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Thread: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Rhaps's Avatar
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    Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Seymour. Creepy or awesome? He's a Guado so he gets bonus points, but his persona is just. . . .weird. He made a very contradicting first impression: Gives Yuna the "I'ma touch ewe" look, then summons a badass Aeon. Hence my mental debate.
    What do you guys think?
    Last edited by Rhaps; 03-25-2010 at 05:27 PM.

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  2. #2
    I would explode to save your life~ Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    He's creepy. Seymour seriously creeps me out O_O
    Last edited by SeaAlchemist; 03-25-2010 at 05:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Dragoon Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Creepy definately, the bit at the wedding also was too 'eww'.
    As for the Aeon Anima. Damn cool, but it's his mum and she's in pain, to willfully cause that is a horrific thing. If it was necessary then that's the sacrifice she made. But it's not.
    Actually he reminds me of Jaoquin Phoenix...

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  4. #4

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    creepy and disgusting.
    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-25-2010 at 07:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Ashelia's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I hated that guy. He was the only storyline boss I had trouble beating the first time.

  6. #6
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    during the whole wedding scene, I was unsure of who would wear the dress, Seymour or Yuna. Other than that, he was an annoying character in the main story and had the same "pity me my mom died" routine that was used in FF7, so I was kinda like "ehh" on him.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

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  7. #7
    Registered User Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I really don't have a strong opinion about his character. He's just kind of...there...for me, and would pop up every now and again. I did think that the outfit that he wore to the wedding was seriously dumb-looking. I think it was the hat.
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  8. #8
    I want to play a game. Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I found in him to be creepy in a good way; he came off to me as very mentally unstable. Throughout the game I was wondering how far he [Seymour] would go to accomplish his goal(s) and when somebody who is unstable can't be predictable they are frightening, especially as Seymour plays it off calmly.

    However the weirdest thing for me about Seymour was that red part of his outfit, which appears to be some sort of shirt. With today's graphics it would have looked a lot better, but in FFX at certain angles it made him look fat and/or have a beer belly.

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  9. #9
    Paladin Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    deffinatly a creep. I never really cared for the character, but I like the way he was presented. It was the first time a FF gave you a antagonist, who wasen't the main protagonist like Sephy, Kefka, or Kuja. But despite that...deffinatly a creeper.

    Also, this should have been a poll.
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  10. #10
    I want to play a game. Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire Adams View Post
    It was the first time a FF gave you a antagonist, who wasen't the main protagonist like Sephy, Kefka, or Kuja.
    Sephiroth, Kefka, and Kuja were the main protagonists in their respective game? o_O This is news to me. Perhaps you meant main antagonist? As that would make more sense and be fitting. Of course if you didn't mean "main antagonist" that would throw off a lot of people who thought Cloud, Terra, and Zidane were the main protagonists of their respective games.

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  11. #11
    Paladin Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Sephiroth, Kefka, and Kuja were the main protagonists in their respective game? o_O This is news to me. Perhaps you meant main antagonist? As that would make more sense and be fitting. Of course if you didn't mean "main antagonist" that would throw off a lot of people who thought Cloud, Terra, and Zidane were the main protagonists of their respective games.
    shoot. Yeah I said Antagonist the first time, then protagonist the second time. I didn't meant that. Yes....antagonist. lol.
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  12. #12
    The real reason why the rum is gone Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    However the weirdest thing for me about Seymour was that red part of his outfit, which appears to be some sort of shirt. With today's graphics it would have looked a lot better, but in FFX at certain angles it made him look fat and/or have a beer belly
    This is true! I always did wonder why he had a beer belly o_O Perhaps Tromell had been feeding him up?

    I think Seymour is an extremely interesting character. He's such a psycho but I think he has a gentlemanly side to him also. He seems quite insecure to be honest... Perhaps it's the beer belly? xD

  13. #13
    Memento Rhapso Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I'd make it a poll, but my fat is acting up
    Aaaaanyway, I'm actually an FFX nooble and just met him, so far he seems interesting to me lol I always liked playing devil's advocate

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  14. #14
    Registered User Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I think he is creepy, a liked him a little bit first but not anymore.
    He's not a memorable character

  15. #15
    Dragoon Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmare Cloud View Post
    I think Seymour is an extremely interesting character. He's such a psycho but I think he has a gentlemanly side to him also. He seems quite insecure to be honest... Perhaps it's the beer belly? xD
    He does seem like he tries, but to me he came of slimy (and yeah he did look fat, but I though his cheeks did too)

    Seymour is a scary character, though he and Kefka both disregarded peoples lives and would gladly throw them away to meet thier goals, at least Kefka was open about it and didn't care who knew. With Seymour, he's so calm and yet so unstable. With that and people willing to throw away thier lives for thier belief in him being a person of honour and that of upholding holy order without second thought. THAT is terrifying...

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  16. #16

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Neither cool nor creepy.
    His outfit was... ah, well. ^^" I always thought it was kinda... ugly. Especially close-ups looked quite creepy. I don't like the painting in his face. But it was okay. In FFX, every characters looked strange at first sight XD (Especially Wakka O_o")

    But I liked him. Of course he wasn't as evil as Kefka was (no one can ever be as evil as Kefka XD""), but he had some quite good ideas. And he tricked me, after all. ^^" I didn't know at the beginning that he was a bad guy. I always thought he was one of the good ones... (I haven't heard much about the game before playing it xP)
    And he was a far better antagonist than Yu Yevon was. At least you knew Seymour from the start. And he always got in your way. And he was mad. An antagonist has to be mad. He played his role well.

    Oh and I liked his voice... It was a bit high but it fitted him perfectly. ^^

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  17. #17
    Registered User Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Pendulous's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    His voice.

    I can't explain it. It's just weird.
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  18. #18

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    The dude has date rape written all over him :/

  19. #19
    Memento Rhapso Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruel Misery View Post
    The dude has date rape written all over him :/
    I have friends who look like that, but they haven't done that to my knowledge lol

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  20. #20

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    well i knew he was a villian the moment i heard the sinister score of music.. i have the whole soundtrack on C.D but yeah i knew he'd be a problem but i would have never have guessed that forced marriage was on the books lol
    Last edited by Cruel Misery; 03-30-2010 at 03:21 PM.

  21. #21
    Dragoon Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruel Misery View Post
    The dude has date rape written all over him :/
    Hahaha! *sigh* Yeah...

    He was to me a suspicious character to say the least. It's the only protagonist from the FF games I have never thought anything good of e.g. (OMG, he's gonna destroy all existence, he's such a badass! And WTF he totally wiped out the hero in training! Etc...) Never the kind of things I'd think or say but, guess the FFgame

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  22. #22

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by TigermusiQ View Post
    Hahaha! *sigh* Yeah...

    He was to me a suspicious character to say the least. It's the only protagonist from the FF games I have never thought anything good of e.g. (OMG, he's gonna destroy all existence, he's such a badass! And WTF he totally wiped out the hero in training! Etc...) Never the kind of things I'd think or say but, guess the FFgame
    I see your point here lol Atleast with Sephiroth he seemed menacing like a big ass sword and mother issues... this seymour guy lol well he carries a staff, wears something that looks like a dress and obviously cant get a girlfriend so he goes around kidnapping summoners and forces them to marry him. If he succesfully murdered a playable character (like sephiroth did to aeris) then he would gain a little respect.

  23. #23
    1DownShroom Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Hes dead, has an ant-gravity hairdoo, and he has that wierd laugh at Mt. Gagazet. Hes wierd.
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  24. #24

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by 1DownShroom View Post
    Hes dead, has an ant-gravity hairdoo, and he has that wierd laugh at Mt. Gagazet. Hes wierd.
    Yeah but what do you think of his character development, i think he was forced inot something that his character dose not portray if you get my drift. He seems meanecing but you dont see how evil he is till the end and even then he dosent seem as bad as he could... no other Villian would lower themselfs into a forced marriage, well no decent villian anyways.

  25. #25
    1DownShroom Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Hes not evil until Yuna turns him down, then he cries and tries to kill them.
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  26. #26

    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    I've always liked Seymour for some reason.

  27. #27
    Do the elements trust you? Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Quote Originally Posted by TigermusiQ View Post
    He does seem like he tries, but to me he came of slimy (and yeah he did look fat, but I though his cheeks did too)

    Seymour is a scary character, though he and Kefka both disregarded peoples lives and would gladly throw them away to meet thier goals, at least Kefka was open about it and didn't care who knew. With Seymour, he's so calm and yet so unstable. With that and people willing to throw away thier lives for thier belief in him being a person of honour and that of upholding holy order without second thought. THAT is terrifying...
    i hated him and i wanted to throw brotherhood through his head the second time i fought him, because i was underpowered and powned
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  28. #28
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    His personality and appearance prevents him from being either one imo, more like weird than anything else.

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  29. #29
    Johnny Boy Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Johnny's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    i never liked seymour and i agree with Dodie16 on Seymour's outfit looking stupid

  30. #30
    The Bird Of Hermes Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o Dancing_Corpse's Avatar
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    Re: Seymour: Cool or Creepy? O_o

    Creepy in a sort of uncle that gets too close to you sorta way

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