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  1. #1
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Locke4God's Avatar
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    What's Your Longest Chain?

    I was hanging out in the Lhusu Mines, on a bridge where Skeleton's keep emerging and strung together a chain of 123 before they stopped regenerating. I was curious what your longest chains were, and where?

  2. #2
    All is One.One is All. What's Your Longest Chain? Firefly's Avatar
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    Hmm...I think my highest was 86 on the Lhusus Mines.I might be wrong,though.
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  3. #3
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Locke4God's Avatar
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    86 is a pretty good fight. Honestly they had stopped regenerating about then, but I wanted to see if there was another Chain level at either 100 or 120, so I kept going until I got there. They only popped up rarely after the 80's and I had to keep running back to different areas of the mine, and ever other room 5 or 6 would pop back up. I just had to keep avoiding those damn bats.

  4. #4
    Tsuna Feesh What's Your Longest Chain? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    My longest chain was 999, and that was in the Henne Mines. I was fighting Abysteels at the moment to level up. They dropped a ton of expensive loot and Demon Shields, which sold for a ton. It's a shame that the chain wouldn't go over 999, though, because I was pretty sure I was somewhere around 1,500 by the time I to my characters up to level 99. This seems familiar, like I've posted this before. =P

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  5. #5
    My longest chain was 999 too..
    Its pretty easy to achive that because i was autoing in neglamuur or smh..
    So long Sentiment.
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  6. #6
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Locke4God's Avatar
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    999? Wowzers!!! Do you get more chain levels once you get up that high. I've gotten to about 3 different chain levels. You know where you get the greenish coin, the gold one, and then the larger gold coin, but I haven't seen any beyond that so far. Are there higher levels?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    999? Wowzers!!! Do you get more chain levels once you get up that high. I've gotten to about 3 different chain levels. You know where you get the greenish coin, the gold one, and then the larger gold coin, but I haven't seen any beyond that so far. Are there higher levels?
    No there isint.
    Chain is 999 max in there so its impossible to go beyond.
    So long Sentiment.
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  8. #8
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Karjaxx - That's not at all what I meant. Allow me to rephrase. As you fight, there is a chain limit at like 10 kills (blue coins), then another at about 30 (gold coins), and then another at 60 or so (large gold coins). I went up to 120 to see if there was another one there, but it just kept giving me the large gold coins. So I was wondering if there is another chain level somewhere after 120 kills.

  9. #9
    Tsuna Feesh What's Your Longest Chain? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    @ Karjaxx - That's not at all what I meant. Allow me to rephrase. As you fight, there is a chain limit at like 10 kills (blue coins), then another at about 30 (gold coins), and then another at 60 or so (large gold coins). I went up to 120 to see if there was another one there, but it just kept giving me the large gold coins. So I was wondering if there is another chain level somewhere after 120 kills.
    Nope. There are only three upgrades. Even at a 999 chain, you only get the large gold coin. It's enough, though, I think.

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    @ Karjaxx - That's not at all what I meant. Allow me to rephrase. As you fight, there is a chain limit at like 10 kills (blue coins), then another at about 30 (gold coins), and then another at 60 or so (large gold coins). I went up to 120 to see if there was another one there, but it just kept giving me the large gold coins. So I was wondering if there is another chain level somewhere after 120 kills.
    I had a point in my post tho..
    You asked if you can go beyond 999 chains and i answered basicly no.
    So long Sentiment.
    Go get raped.

  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor What's Your Longest Chain? Josh_R's Avatar
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    my highest is a measly 99 at lhusu mines...

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  12. #12
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain?
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    I think my longest chain was somewhere close to 300 or so. I was in the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea when I did it. I hate that place. It's like a freaking maze. So I spent most of my time just bashing up the Urutan-Yensa that are roaming around there. Good thing I did that though. I got some pretty good leveling up that way, and the Tomb of Raithwall was pretty easy because of it.

    Haha, congratulations to Fate and karjarxxx for getting the 999 killchain. I sure as hell don't have the patience to do something like that.
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  13. #13
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Yesha's Avatar
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    I onLy got to.. about, 457+ chains.. on the Cerberus (Feywood).. to get it's rare Loot.. I forgot it's name.. but.. it's for the TournesoL weapon.. that takes.. aLmost three hours.. *phew*

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  14. #14
    My longest chain was 164 in the Ogir/Nam-Yensa Sand sea.
    Too bad them Yensa only drop crap.

    But there are 4 normal chain lvls (lvl 0 included) and apparently there is also a hidden chain lvl that doesn't show.
    You get it by always killing different types of enemies, but it builds very slowly and only goes to lvl 2.

  15. #15
    Rabanastran What's Your Longest Chain? Belugn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megidolaon View Post
    My longest chain was 164 in the Ogir/Nam-Yensa Sand sea.
    Too bad them Yensa only drop crap.
    WORD. The sand sea is where I usually get my first 50+ chain on my play throughs and get Montblanc for the sky pirate's den. I think my longest chain so far is in Nabreus Deadlands, in that "secret" (in lack of a better word) area where Crusaders keeps spawning FOREVER. I still don't think it's over a 200 chain though. My party was bathing in golden skullcaps!

    Holey moley at you guys and your 999 chains!

  16. #16
    Death Before Dishonor What's Your Longest Chain? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Mine sucks compared to all of you guys...

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  17. #17
    i remember just once i made to black hole, but im not how many that is and how many i had.

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  18. #18
    What's Your Longest Chain? Angel of Darkness's Avatar
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    My chain has gotten to 200+. It was in the Feywood. I was trying to get the Hell's-Gate Flames from the Cerberus. It seems to take forever to get them to drop it.

  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor What's Your Longest Chain? Josh_R's Avatar
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    screw all of you and your 100+ chains...JK

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  20. #20
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain? Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Kajarxxx - I didn't think I asked about more than 999 chains, but I do appreciate your update. I guess I wasn't clear, but I do thank you.

    It seems a lot of you got big chains in the Sandsea. I'm just playing there now, but I haven't found it all that fun. I could see where you could chain a lot. The tomato guys are better. They drop better, more expensive items anyway, but all in the all the place is pretty drab I think. Is there some exciting thing waiting in all of that maze worth going to get?

  21. #21
    Registered User What's Your Longest Chain?
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    Is there some exciting thing waiting in all of that maze worth going to get?
    The only thing I can think of at the top of my head as to why you would want to explore the Sandsea is getting the character for your Sky Pirate's Den when you fully explore every map. You get Dalan, btw. There isn't anything too special about anything else in those parts that comes to mind.
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  22. #22
    I think my longest Chain was 110 or something. I think it was on Giza Plains during the dry. There are so many of those hyena type beasts there.

    btw I liked how at the Sandsea the monsters there gave you money. I mean instead of items or loot (which you sell anyway for money later) just easier. I liked to go there to gain extra money, aside from hunting marks.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-26-2009 at 07:47 PM.

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  23. #23
    Death Before Dishonor What's Your Longest Chain? Josh_R's Avatar
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    yeas I played FF XII last night and got a 135 yes finally over 100

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  24. #24
    What's Your Longest Chain? ffking997's Avatar
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    in the Nam-Yensa Sandsea keep killing the warriors in there(the little midget guys) they are alkl the same tpye so u keep getting chain levels even thoguh they can be swordsmen or archers or w/e... i got 634 in about 20 minutes... but then i found rare game and killed it... so i lost meh chain..can u help meh finds it??
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  25. #25
    レイール★レイヴン What's Your Longest Chain? SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    on my precious chair..
    well.. for now my longest chain is 125. i got it at Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa when i was hunting for Urutan Exile.. but it's kinda hard to get that chain, because i have to explore all over the Sand-Sea area. i wonder if there is any better place for chaining over 200?



  26. #26
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order What's Your Longest Chain? Materiathief00's Avatar
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    I wanted to get that sky pirate's den for having a 50 chain but I accidentally thought it was for an 100 chain so I killed a bunch of regenerating zombies(I think it was in the stilshrine) and got about 119 chain. You could imagine the look on my face when I figured out I only needed a 50 chain.

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  27. #27
    What's Your Longest Chain? ffking997's Avatar
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    u should be happy that u accomplished a 119 instead of just a 50.. and did U see the look onb YOUR face when u sold all that loot??
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  28. #28
    SpellWarrior What's Your Longest Chain? Hinj's Avatar
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    My longest had to be higher than 200 but not higher than 400, can't remember the exact number. It's easy when you're just going back and forth through the Dalmasca Eastersand.

  29. #29
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order What's Your Longest Chain? Materiathief00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ffking997 View Post
    u should be happy that u accomplished a 119 instead of just a 50.. and did U see the look onb YOUR face when u sold all that loot??
    Very true, I failed to think of it like that! Thank you for the optimism.

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  30. #30
    Yeah, Mine's the 999 neglamuur LvL up technique also. The correct gambits and weapons at the right LvL and you cannot die in that fight. It took me a while to spawn Neg the first time though for some reason. Just let you party auto-fight, put your pad down over night and in the morning you have a ton of great loot and you are god knows how many LvL's higher.

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