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Thread: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

  1. #1

    Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Hi i would like you opinion from you men as well. I know why yuna hated kissing symore because she was forced into marrige and to finish her pilgrimage. and i understand why she preferred kissing tidus cause he made yuna happy in the spring. any man or women can put there comments farward if anyone here on ths sit was in yunas shoes who would you prefer kissing symore or tidus.

  2. #2
    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Erm, Tidus, of course
    Seymour is an uber creep and he wears lip gloss.
    And I also have a teeny weeny crush on Tidus (NOT the voice though)

  3. #3
    Memento RK Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss Seymour or Tidus?

    Neither really I didn't like Tidus. He was an annoying twat.

    If I had a choice, I would kiss Seymour. Not because of his personality, but because A, he isn't as annoying as Tidus. B, He's strong and has a really nice 6 pack (yes I go for looks) and C, he actually didn't seem that bad before he went all crazy insane IWANTTODESTROYSPIRA Muahahaha. If I didn't know that he killed his father, he may have seemed like a good guy.

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  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Look f*ck both of them. I wanna french Wakka. It is that accent it gets me weak in the knee's

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  5. #5
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Tidus for looks, but if I had to pick, it would have to be Seymour.

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  6. #6
    I will save the world Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Between the 2 I'd def go with Tidus, I think he'd give me a run for his money...even though I'm a dude, I'm into the whole half human and half something else...that just creeps me out. Though I agree with Abel Nightroad, I'd rather wakka, might be a klutz but he's a cool accent yah?

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  7. #7
    All is One.One is All. Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Tidus,definetly! Seymour kinda creeps me out
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  8. #8
    That guy. Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Hot Shot's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Abel Nightroad View Post
    Look f*ck both of them. I wanna french Wakka. It is that accent it gets me weak in the knee's
    You sure you wouldn't prefer Khimahri? Although he would literally eat of half your face

  9. #9

    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    If i was going by their appearance alone and not taking into consideration their personalities, i would probably pick Seymour. Sure, he laughs like a girl at time, but his hair and attire rocks. Besides, it takes a real man to carry a wand into battle
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    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Hrm. tough one, I can pick and choose pro's and con's from either one..but in the end I would have to go with Tidus, though, I don't know if I would want to talk to him after, he is a little bit to whiny for my taste . The only reason I didn't go for Seymour is because he seems like kind of a creeper to me, plus he killed all of the Ranso, not acceptable!
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  11. #11
    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? tetsu346's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    tidus hands down seymour is kinda creepy and i think of him like that old pedaphile =o

  12. #12

    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Well im a guy, but I imagine most women would prefer auron why? hes not a 17 with a sqeeky voice or a blue haired sephiroth wannabe who kinda sounds like a stereotyped homosexual.

  13. #13
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Seymour, but he would have to take his clothes off first.

    (Seriously, that dress he wears is a turn off lol)

  14. #14

    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Seymour's hair might poke me in the eye. I'll stick with Tidus and keep my eyesight.

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  15. #15
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? che's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Dude Tidus might be annoying but he's mildly attractive. Needs to lose those pants though. Both because they're fug and you know...

    Seymour has buttface. I can't kiss jankface.

  16. #16
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Tidus is athletic, dude can last for hours. Seymour is dead, no thanks, Auron is dead, no thanks.
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  17. #17

    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    As far as looks go, if I didn't feel like I could break off the large pieces of hair on Seymours head, then Seymour would've won hands down... but he does, so Tidus wins >.>... Personality wise, Tidus is just my kinda guy... As far as strength goes.. well from what I recall, Seymour seemed like he would win hands down if not depending on the person playing as Tidus (otherwise, I imagine that Tidus could do some face rapage if he were controlled by a hardcore FF player who knew what was what)..... Overall, Tidus still has 2 out of 3, so... >.>... Tidus! ^.~

  18. #18
    Registered Uber Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    I would totally kiss seymore that chick is hot

  19. #19
    I will save the world Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobaginator View Post
    I would totally kiss seymore that chick is hot
    Seymour is a dude, what makes you think he's a chick? He's not Kuja!

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  20. #20
    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Speaking from a completely hypothetical stand point... If I was Yuna, I'd be down to kiss Tidus. Have you seen them make out in Lake Macalania? It's pretty f***ing romantic for video game characters.

    Plus, Seymour is a half breed monster... Guados are unattractive as it is. And his soft voice feels a little bit "sexual assault" like. Imagine him saying, in his creepy accent. "Shhh.. Just lay still. This will be over soon." And then he'd grow all sorts of extra body parts and you'd be like... WTF! I made the wrong choice!

    Tidus wins.

  21. #21
    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? StephieOcelot's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    I wouldn't go for any of them... I would go for the hot older, dead dude who's name is Auron ^_^ Always thought he was the sexier one out of the male characters... but I am weird like that.

  22. #22
    Registered User Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Tidus hands down. I love Tidus he's my favourite ff character of them all and he's cute. Seymour is a douche and he looks wierd, no thanks


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  23. #23

    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Tidus hands down

  24. #24
    Memento Rhapso Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    Although unwillingly, Yuna said yes to his marriage proposal. Although it was to kill him, and she was unwilling, it was still her decision. There was no force involved, just a means to benefit the party.

    Anyway, if I were in Yunies boots, I'd pick Tidus for obvious reasons that we all know from playing the game. In my shoes, I'd pick Seymour, because hot damn look at that body.

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  25. #25
    Chief Inspiring Officer Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Who would you rather kiss symore or tidus?

    If dared to kiss one of them, I think it'd be Seymour, because Tidus would probably take it personally...
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