And not using gambits does not hinder gameplay as much. Using Wait mode is a bit too slow and I could see that pressing "Square" to bring up the menu every time an action bar fills can be tedious, probably more tedious and hectic than using normally. But the player still has the ability to use magick, espers, & teckniks while without junctioning all there is in Final Fantasy VIII: Attack & Item (I believe).
At least I have never said playing without gambits for the party leader would feel like the older games, though the ATB is different from Turn-based. Active Dimension Battle is very much ATB with the ability to move around the battlefield. Gauges still fill up. Controlling the party leader does give the player more control & the game plays similar to a Star Ocean, a Tales of, or Rogue Galaxy game(s); people don't complain with those games. Yes I can foresee complaints that Final Fantasy isn't supposed to be like those games. However without any change to the series there would have always been elemental crystals and turn-based combat. The series can also be inspired or take from another source; Final Fantasy & Final Fantasy II had things in them from Hayao Miyazaki's films (Laputa: Castle in the Sky & Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind). Though in the case of gambits and gameplay, Final Fantasy XII wasn't inspired by those games I listed but by American Football.