haha.
And I actually learned my lesson and stayed away from the werewolves. Those...oohh now I've lost the name for them...those walking-up-right eagles roaming Giza Plain anyway, they were a PAIN in the beginning, and I avoided them at all costs...but then again I never used gambits AT ALL on my first play through and doing all healing manually was way slower than putting in some good healing gambits. : ) The final battle took years with manual healing...and it's a long battle already.
You guys will love this.
The first ever time i played my first Final Fantasy (Final Fantasy VII) was when i was 9 and i was lending FFVII off my friend because it looked cool. The first ever boss you verse in the mako reactor, the Guard Scorpion (Big Red Thing) i didn't realize you weren't meant too attack when its tail was up so it killed me
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Perhaps a little off focus from FFXII but I guess we could take this thread into talking about our first FF game overs EVER too on the side. Haha that blasted scorpion. I was so quick on my O button so I didn't catch the last part of what Barret said, so I just got the "Attack when the tail is up" and not the "and it will counter with it's laser!" (or was it rockets?)
So well. I attacked the tail a few times and well let's just say I realized something was wrong...xD
My first FF game over ever was in FFX though (yeah FFX was my first FF game) and it was already in the beginning fighting the Sin Spawn that crashed down into Zanarkand, right after the minor tentacle boss. I didn't know you had potions so the sin spawn by the reactor you're supposed to knock down overhelmed me. And I had missed out that there were a save sphere earlier so I had to redo the whole opening.
mine was in bherjba mines how ever u spell it
wen i did the quest i thought u had to kill the 3 hunters but i died wen i tried to run after i figured out i need to run
I've never even considered trying to take on those vile bangaas xD
Is it even possible to beat them that early on in the game?
faqs to beat the bangas that early but it doesn't gain you anything....
I FFXII my first game over of course was the silly saurian.I guess that's true for most players...
Revenant Wings. Bangaa. LORD. The first time you go inside the airship was so hard.
They're almost impossible to beat, unless you're going in circles, spawning espers for, what, 15 minutes?
Last edited by Meigumi; 10-19-2009 at 02:02 PM.
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
Aside from the T-Rex, who probably owned everyone here (as far as I've read), my first game over was in the Lhusu Mines.
No, not the Bangas, mind you. I was a bit too stupid for that one. x3" I got my first game over because I was totally underpowered when I first entered the Lhusu Mines. And then I think this rare bat killed me off. xD" I don't know its name, but it's f-ing strong and when you're being attacked by a lot of bats, an ugly looking thing I don't even have the words to describe, AND the killer-bat, plus you didn't have the right gambits as you didn't have any idea of it... yeah, you'll most likely die soon. xD"
Second game over was - of course - the Bangas. That was the only time I thought that I should've listened to Balthier. XD
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
@Angrywolf: Haha we all feel with you mate! That old mean (not really) saurian...
@Meigumi: GOD LORD I KNOW. I was so frustrated over that battle. Especially since it's so early, almost the first thing you do in the game, and it's just that hard. I was stuck in a week before I finally managed to beat them, and it was a close call. I'm stuck again in that game, now on Belias, and have pretty much given up on it. I love the graphics and it's fun to see all the characters again, but the slow leveling and the battle system just..bores me out and it's so hard! (or maybe I'm just an incredibly lousy player, haha. Probably that.)
@Freya: Aaah the Aerieel. XD I hate it. With a passion. Especially since it doesn't really stand out on the screen and it takes a while before you understand what is causing those huge amounts of damage on your team in that cloud of steelings and skeletons...
I think, my first Game over was when I was hunting a mark. It was that damn White Chocobo. I havent played in a while, I actually got bored. I'm trying to hurry up and get to the Archades. Now that I think about it, I don't remember if I actually killed that mark or not yet.
Legend of Zelda the Forest temple I think.That boss is so annoying some times.Hes weak but can still wop butt some times.
@Gypsy Elder: Aah the trickster. I don't know how many times I tried and then had to flee for my life with his choco meteor crashing down after me (Indiana Jones anyone?) before I finally beat him. His paling was so annoying. Or well, palings are always annoying. Gilgamesh... the undying... Ultima! Ultima, Queen of Annoyance.
Belias was a challenge the first time, but the only Esper who nearly got to me (so far, I still have Zodiark to aquire) was Mateus, and her little elementals. GRRR!!! Elementals. I was having such panic when it came to her elementals, every time I had encountered one of those pests so far in the game on my first play through, I had fled head over heels, convinced that they were too strong for me to beat. After Mateus I had grown myself some spine though, since they obviously wasn't as difficult and strong as I had imagined them to be. I still hate the entites though, but mostly because for some reason I never notice them, until I've stirred them from whereever they were hiding with some magick against some other fiend.
In Giruvegan, someone suddenly started to cast Holy after Holy at me, and I just couldn't understand where it came from, until I finally after doing some camera angle adjustments found it floating "looking" down at me from the ramp and plateau above where I was. Sneaky entites.
I think my first game over was with the Demon Wall. I hate that stupid thing...but my funniest game over was in the Sochen Underground Palace. After the place where you defeat Alyman,there is a trap...and,well,I have finished all the Phoenix Down...and my party blowed up in the air.
My first game over was in the barheim pasage on my 1st playthrough... i hadn't bought cure yet so i didnt stand uch of a chance after the lights sdtarted goin out... i also got a game over fighting elder wyrm ONE time... my friend hasbeen playing this game for 7 months now and has been stuck on elder wyrm for 5 months... cant beat him and i wont helpim evil
are sins ever forgiven??
@Sisthra: I hate traps so much. xD Especially when I had Reddas with me. He had the weirdest urges to always step into traps. I remember having float cast on my team, including Reddas. I ran over a trap, and of course my entire team manages to get over it, but Reddas float status ran out just above the trap. KABLAM. Somewhere amongst those Cassies and antlion fiends at Ridorana.
@ffking997: Aaah your poor friend. Being stuck in status battles is the worst, it always reduces my motivation to zero. Perhaps you could at least hint him to keep up good esuna and item gambits, or equip items to his party that makes them immune to the worst of his status effects. ...or he could flee head over heels through the feywoods or whatever, like someone mentioned they did earlier in this post, haha. Evil indeed.
First Game Over for me was the First Boss, Firemane...Reason for this...Just started playing, and was just getting used to the game, and didn't think I'd need to train that hard to kill him. After that, Haven't gotten a Game over till way later on in the game around the Green Earth Elder Dragon Thing. Had To try it a whole bunch of times, but I ended up killing it after I trained my ass off...LOL(!)Lesson Learned(!): (!)Always Train your Ass Off...No Matter What, cause you never know what you might be up against later on(!)
We very first game over in Final Fantasy XII, man its been awhile, but I still remember in the jail where you find Basch, after my first death I didn't die until the end of the game.
I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds coolRPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN.....
@Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima: A friend of mine is still stuck on the fire mane. I've offered help but she refuses, and has ended up just not playing for all these years. She's missing out! But oh well. My sister had her first game over on that mare as well. (Poison status took her down)
@Belugn:yah ive given him hints about status ailments and esuna i have checked his gambits.. ive told him to go back and train more... i cant find anything wrong with his gambits...
are sins ever forgiven??
i ran up and and tried to sneak attack that dinosaur in the eastersand at level 4 or so.
it seemed like a good idea at the time.......
Last edited by kupo; 01-31-2010 at 10:31 PM.