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Thread: Too Hard?!

  1. #31
    Everyone needs a savior Too Hard?! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    It wasn't fun FOR YOU, Locke.

    The lightning bolt side-quest didn't require any thought or strategy, in your opinion. Interesting that you still failed miserably at it.

    Plus, the butterflies, the lightning bolts, and chocobo raising are all prequisites to get three characters' ultimate weapons. Perhaps that's not as crucial for the NA version, which lacks the dark aeons, but these are pretty much neccessary for these side quests -- which I found very challenging (read: enjoyable). In fact, I STILL have not beat Penance. Mo'fo is a hard nut to crack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Lol. Nice try alpha. "interesting that you failed,,," implying that by calling them stupid and then not doing them means I'm dumb. LOLOLOLOL. Again nice try but its been made clear that I'm above mindless sidequests and would prefer more of an intellectual challenge and not a mind numbering challenge. Give me puzzles and riddles to solve. Not button mashing crap.

    And prerecs? "ooooooooooh! Must have shiny ultimate weapon at all costs.". I'm not going to endure some developers crappy mini game to get an "ultimate" weapon. If the game is fun then sure but not if its as bad as lightening jumping.
    now i dont even come close to agreeing with locke except for that the lightning striking is tedious, but mindless and useless, NO while i think lulu is the character i use the least its still a necessity to complete the game not beat but complete and the only reason locke gets all up like he does is because he thinks he is superior to everyone on this site. but when you beat a game once or even twice it starts to get boring, so why not challenge yourself. mini games are supposed to be hard they arent made to just be walked on through i completely agree with alpha. and if you dont wanna complete a game cool thats your deal but you dont have to bash others? key point of a lot of posts on here side quests are OPTIONAL so if you dont wanna do them and you dont wanna beat the dark aeons or penence they dont do them but you dont have to bash anyone for doin something that u think is mindless. maybe you think it mindless because your mind is just not quite as strong as others and it isnt "button mashing" its called reflex

    chocobo racing is hard but it gets easier as you keep doin it,
    defeating the aeons at remiem temple simple task
    blitzball easy just scout for your own team of aurochs rather then the originals
    catching ten of every monster easy but TIME CONSUMING
    cactaur village was easy but that last one is a toughy to get his sphere
    butterfly capture i thought it was a little tough but it was also fun
    lightning dodger was long, boring and frustrating but still worth it for the sake of a. the celestial weapons and b. to be able to complete the game not to brag but for your own sense of accomplishment

    if you cant do it or dont want to cool but dont bash others cuz you are "above it" that puts you below the ones who do it maybe not in actuality but morally come on are you that immature thats like high school drama crap
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  2. #32
    Boxer of the Galaxy Too Hard?! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    only pro's do the sidequests. That must mean you're not a pro. By the way, 'Lost' sucks.

  3. #33
    Everyone needs a savior Too Hard?! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    only pro's do the sidequests. That must mean you're not a pro. By the way, 'Lost' sucks.
    yes obviously your a "casual gamer" locke but others, as much as you say you love ff, others may enjoy it more. There is not crime in that, it doesnt make them a "loser"
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  4. #34
    Sargeant Tastycakes Too Hard?! dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    For the Lightning dodger,just find a clear and open spot on the map,equip a no encounters ability armor,pay attention to the timing of the prceding flashes,get into a zen-like trance,and make sure your bladder's empty.
    Butterfly Catcher was super hard until I realized the movement of the butterflies on screen never really mattered,just utilized trial and error tactics and keep track of the right path on the map,it shouldn't take more that a few tries.
    The chocobe race is just about practice and patience,you'll eventually find your zen if your don't let consecutive failures compel you to snap your controller in half-sies.(Whoopsie-Dasisies!!)
    I'm always compelled to fully complete any Final Fantasy game I start so completng these side quests was a major no-brainer.

  5. #35

    Re: Too Hard?!

    Of course these games are poorly designed. The only reason some people defend them, is because very few people bother to beat them, which makes these people feel special about themselves. Nothing wrong with that. Sure, I was really happy when I got Tidus sigil.

    But, there are several problems with these mini-games.

    1. No connection to the story-line, no hints
    What does chocobo riding has to do with Tidus sword? What does dodging lightning bolts has to do with Lulu? What does butterflies have to do with Kimahri? Nothing! And what's even worse: There are no hints in the game that you should strive to do these things.

    2. Unfun and poorly programmed
    Come on, pushing the X button 200 times doesn't have anything to do with skill. It's just about concentration, endurance and reflexes.

    The chocobo game is pretty much based on luck, since there's only one starting position that will let you beat the game. And you have to memorize those invisible walls too.

    Butterfly game wasn't that hard. The only challenge was the bad camera angles. Again, bad game design.

    3. Doesn't fit a FF game
    Sidequests in FF games should be puzzles that requires some thinking. Minigames are mostly there to give the player a break from the ordinary gameplay. Usually the sidequests would get you a special weapon or something like that, while the minigames where mostly for fun.

    In FFX they got this horribly wrong. The biggest mini-game, is a TURN-BASED game. It's like fighting in the battle arena. If I've fought monsters for 10 hours, I can't say that I'm excited to play some blitzball for another 10 hours (and win EVERY game with 7-0), because it's basically the same thing.

    They could have done this in so many ways. The could have included a super hard team that you could only beat with proper training and tactics. But no, instead it's just about endurance. Play Blitzball for 15 hours straight, and you get Wakkas sigil. Thank you, Squaresoft. After a while, started playing the game while watching televison. I scored a goal, then parked in front of my own goalie for the rest of the game.

    Can you imagine how fun FFVII would be, if you had to complete Mog House 200 times to get the Omnislash? Betting on the right chocobo ten times in a row in disc 1 to get Venus Gospel? Shoot 100 basket balls to get Conformer? Beat the arm-wrestling guy 500 times in a row to get Missing Score? Or to have a 1/1000 chance to catch Premium Heart in the Wonder Catcher.

    This is basically how FFX (and in some ways FFXII) is designed. It's impossible to find out these things "by accident", because no human being would do these things just for fun. Don't tell me that you would have enjoyed FFVII if it was designed this way.

  6. #36
    I will save the world Too Hard?! Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bad_Brett View Post
    Of course these games are poorly designed. The only reason some people defend them, is because very few people bother to beat them, which makes these people feel special about themselves. Nothing wrong with that. Sure, I was really happy when I got Tidus sigil.

    But, there are several problems with these mini-games.

    1. No connection to the story-line, no hints
    What does chocobo riding has to do with Tidus sword? What does dodging lightning bolts has to do with Lulu? What does butterflies have to do with Kimahri? Nothing! And what's even worse: There are no hints in the game that you should strive to do these things.

    2. Unfun and poorly programmed
    Come on, pushing the X button 200 times doesn't have anything to do with skill. It's just about concentration, endurance and reflexes.

    The chocobo game is pretty much based on luck, since there's only one starting position that will let you beat the game. And you have to memorize those invisible walls too.

    Butterfly game wasn't that hard. The only challenge was the bad camera angles. Again, bad game design.

    3. Doesn't fit a FF game
    Sidequests in FF games should be puzzles that requires some thinking. Minigames are mostly there to give the player a break from the ordinary gameplay. Usually the sidequests would get you a special weapon or something like that, while the minigames where mostly for fun.

    In FFX they got this horribly wrong. The biggest mini-game, is a TURN-BASED game. It's like fighting in the battle arena. If I've fought monsters for 10 hours, I can't say that I'm excited to play some blitzball for another 10 hours (and win EVERY game with 7-0), because it's basically the same thing.

    They could have done this in so many ways. The could have included a super hard team that you could only beat with proper training and tactics. But no, instead it's just about endurance. Play Blitzball for 15 hours straight, and you get Wakkas sigil. Thank you, Squaresoft. After a while, started playing the game while watching televison. I scored a goal, then parked in front of my own goalie for the rest of the game.

    Can you imagine how fun FFVII would be, if you had to complete Mog House 200 times to get the Omnislash? Betting on the right chocobo ten times in a row in disc 1 to get Venus Gospel? Shoot 100 basket balls to get Conformer? Beat the arm-wrestling guy 500 times in a row to get Missing Score? Or to have a 1/1000 chance to catch Premium Heart in the Wonder Catcher.

    This is basically how FFX (and in some ways FFXII) is designed. It's impossible to find out these things "by accident", because no human being would do these things just for fun. Don't tell me that you would have enjoyed FFVII if it was designed this way.
    I agree with everything that you said. Very very true. The only final weapon I did get was Yuna's because a) it was the easiest to get and b) I didn't have the patience to get the rest of the items/blitzball/all that. Although I am a fan of the game, after a while winning 7-0 just got boring.

    And from what almost every final fantasy in the game (except for III and XIII), Final Fantasy VII is arguably the easiet out of all final fantasies. It still has its difficulties, but compared to the evilness of I-VI. With the materia, summons and awesome sword. It's easier than X for sure.

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  7. #37
    Star of the FF Show Too Hard?! Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    Yeah to get the Best weapons in FFX Some of the challenges were a bit much to say the least. The lighting bolt challenge that was just riduclous although that was the one i done first thank god. The chocobo challenge was quite fun though and those weapons would help when taking on the dark aeons and uber hard monsters in the monster arena

    Are they too hard....No i don't think so anyways

  8. #38

    Re: Too Hard?!

    Atleast in FFX there are many side quests. In FFXIII there is 1.

    And as many have said, if you don't wan't to do the side quest then don't do them. The side quest in FFX adds a lot of extra hours to the game. When I play RPG's I don't want to finish the game quickly, I want to play forever.
    The side quest needs skill. Or how else do you explain that there are so many that can't manage to complete them?

  9. #39

    Re: Too Hard?!

    I agree prob with 13 is its done in levels, also dark aeons piece of cake

  10. #40

    Re: Too Hard?!

    I am going to put another opinion in. Thankyou for more replys to this post and I am glad I am not the only one who thinks Locke 4 God is an arrogant has to be right arsehole, they are opinions we all have them so don't knock them okay. Now that is out of the way lets me say a few things. I have said I find them difficult but I don't think I explained WHY so here goes. Yuna's was easy no more needs to be said about that, Auron's was no real challenge either all you had to do was catch a few monsters easy right. Rikku's also easy just tedious and time consuming, Wakka well that was easy if you have a decent Blitzball team but for me I had no problem. Thinkin on it now only 3 of these side quests were hard. The Chocobo race was just annoying I think it takes more luck than skill (well perhaps a bit of both) and with patience (if you have it) then you WILL EVENTUALLY do it. Butterfly hunt caused me major problems (mainly in the central area due to the 'corner of death' as I came to call it as there is only one way to get through it and I found it a bitch to get through) but I EVENTUALLY managed to beat it. As for the lightning bolts many of you have said it was hard I agree but when you think on it why is it so hard? All you really have to do is stand there wait for a white flash and press the X button sounds easy so I do not really know why me and so many others found it hard, perhaps because it is so boring and we alll think it will be a piece of piss we make mistakes from over confidence in any case I completed it in two different places and it never took me too long the Chocobo Race and Butterfly hunt took me the longest to complete and I will say it again they are worth the effort for the Celestial Weapons and also if you don't want to do them then don't remember you are playiong the game and therefore it is your decision. I will not knock anyones opinion (I am not Locke 4 God) you are perfectly entitled to them and I am happy to see others points of view, why be narrow minded when we can be open minded?

  11. #41
    Registered BRUISER Too Hard?! Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    I might be the only person who enjoyed dodging lightning bolts, lol. I put on a podcast, cracked a bottle of wine, and 90 minutes later I was up to date on my podcasts, had well over 200 bolts dodged (better safe than sorry), and was drunk. Huzzah!

    I think the secret to the Chocobo racing is to be in a zen state where you're expecting it to take awhile. Have something else going on, like a handheld game or a movie you're watching. I don't know the actual numbers anymore, but I had set numbers. In the first stretch I had to have x number. If I didn't have it, casually switch to my other thing for a minute or two. If I'd get that I'd tackle the second part. If I hit my quota I'd go all in for the end. If not, just forget about it for a little. Eventually the balloons will line up right, the birds will show mercy, and you'll be on top of your game. I personally got 00:00 exactly three times before getting less, but I still had it in less than an hour.

    Kimahri sucks, I never did the stupid Butterfly game.

  12. #42
    Registered User Too Hard?! NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Too Hard?!

    Obtaining all of the Celestial Weapons can be a difficult task. The lightning bolt thing... I never wanna do again. But once you achieve them, there is such an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I may have spent hours and hours on end in my room alone with no outside contact while plying through that game... but I'll be damned if getting everything didn't feel like the greatest accomplishment of my life. Comparative to receiving my Bachelor's Degree, but there was a lot of sitting around listening to speeches that day... was kind of a downer. Bahaha!

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