Apparently, one of the worst if not the worst villain in franchise according to many, which is kinda strange as his behavior, actions, motives, though most importantly his accomplishments say otherwise. To those who indeed think he's one of the worst villains in franchise, why so? As for those who like him, well, why do you like him?

To me Vayne's pinnacle of villainy as far as franchise goes. His motives are somewhat noble thus noticeably different from those of previous villains in franchise, although his execution is arguably the same as theirs. One of the most fascinating things about Vayne is his determination, I've never seen a villain prepared to lose as much in order to accomplish his goal which in fact he did. He sacrificed everything dear to him, even his own soul, all for nation of Ivalice although at first it may not seem that way. On several occasion you may witness his regret, being a mere human and not having enough time to solve everything peacefully. A brilliant tactician and great leader, Vayne Solidor managed to do what no other villain did before him, he released nation of Ivalice from clutches of immortal Ocurians and his accomplishment is there for ever.

Certainly not as flashy, cheesy and generic as let's say Golbez, Exdeath and Sephiroth, but efficient and one with more depth and personality.