You know the symbols that appear in FFX that are connected to the aeon? They are each adorned with letters that when read in a certain order (usually clockwise from the center but other readings would be possible) you get something that most of the time appears to be gibberish but in certain cases looks like it could be a legit name.

Besaid: TIGOK

Kilika: NYOYO

Djose: FCPEQ (not sure about that one)

Macalania: LOYY

Bevelle: THGOP (not sure about that one)

Final Aeon: ILCGY (not sure about that one)

Yojimbo: MPUE (apparently needs to read in an alternate order)

Anima: BIPIG (not sure. Read counterclockwise it reads as BIGIB which isn't much better)

Magus sisters: WHJSG, NCRHJG and FCTG (All of these appears to be gibberish)

Well, there you have it. Sure, most of them appear to be pure gibberish and it's just a theory what they all might mean. Feel free to discuss anyway.