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Thread: Tidus, you opinion please

  1. #1

    Tidus, you opinion please

    Im not too much of a fan, ok he's good an all but his character sucks. He laughs like a dying seagull and is just really annoying.

    in order of greatness:


    Come on even zindane had an edge but it seems like they kinda forced a character out of tidus, the dude is suddenly given a sword at the beggining and all of a sudden he can fight.... no... at least the other characters had experience. Cloud was in soldier, though he was never 1st Class, Squall was in Seed, Vaan was an acomplished strret theif and Zindane was part of a team of rouges.... Tidus was a blitzball player. But i will give him credit, i did like some of the scenes where he screams at sin and chases him and near the end when he man's up.

    lol sorry im just ranting but whats your views on Tidus?

  2. #2
    Registered User Tidus, you opinion please
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I really like Tidus. I like the character development he goes through. Makes him seem like a more personable character. He goes through a LOT during the events of the game, and for all the things that happened to him, he seems pretty well adjusted to it all.

    I mean, how would you feel if you suddenly woke up in "another world", and come to the realization that you may never see the people that you love and care about ever again?

    He gets a lot of flack for being a crybaby (especially from his dad ), but really, I think having a character to display that sort of emotion is a pretty refreshing change. Also, he doesn't cry THAT much, and for all the people that call him a "whiner", he really doesn't do it that much either. He grows as a character, so he does "grow up" a bit, and isn't so selfish.

    Oh, and for his voice acting: There are some parts in the game that were pretty hard to not feel embarrassed for the actor playing him (i.e. the laughing scene), but overall, I thought it was a pretty decent job.
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  3. #3

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    i see what you mean, and yes i agree he does develop well as a character (im a writer and i admire the way they scripted his development), but something about him just rubs me up the wrong way. Even at the relative begining of the game when Rikku punchs him i lol'd. but yeah completely agree that he has a real character image, not as hardcore as Cloud and not as Emo as Squall... a good balance.

    ...... he still gets on my nerves though lol

  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger Tidus, you opinion please Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I agree with the two of you, he seems so inept at the beginning of the game just following orders and doing what those around him tell him to do but he does grow a lot into a very strong charismatic leader I think. It's the emotion he shows towards the end of the game that made him such a great character, made him more real which Square has done a great job in doing the last few installments of Final Fantasy, developing characters. The scene at Macalania Woods was def one of my favorite. Hope that doesn't spoil anything but I tried to be as general as possible.

    Me being such a fan of Zidane I would like to hear what a voice actor would do with him, how he would make him sound. He seems to me like he'd need to be full of sarcasm and sharp tongued but that's just a side note. lol

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  5. #5

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    The only argument anyone ever has about Tidus is that he's annoying. I didn't have a problem with him at all and he made me laugh multiple times. If the main Character of X wasn't Tidus I probably wouldn't like it as much.

    If I was dragged 1000 years in the future I would be a little bitchy too

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  6. #6
    The real reason why the rum is gone Tidus, you opinion please Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    The only argument anyone ever has about Tidus is that he's annoying. I didn't have a problem with him at all and he made me laugh multiple times. If the main Character of X wasn't Tidus I probably wouldn't like it as much.
    He certainly is annoying, but I do feel sorry for him cause of all that shit with Jecht and the fact that he's pretty much lost from his own time. He can be quite cute and loveable, but gaaaah annoying. Not as annoying as Vaan though. -__-

  7. #7
    All is One.One is All. Tidus, you opinion please Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    If I was dragged 1000 years in the future I would be a little bitchy too
    Exactly,LOL. I loved Tidus,I had no prob with him.He made the game fun and hilarious.One of my fav male characters of all time!!
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  8. #8
    Memento Rhapso Tidus, you opinion please Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote: Cloud was in soldier, though he was never 1st Class

    Sorry, but that was driving me nuts. Cloud wasn't ever SOLDIER, just an Infantryman.
    Anyway, I kinda enjoy his character, but he makes a lot of bad choices lol.
    Oh, one other thing. PANT SHORTS
    That is all

    *Quote thing 'twas being stoopid, had to do lame quote
    Last edited by Rhaps; 04-01-2010 at 01:26 PM.

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  9. #9

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    yeah sorry, i keep getting him mixed up lol havent played it in years and then crisis core came along.... ive really got to get another psp

  10. #10
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    See the uncanny resemblence? The possible conspiracy behind the whole game?

    I sure do.

    I hope you all do too.

    Now you've been warned.
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    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  11. #11
    Registered User Tidus, you opinion please Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I thought he was okay, not awesome but he barely made it.
    Vaan was horrible though.

    I liked all the main characters except Vaan, Ashe was kinda main too and she was a lot cooler.

  12. #12
    I would explode to save your life~ Tidus, you opinion please SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post

    See the uncanny resemblence? The possible conspiracy behind the whole game?

    I sure do.

    I hope you all do too.

    Now you've been warned.
    O_o i never noticed that before and Tidus gets on my nerves >......<

  13. #13
    Dragoon Tidus, you opinion please TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post

    See the uncanny resemblence? The possible conspiracy behind the whole game?

    I sure do.

    I hope you all do too.

    Now you've been warned.
    (Tidus is a lot prettier there. Or at least not as scary-looking.)

    As for his character, I thought he was annoying but he was funny and somewhat realistic. Perhaps too emotional at times but, kudos to handling the culture shock.

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  14. #14
    I want to play a game. Tidus, you opinion please Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I liked Tidus as a character. His perspective and growth in the story was nicely done and I liked his narration of his story as well. It offered a different and more mature sounding view of certain scenes. Tidus wasn't much of a warrior in the beginning but througout the story he becomes more and more like one. Then at the end of the game (facing Sin) he has become a warrior. Was he sometimes very emotional? Yes, but not a lot. Is that a bad thing? Not all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post

    See the uncanny resemblence? The possible conspiracy behind the whole game?

    I sure do.

    I hope you all do too.

    Now you've been warned.

    A 17 year-old Okinawan boy looks like a (at the time) 38 year-old white girl. Tidus has a japanese influence on his look, Meg Ryan doesn't.

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  15. #15

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    tidus would be someone i want for a boyfriend. i know i'll never be bored because hes so adventurous and fun.

  16. #16
    1DownShroom Tidus, you opinion please 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Hes only adventorous and fun because he was made that way not becausehe is. Auron is better cause hes cool cause he doesnt complain.
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  17. #17

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by 1DownShroom View Post
    Hes only adventorous and fun because he was made that way not becausehe is.
    i'm not sure if i get your point. if hes made that way then wouldnt HE actually BE adventurous and fun? are you talking about in the sense where the people actually made him that way...yah thats what i mean.

    and to add more, i think he balanced out his personality very well. hes chilled when hes supposed to and gets serious when its time to save the world. unlike most characters they are only seen as one-sided.

  18. #18

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by LIGHTNING_71013 View Post
    i'm not sure if i get your point. if hes made that way then wouldnt HE actually BE adventurous and fun? are you talking about in the sense where the people actually made him that way...yah thats what i mean.

    and to add more, i think he balanced out his personality very well. hes chilled when hes supposed to and gets serious when its time to save the world. unlike most characters they are only seen as one-sided.

    I agree with you Lightning, Downshroom... if you gonna argue against someone make sure you have a valid point. If someone is made to be somthing then they become what they have been made to be, if i was made into a killer then i'd be a killer. Tidus is adventurous, he may be a bit whinny at the biggining but as alot of people have said his character develops into so much more, ive recently played ff10 after creating this thread and i see what all the pro-tidus people mean.

  19. #19

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Quote Originally Posted by 1DownShroom View Post
    Shat up before I stab u. Auron is cool! I hate Tidus because I like Auron because hes awesome, this is my opinion so go **** yourself!

    have you read the rules? i suggest you go double check them, and if youve already made your argument on here dont comment on my visitors page, and how can you possibly stab me, im probably not even in the same country as you. And stating one character sucks just because you think another is awesome is not a valid point. Just because you think your right (its your opinion and your intiled to it) dosent mean everyone else is wrong.

  20. #20
    From the ruins of Zanarkand Tidus, you opinion please Yuna's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Tidus...a guy who is really different, compared to other male protagonist of the saga.

    First of all, his way to dress and look: he has coloured clothes, he's tanned, maybe more in health than Cloud and Squall (they looks so pale ihihih). Then, his way to live: he's a star in DZ, so really confident with himself...but with a big pain in his heart, about his father and the fact to be lonely.

    Yeah, I'm agree with you: sometimes he's worse than Rikku, when he starts to talk so loudly I wish to summon Bahamut for shut his mouth...but you know, he's not too bad.

    Despite is cherfull way of talk and act, he's not superficial person. He cares a lot about people, you can see that when he asks to the group of taking care of the monsters, he cares about Yuna and all the entire story of summoners, he fights for his love but also for all Spira...

  21. #21
    Sir Auron

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    i think Tidus sounded like a girl in the English version...but other than that i think he was an ok character

  22. #22
    Registered User Tidus, you opinion please
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I found him kind of irritating at times, but for the most part he was alright.

  23. #23
    Crash Boom Bang Tidus, you opinion please Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I have to see past the voice acting.... his VA really makes me dislike his character, though if I muted the tv I'd probably make it through the game without cringing

    I do like his character and his story, and he's not all emo and whiney, but good god, he doesn't half do my head in sometimes. I think he's just a bit too hyper for my liking sometimes, save that for one of the other party members please. that arm thing he does where he waves it really annoys me as well, but again, I guess that's like the VA thing, I just have to try to look past that

    I like how we learn about shit as outsiders of Spira as he does, it helps to connect with his character and his emotions, and I think he is pretty well developed as a character

    I just let the silly cosmetic things annoy me too much 8F

  24. #24
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Tidus, you opinion please Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    How many times have I heard about Tidus being annoying, about his terrible voice and whiny attitude, honestly before even playing the damn game I thought to myself, damn, he must be the worst protagonist in Final Fantasy franchise.

    Though that suddenly changed, the minute I've beaten the game, maybe even earlier that description of Tidus disappeared before my eyes. Tidus is certainly one of the best characters in Final Fantasy franchise, great protagonist with lot of depth and great personality. Love his optimistic attitude, though it's true that he can go a little bit overboard with it. His voice was more than OK, in fact I found Yuna's voice to be more annoying (blasphemy, some might say). Also, why so many people think he's whiny, is it because Yecht thinks of him that way, there's nothing strange to be whiny when you're a kid you know. As for his bitching, he had all reason for it, I mean put yourself in his shoes, 10 000 years in future, without a home and everyone you knew, completely new world you don't know anything about, pretty good reasons to me.

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  25. #25
    dress in drag and do the HULA \o/ Tidus, you opinion please xkrogholm's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    liked Tidus 10 times better than Vann :3.. but yeah, thought it was a bit odd that he was able to wield a sword immediately, since his only real skill was blitzball to begin with o.O.

  26. #26
    Registered User Tidus, you opinion please Cloudsnakeskin's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I think with a different voice actor he could have been one of the most memorable FF characters, instead of being remembered for his whiny voice.

  27. #27
    Registered User Tidus, you opinion please Cloudsnakeskin's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I forgot to add that i do actually like Tidus just not his voice.

  28. #28
    The Mad God Tidus, you opinion please Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    To be honest, I liked the fact that he didn't have any experience as a fighter. You actually got to see a spoiled kid become the guy who'd help save the world. Only thing about him I wasn't nuts about was the voice. It wasn't terrible, but did get kinda irritating at times.
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  29. #29
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    I thought he was alright, but would have been miles better with a different voice actor. If anything, it was just the voice acting that irritated me throughout the game, and not just with Tidus.

    The voice just made him seem really spoilt and whinny. It worked in some places, because I think his character is supposed to be somewhat whinny, but it went a little too far.

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  30. #30

    Re: Tidus, you opinion please

    Tidus was a good hero one thing that i did not like was the facial expressions he had sometimes in the game. But i do love how he wasn't a fighter at the beginnig and you actually saw him grow during the game which was a cool experience. Overall not the best final fantasy character but he is in my top 10 best video game characters of all time.

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