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Thread: Wait... it *could* work!

  1. #31
    ... I'll take... two gallons... Well, how elso would I be able to lift this big @$$ sword?! I mean - Katana! How else would I be able to lift this big @$$ KATANA!


  2. #32
    Wait... it *could* work! Angel of Death's Avatar
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    Up In the double you eye.
    Okay, so that's four gallons so far. You carry a big a$$ sword too? You're my new friend.
    I'm waiting for more milk orders!!

  3. #33
    The Old Skool Warrior Wait... it *could* work! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slayernrikku
    I am so off topic
    This would also be a prime example of spam, since you were asking me what spam is. Every single post which followed this one was also spam, and completely uncalled for. If you want to spam, go post in Chat Gaming, because it's the forum with a designated spam thread. Knock yourself out, and quit breaking the rules before I decide to knock you out instead.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  4. #34
    What's this I see? Two noobs babbling needlessly and raising their post counts with more useless shit? I believe so!

    First of all, nice job being an idiot. Yay, you love cookies. Congratulations, you are neither unique nor original (They kinda go hand and hand, the two being synonyms and all)

    Everyone loves cookies. It's trite. And your WAY of connecting the two..... horrible. "I like cookies. I like Rikku. I like Slayer." That's all you did. you said three things were awesome. This somehow relates the three. Upon further research of common sense, I have discovered the following:

    Slayer is a shitty band. The band plays "music".
    The Cookie is a delicious treat. A "Food".
    Rikku is a cliche and poorly planned character to an even more horrible game. a "Pile of shit".

    After further review of my essay, you will soon come to terms with the fact that you are both dumbasses, and are due for a warning/ban.


  5. #35
    Thanx, YUNA!!!!!

    It all makes sense now!!!! So it WAS the FAYTH after all!!!! I had actually thought about it myself.... but never could get all the pieces together..

    Speaking of FF X, I think that spira and the characters all could be used for a third part, since they are all rich characters...

    Yuna, would you like me to tell you my ideas for it?? I´ve been thinking a lot bout it, and I think I´ve come up with something good, but could use development... hehehe!

  6. #36

    i agree

    i think you are correct in your thoughts about why and how tidus comes back. it does make sense. the fayth would have know about the bond between tidus and yuna, and they would be greatful for being able to sleep again. yuna gave them the change to rest not once, but twice. in there gratitude they gave yuna the thing she wanted most in the world, tidus. i haven't gotten the perfect ending yet, but i am working on it. i remember meachun ( if i spelled that right), the unsent elder telling yuna and copany that there was a way to get back that which was lost.

  7. #37
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Wait... it *could* work! Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    This thread contains massive spoilers for both FFX and FFX-2.

    Okay, when I first beat FFX-2 perfectly and got Tidus back, I was in complete disbelief that this could happen in the world which FFX left. I thought to myself that if Tidus could come back, then so could Sin and all the Aeons, thus totally nullifying all which had taken place in FFX. The more I thought about it, the more it came to make sense that there was a logical way for Tidus to come back without throwing away the facts pressented in FFX. First we have to start with the relation that everything has to everything - ie: Sin.

    What is Sin?
    Sin is the armor Yu Yevon wears to bring its chaos. SIn itself is the mutated form of the Final Aeon Summoned at the final battle between Sin and a Summoner. The Final Aeon is not an Aeon of the Fayth, but an Aeon created out of devotion to a Summoner. It is another person sacrificed out of love/friendship.

    What is Yu Yevon?
    Yevon was the govoner of Zanarkand 1000 years before FFX took place. He was Yunaleska's father. He was also a Summoner, as was Yunaleska. (This is why I think they named Yuna after Yunaleska because she too followed in her father's footsteps as a Summoner). Zanarkand was the city of summoners back when Yevon ruled it (so it is said). Yevon would have rather destroyed Zanarkand himself then let Bevelle destroy it, so he did. He then turned the populace of Zanarkand into Fayth. He used his Aeons to create the armor that is Sin. The only method that could defeat Sin was the Summoning the Final Aeons.

    Why was Sin there?
    The games tells you it is punishment for Spira's "sins". This isn't true. By taking control of the Fayth's Final Aeon, Yu Yevon forces Zanarkand to be recreated in a dream the way it was when he destroyed. Hence why, at the end of FF you see Jecht in what appears to be Zanarkand. When the Final Summoning occurs, this dream of Zanarkand is destroyed, which is why Yu Yevon in turn takes control of the Final Aeon so he will be reborn again, and continue his dream of Zanarkand.

    Why do the Fayth need Sin to be destroyed in order to sleep?
    By now this should be obvious. Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream his dream of Zanarkand each time he takes hold of another Aeon. Once all the Aeons are gone, Yu Yevon will have no hold over the Fayth, and therefore, the Fayth can sleep.

    What does this have to do with Tidus?
    Tidus is a Dream of the Fayth; he is a being of the dream that Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream (Zanarkand). Because they wanted to rest, he dissapeared, leaving Spira and Yuna at the end of FFX.

    How did Tidus get to SPira from the "dream"?
    Sin can't control this dream since it is forcing the Fayth to dream it. My interpretation is that the Fayth were waiting until they could find the dream that would end all of their dreams. It started with Jecht and ended with Tidus. Jecht used Auron, an unsent, to go between Spira and the dream.

    If the Fayth sleep, how come Aeons came back in FFX-2?
    I believe this lies in the connection Vegnegun had with the Fayth and the Pyreflies reaction to Yuna's memories. The Fayth can't sleep as long as Vegengun is awake. Therefore, a butchered reincarnation of the Aeons is possible through the connection Vegnegun has with the Aeon's Fayth, and the connection Yuna's memories have with the Pyreflies. Yuna and friends are the only ones to see the Aeons, so this theory is supported by the Farplane facts. Other's memories are visable to others while they are there. The memories made real by the Fayth who are now awake, and controled by Vegnegun who wont let them sleep. That's my take on it anywho =3

    So... Tidus can come back... how?
    The Fayth are mearly sleeping, they are not gone nor dead. Tidus is their reward to Yuna for saving their butts, AGAIN (at least I think). Like Tidus said, the Fayth gathered up his thoughts to recreate him. He exists again becuase of the bond Yuna and him share. As long as this bond is never broken, Tidus will remain by her side... or so he thinks (Tidus isn't too good with for sures).

    So, since Yu Yevon is gone, Sin can never return. And even though the Fayth sleep, Tidus's memories of himself and thoughts create him, as well as Yuna's bond to him. Stranger things in FF's have happened, so I guess this I can buy. At least Yuna had to work REALLY hard to get her man back XD;

    But yeah, that's just my take on the whole thing. You don't have to aggree with me, but after lots and lots of thought, that's how I think it could work out after examining all the facts from FFX. It's the only plausable explanation, ^^;

    I'll stop blabbering now with my insane FFX fandom x_X;;

    Damn. That is seriously in depth. I'm not bashing the fact that it is in depth, because it is actually pretty impressive. Made me think a bit about it. Good job for you!


  8. #38
    Lol... yeah, I'm a big fat weirdo-dork and should be slapped or something. Hehe... sometimes I think too much =3

  9. #39
    ive been eating cookies all day(so sick)
    i just got to read this post for the first time today, and i agree with what yuna is saying about the possibility of tidus coming back. i hadnt stopped and thought about it in such an in depth manner myself, but once ive read it i can see the logic.
    and yes games are made with the purpose of entertainment. but entertainment is not the sole purpose. if it was do you think that the makers of ff would try as hard as they do to continually change the game and the story and the way we play it. games are made as a challenge for us. would any of you like a game that was so easy that you could but it and beat it in a day or less? mabey not even that. would you enjoy a game that was hours long but had no challenge and everything was given to you? i would not. im just say ing that games are games and they have a story for a reason. to make us think about it. i dont think yuna spent to much time thinking bout it and i thank her very much for the insight she has shared.

  10. #40
    First of all, stop with the god damn cookies!!! I agree with most of the second half of the post but not the first half. Are you sure that Yevon was the ruler of Zanarkand. I thought he was just a made-up deity. Also, when you defeated Sin, it looked like all of the Fayth turned to stone and did die. They where created for the sole purpose of fighting Bevelle's army (If you remember, they came before Sin. They appeared from Mt. Gagazet singing the hymn of the Fayth which scared Bevelle's army away.) (I guess that would make sense then if Yevon was Zanarkand's ruler. If so, are Yevon and Yu Yevon the same thing?) Those ones, however, are only the ones at Fayth Scar, which were later controled by Yu Yevon to create the dream Zanarkand. The Fayth in the temples, I think, were created later to battle Sin. So it would make sense then for them to die. I guess I agree with you that Yevon was Zanarkand's ruler. So then Sin was just Zanarkand's retribution? OK, here is what I think: The Fayth are dead. Lots of dead people become fiends. So the evil Aeons are just fiend versions of the Fayth. The dead Fayth brought Tidus back to life 'cause they're powerful and can do that. That's my opinion on that. Rikku rules!!! Final Fantasy X is the best!!!
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
    Game Over Man, Game Over

  11. #41
    personally, the ending in X is quite touching, but X-2's ending spoil the whole thing.. although yuna raised some VERy good points, i still think that Tidus came back to life just to spoil the ending(nah juz kidding)my reason Tidus came back is that Yuna and Tidus's(not sure bout him) determination to be together makes them connected. meaning like when yuna is sick, Tidus is sick. WHen Yuna dies, Tidus dies.

  12. #42
    Hey does anyone know if there will be another sequil to the ffx-2 game????

  13. #43
    Hey i agree with the theory and stuff, but why was jecht chosen to come from zanarkand from the first place? Man now ive got my brain thinking!!!! Noooooo it wont stop until i find an answer!! ill just make one up hehehe

  14. #44
    Dragon KnightKJ
    I just wanted to continue deciphering Final Fantasy X's story.Is Yevon-Yu Yevon?Yu-Yevon is a tiny spider like entity and a Summoner.How does the portal to the destroyed Zanarkand open?Maechen explained ots of the story.Zanarkand and Bevelle fought-Machina VS the Aeons of the Summoners but I dont understand the thing about Yevon not wanting to continue Zanarkand's dream.Answer how many of the above as u can and this too:

    What allows the Fayth to sleep?
    What do they need to dream
    What made Yu Yevon?
    Why did the Aeons leave?

    The answers of these will clarify the story alot

  15. #45

    most likely a failed attempt at an explanation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon KnightKJ
    I just wanted to continue deciphering Final Fantasy X's story.Is Yevon-Yu Yevon?Yu-Yevon is a tiny spider like entity and a Summoner.How does the portal to the destroyed Zanarkand open?Maechen explained ots of the story.Zanarkand and Bevelle fought-Machina VS the Aeons of the Summoners but I dont understand the thing about Yevon not wanting to continue Zanarkand's dream.Answer how many of the above as u can and this too:

    What allows the Fayth to sleep?
    What do they need to dream
    What made Yu Yevon?
    Why did the Aeons leave?

    The answers of these will clarify the story alot
    i'm going to at least attempt to answer this. if i'm wrong, then please do correct me. ^.^
    I don't understand what makes the fayth sleep, but i do know that they need to dream. they need to dream in order for Tidus's world to exist. sorta like an attempt to keep the good memories of the past from being completely forgotten. Yu Yevon was most likely corrupted with his power. Plus, as we all have seen thanks to Seymour, and various villains in FFX-2, when someone's dead and unsent, they can change form into a very powerful type of fiend. So, most likely, that's what happened to Yu Yevon. His own power corrupted him. On the note of the Aeons, they probably got fed up with dreaming, since it did take vast amounts of power to keep the dream going. They were created to fight, whether it be to fight Sin or to fight against Bevelle during the Machina War with Zanarkand. Since Sin was gone, the war was most definately over, and the summoners gave up the summoner lifestyle in FFx-2, the aeons were no longer needed during the Eternal Calm, so they went on ahead to the Farplane.
    also... on the matter Yevon not continuing the dream of the my opinion, i think Yevon was continuing the dream of Zanarkand my reasoning is this: the Fayth at the Fayth Scar showed Tidus the Zanarkand he grew up in, the dream version. Probably to prepare him for the big shock that was just up ahead of him. Also, if you might recall, inside Sin, when you fight Jecht, you are actually in a portion of the dream Zanarkand. The Blitzball Stadium. Sure, the stadium itself is a total wreck, the bleachers are broken and crumbling, but outside that, if you'll notice, the general landscape is the city, and it is lit up. Also, I believe after you finish off Jecht (or Sin, one of the two. I haven't played the game for a little bit now), the entire city sorta fades out, the lights all going off, in an FMV. So, when Sin attacked Zanarkand and brought Tidus and Auron through to the real world, I don't think it was Yevon who attacked it, but Sin/Jecht itself. Why? Because Sin/Jecht shows at different points in the game that it/he is trying to fight Yevon's control over it/him (this is made a little clearer when you consider the fact that the hymn of the fayth makes Sin docille, if even for just a little while.) Yevon needs the dream of the fayth to continue with the Great Summon that is Sin, and thus continue it's own existence. Jecht/Sin knew this and tried to do something about it. But this is just my opinion.

  16. #46
    Dragon KnightKJ
    Um...okay...I think.Is Yevon and Yu Yevon the same person?This is what I need to know.

    The Fayth need dream so that the un-destroyed Zanarkand and it residents(Tidus in other words) are alive.Am I right?When Sin attacked Zanarkand the portal was open.Why did this happen?What was Auron doing at the start of the game with the moon?If Sin is destroyed completely the Fayth stop dreaming.So when a normal summoner who wants to perform the Final Summoning to just defeat Sin for a while,during the calm do the Fayth still dream?

    I know that Yu Yevon is some sort of summoner who can fuse with Aeons
    to make Sin-his armor and the only way to stop Sin for good is to find a way inside it to fight and defeat Yu Yevon.But the main thing that is confusing is the Fayth because they are connected....

    Summoners--->Fayth--->Aeons--->Yu Yevon--->Sin

    By figuring out what all of the above are and what purpose they serve,only then will we unravel the mysterious story of Final Fantasy X

  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Major_Biggs
    I've only played X-2 through the first three chapters... mainly because my stooopid ps2 blew up on me. But I think it would have been a major bummer had Tidus not come back, as I understand.

    Can I have that cookie, please?

    yeah well i beat the game once(but didnt get the 100%)and its cool 2 find out that tidus came back n all but there aint nothin like seeing it 4 ur self(which i am currently working on)

  18. #48

    owh come on yuna...

    hey wat the hell u more just a game...and there's no logical explanation...look at the name "final fantasy"...which we should knew from the beginning that the game is totally crab...

  19. #49

    dont u understand...

    yu yevon want to keep sin alive...forever...even after the dream of the fayth gone...(well if yu yevon manage to send it)...sin actually is a punishment for the spira citizens...the yevon teaching teach the citizens the thing they can do and otherwise...but the citizens somehow forgot and leave the teaching away as they fight to each other (zanarkand vs luca) if im not mistaken...yevon got mad and sin is the answer (yevon punish them)...but the dream of the fayth corrupted yevon plan...the longer they dream...the bigger the posibility for the dream to come a result...sooner or later the dream will demolish sin and yu yevon itself...yu yevon cant let it happen by just watching it come he uses sin as a shield to send the dream...somehow yu yevon is too late...because jecht accidently found a space to travel between the fayth dream to the real world...he together with auron and lord braska succeed to stop the sin for the coming 10 years (false hope)...after that tidus son of jecht come and this time he will become the only hope to stop the sin for not the coming 10 years but forever...after tidus beat yu yevon and the sin (lord braska final aeon and his own father)...the dream of the fayth automaticly gone because the fayth is gone...the fayth is gone because they knew that spira has reach the permanent calm as sin will never be exist again...just consider the fayth mission has accomplished...this bring the reason of why tidus is gone it!

  20. #50
    yes yu yevon and yevon is the same person...consider it as god in final fantasy x series...

  21. #51
    Dragon KnightKJ
    I bought (finally) bought X2 and the glossary Shinra had cleared everything up.The teachings of Yevon are like the religion of Spira.Yevon is the religion and the living Yevon was Yunalesca's father.So what we're saying is that Yevon got angry at the war Zanarkand VS Bevelle and created sin and his wel...uh dead form,Yu Yevon used this Sin to destroy all of Spira.But in saying that we are also saying that Yevon wasnt all that of a good leader.What I am wondering is what are the Fayths' job?

    By dreaming they keep Zanarkand going
    And if Sin is vanquished....why do they stop dreaming?

    From what I can remember the Fayth are tired of Dreaming but they cant stop once Sin is alive.Tell me why must the Fayth dream while Sin is alive?

    PS.Being inquisitive isnt being imature.Square Enix is stupid cause they apparantly forgot that by adding new characters and peaking our interests,they also increase the desire for sequels because I,for one,wished that there was a story to complete X-2 where everything unfolds i.e The fayth,why and how they turned to fayths,Tidus,YRP,NBG fight on one team.You know where EVERYTHING concludes.We are just trying to conclude it ourselves.Buuuut......thinking *too* much can just break ur brain in two

  22. #52
    the fayth is actually a person whom is died on the pilgrimage...they are summoner too...there's a lot of summoner if u remember...each of the summoner has their own team (summoner and guardian)...they never follow other team (other summoner)...but they only have one mission that is to bring sin down...the fayth(died summoner) always wanted a calm spira...they never give up...which is a reason why they transform to become an aeon and the dreams too...they never stop dreaming UNTIL sin is gone can see it actually...when jecht together with auron and lord braska manage to stop sin for the coming 10 years...zanarkand(in fayth dream) reach the calm just last for 10 years which is enough for tidus to grow up...after that (10 years after lord braska defeat sin) sin came once again and this time sin take tidus with him too (at zanarkand, when tidus is perfoming the sphere shot)...this actually is not what the fayth is actually came from the sin itself...yes sir jecht did this all...the reason is because he wants to see his own kid (tidus) and he want his own kid to kill him...thats why the other citizens of zanarkand didn't travel to baaj temple and to the point!...tidus is the only person who travel from zanarkand(the dream of the fayth) to the real world(baaj temple>he meet rikku>besaid island)...this all is done by sir jecht...he's the only one who can did this because he use to experiences the same thing...i noticed this after i finished the game...the dream of the fayth is mainly about jecht...jecht is the only person who travel from the fayth dream to the real world 100% with just using the power of the dream...even tidus travel like that too...but with jecht help (just like i said jecht wanted to see tidus and wanted tidus to stop him from being a complete sin) a nutshell...tidus is not the real hero...the real hero should be sir jecht...if there's no sir jecht...automaticly no tidus too...yes sir jecht is the real hero...anyway i still prefer tidus...

  23. #53
    I, as well, think it was a good idea to have Tidus come back at the end. After all, you have to have a good ending at the end of a final fantasy game.

  24. #54
    Wow even though im new at the TFF i know FFX-2 and FFX and all other FF but if u love FFX-2 can u like make me a friend of yours cause i love FFX-2 and all FFX ill get along with everyone also the FFX-2 battle system was alot better than FFX ( i think that not you ) and FFX-2 left off right where FFX ended great game not so orginal but the game is amazing 10-10 yay

  25. #55
    In FFX it was i think yevon lied so did Seymor and he was kool when u defeat him also the Magus sisters ( final summoning basicly ) there kool and ummmmmmmmmmm ya thats it o and yu yevon i think was against yevon like in FFX-2 its new yevon and Youth leage cmon its basicly the same but different names and stuff also the end if u get 100% in FFX-2 the end is awesome other than Tidus waking up from the Besaid island ocean thing and yuna finds him ( sorry to spoil but had to ) it gets better after that lol and all of Besaid come out woot woot go tidus and yuna ( nice couple awwwww )

  26. #56
    asyraf god your right amazing nice lol very nice but i dont think that jecht did all that i mean some of lord braske and the fayth helped ( koo huh )

  27. #57
    Wait... it *could* work! TomStrife's Avatar
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    The Ever-Enchanted Land of Noisemaking where our only means of survival is Metal!
    Um......a word of advice:

    Don`t triple post.

    As for me, I`m pretty curious:

    What happens if you select that you don`t want Tidus to come back?

    While we`re talking about him, is his name pronounced:




    Only because Yuna was so happy that he came back.
    Square really screwed FFX up with the ability to name Tidus.
    Remember kids, internet debates are just like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

    My Band:

  28. #58
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wait... it *could* work! Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    I've always called him Tie-dus. But in Kingdom Hearts, little Wakka calls him Tee-dus. Who knows? Good question, though.


  29. #59
    i would suppose its tie-dus or wahtever ( people call ihm that in my school who like FF ) and you know what i tripled posted becuase i forgot some info lol and btw y in the world would u care so much!!!

  30. #60
    i totally agree with you yua that's the only explaination to all of this and you are a legend to come up with that thank you very much it's great

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