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Thread: Your favourite FFX location

  1. #1
    The Ronso

    Your favourite FFX location

    FFX does have its fair share of amazing locations. So the question is which is your favourite ?

    Personally the Macalania woods does it for me. The crystalizied dark blue forest just amazed me.

  2. #2
    Consistently Average Your favourite FFX location Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    You beat me to making this thread

    I have many.
    .To level up at you cant beat the Sea of Sorrow. the fiends are of average strength but it only takes a few encounters to level up no matter how strong you already are.

    .The Calm Lands sprawling plains look pretty spectacular and its size seems imposing the first time you enter, and the music lives up to its name.

    Okay, i said i had many but i can only think of those two for now.
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  3. #3
    The Ronso

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBeserk7 View Post
    You beat me to making this thread

    .To level up at you cant beat the Sea of Sorrow. the fiends are of average strength but it only takes a few encounters to level up no matter how strong you already are.
    ahh yeah how can i forget the sea of sorrow. Great background music with all the mist and water. that was neat.

  4. #4

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Gosh I didn't like the Sea of Sorrow X_X That was such a... dark and frustrating place. But I suppose there hasn't been a happy place in this game after all...

    Somehow, I liked the old Zanarkand. Meaning the one you're only at at the beginning of the game. It's a really impressive city. With so much interesting technology, and it's so huge! I really wanted to see more of the city.
    But I also liked the Ruins of Zanarkand, just because I liked the city as well. It was quite interesting to see how it had changed... I liked the sadness about that. (It wasn't as dark and frustrating as the Sea of Sorrow, at least. )

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  5. #5
    Badass Military Agent Your favourite FFX location Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Easily the lands surrounding Besaid Island and Kilika Forest, something about places with nature around it gets to me everytime, I just loved the forest environment for some reason.

    Not to mention the music was awesome, too bad it was the beginning of the game lol..

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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Your favourite FFX location Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I liked Moonflow. Ive written some poetry about that place, do you know where i could post it?

  7. #7
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Your favourite FFX location Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I'm gonna go with Luca on this one, since blitzball was pretty fun for me. Honorable mentions include Mt. Gagazet and the Calm Lands.
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  8. #8

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Besaid Island is my favorite place, it also has my favorite theme of all time.

    It's the one place I remembered when I was smaller and only watched my brother play, and when I got my own copy I was excited when I arrived there.

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  9. #9
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Your favourite FFX location The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    My favorite location was Zanarkand towards the end of the game, I loved the music it played as you headed towards the blitz stadium.
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  10. #10

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I think for me the besaid island was very homely but i liked the thunderplains and also moonflow and i utterly despised bikanel....

  11. #11
    Everyone needs a savior Your favourite FFX location the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    i liked zanarkand the moonflow and the farplane i like anywhere where the pyerflies are free free roamin
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  12. #12
    I'm DYING to see you! Your favourite FFX location ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Gotta say, my favourite place was the Omega Ruins.

    I love how you can just randomly find it and the maze-like map was rather reminiscent of the past games like Final Fantasy VI: Kefka's Tower. It also reminded me a bit of the Trials which was nice. The music didn't really fit the whole scene well... I expected some eerie music really... Something like that to show me that there was something powerful at the end. I had an easy time beating Omega Weapon in there however. Cheap kills with Anima's Oblivion FTW.

    Nice grinding spot though.

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  13. #13
    Consistently Average Your favourite FFX location Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Y'know i felt the music in the Omga Ruins suited it. You see the dark dungeon but the music lulls you into a false sense of security, you think "this place may not be so hard after all" and then you get your first battle and whatever it is that you're facing anhilates your entire team in its first go. Or is that just me?

    Anyway i'd thought i might add Besaid village aswell. I like the way it has a calm atmosphere about it, like its the last safe haven you'l reach in a while and its where you truely begin your journey as a Summoner and her Guardians and where the game kicks off properly.
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  14. #14
    Everyone needs a savior Your favourite FFX location the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    i think it might just be you lol sorry but first time i went to the dungeon i was already completed with everyones sphere grid path and halfway through somebody elses with almost everybody
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  15. #15
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Your favourite FFX location Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Oh, allot of places.
    Besaid island is basically paradise, as long as no super tsunamis kill me... hate water out of the norm (dams, waterfalls, bridges, random whirlpools...>.>)

    Kilika is also really nice, it's like a forested fisherman's horizon from FF8.

    Thunderplanes is also nice, but I am really interested to see what it would look like in the day, with darkened reddened skies.

    Moonflow is also nice, nice colors and calming in general, tho the weirdos are... weird.

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  16. #16
    Red Mage Your favourite FFX location Henry's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Luca and Besaid Island are my favorites. I hated the Thunder Plains..

  17. #17

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I would have to say Macalania Woods and the Calm Lands were my favorites. The Calm Lands frustrated me with how many battles you could get into sometimes, but it just seemed so nice and peaceful otherwise. Macalania has a still prettiness to it due to the crystalline nature.
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  18. #18

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    There are many excellent places to go in FFX I agree with Macalania Woods that is quite a cool area (except when you are doing the butterfly hunt at the end of the game for one of the sigils!!!) the Spring also is quite cool (as is the best scene in the game which happens there) but on the whole I can't choose a favourite location.

  19. #19
    FFIX dominance.... Your favourite FFX location FFlover2789's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    my favorite place i have to say is omega ruins, thats becuase of the seemingly calm music.... then you get smshed by a lizard and his pet treasure loved mimic then id get 100000 gil for every one i killed... XD

  20. #20
    TFF's Resident Messenger Your favourite FFX location Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    My favorite place in the game is the Thunder Plains. The music that was playing there reminds me of my mother's music box. Both songs sound similiar to me. However, I have always hated thunder storms, but I love to see Tidus get hit by lightining.
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  21. #21
    Registered User Your favourite FFX location BDub2277's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Gotta go with the Besaid/Kilika combo, liked the sandy beach-forest islandness (creating a word there) the two possessed as well as the music.

  22. #22
    Registered User Your favourite FFX location Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    yeah 10 did have some really beautiful locations, and I think I agree with a previous post on Makalania Woods. Just serene and beautiful. Really good music and I loved it. Wished there could have been even more to explore.

  23. #23
    The Collector Your favourite FFX location Kyster's Avatar
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    Macalania Woods

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Macalania forest, because it is beautiful, and my favourite FFX BGM (Silence before the storm) plays on there.

  24. #24
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your favourite FFX location Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Both Luca, and Besaid Island seem like mine kind of place, though Luca seems a bit too crowded for my taste. On the other hand it's a center of Blitzbal, and I'm always up for sports. I still prefer small, peaceful places where I can relax, such as Besaid Island which by the way has amazing surroundings.

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  25. #25
    Memento RK Your favourite FFX location Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Calm Lands- Mostly the Remiem Temple. Such a nice place.
    Then Zanarkand. Both new and old.
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  26. #26

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    Zanarkand has got to be the best location. I also liked the Thunder Plains area where the scenery was quite dark and misty.
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  27. #27
    I would explode to save your life~ Your favourite FFX location SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I always liked the Thunder Plains for some weird reason. Besaid and Macalania Forest are also both beautiful places

  28. #28
    Hewerya love...? Your favourite FFX location seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    I was surprised to see nobody had Mt. Gagazet here, I found that place beautiful (along with MANY other locations). The music there is magnificent, had an asian feel. An just the general tranquility of the mountain was great, also there is an air of suspense, it was the first time in the game when I felt the end is getting closer...

  29. #29

    Re: Your favourite FFX location

    My favourite place would have to be besaid village or kilika woods, i like the peaceful scenery and music there

  30. #30
    Dalmascan princess Your favourite FFX location lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Your favourite FFX location


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