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Thread: Overdrives?

  1. #1
    Registered User Overdrives? Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    So, I was playing FFX today and during battles I was using overdrives when this question came to mind, which overdrives are good and which are just purely annoying.

    I find that Wakka, Rikku, Tidus, and Yuna have pretty great overdrives

    but the rest kind of annoy me, I mean some of the attack values are great but the way to get a good one is a bit annoying..

    tell me what you think
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    LuLu's is very good until you start to get really high up in the stats. Mainly early game.

    I like Auron's for mainly Great Marlboros because he get's First Strike and just Shooting Star it out of the fight.

    Kimarhi's for White Wind and Mighty Guard mainly.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Overdrives? Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I like Lulu's, mainly because executing it can get frantic The best overdrives, in my opinion, are Auron's. I like the one where he spits sake on the blade of his katana... tornado? I can't remember.

  4. #4

    Re: Overdrives?

    I really like Kimahri's overdrives, mainly because they are the 'Blue Magic' techniques and cover pretty much everything, including physical and magical attacks, positive and negative statuses and defensive buffs.

  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger Overdrives? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I really like Wakka's Overdrive. It was easiest for me to get the hang of. And it gives you fifteen seconds to do it, so you don't feel rushed like in Tidus' or Auron's. And Wakka's can do multiple things: plain physical attack, elemental attack, status attack, and whatever the last one does (I think it's a combo of the previous three, but I never use it).
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  6. #6
    Fueled by Coffee Overdrives? Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I loved Lulu's overdrive in concept, but it wasn't as powerful as I wanted it to later in the game. Rikku's came in handy sometimes, I think it saved the day on the airship on the way to Bevelle. Sword fighters' overdrives are almost always great in my books.

    I generally love Dragoons, but Kimahri was the worst I think, and I never really used his Blue Magic... well the only time I did was when he was fighting the Ronso alone.

  7. #7
    I will save the world Overdrives? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Yuna's overdrive is my favorite, especially if the aeon you summon already has a full overdrive bar, double overdrive ftw! As regards to Lulu, I agree with what Loaf says, personally she was my best person for an overdrive but as I got stronger like physically, I only used her to take out people with flare. Also if Kimahri does learn all of the blue magic attacks, he can be useful.

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  8. #8
    Gamer Girl Overdrives? Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I love everyone's but Lulu's. Never can get very good results with hers. Auron's is my favorite tho^_^

  9. #9
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Overdrives? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I Like Tidus' Overdrives, Khimari's Overdrives, And Yuna's Overdrive, But My Favorite Overdrive In The Game Is Bahamut's Mega Flare, Hands Down! I Love Yuna's Because If I Had Gotten An Overdrive Saved On One Of My Summons, I Can Use Two Overdrives In A Row On Whichever Summon. I Loved The Overdrive System In General, It Is Like The Limit Break System, Which I Enjoyed.

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  10. #10
    Everyone needs a savior Overdrives? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    i hate wakkas everybody elses is good though
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  11. #11
    The White Wizard of Fynn Overdrives? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I used to love Wakka's Attack Reels, Tidus's Blitz Ace and Bahamut's Mega Flare for great damage. Lulu's Fury was also highly effective if her stats were beefed up. I never really used Anima, but I heard in the PAL version its overdrive is capable of doing insane damage.

    Just out of curiosity, did anyone ever use Seymour's overdrive the one time you can control him? I think I did once, but can't really remember what it was like. I seem to recall it being a powerful non-elemental attack, a bit like Zidane's Dyne attacks in IX.

  12. #12
    Everyone needs a savior Overdrives? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    i used seymours overdrive maybe once but it wasnt so great and i grind alot every place i go because the first time i battled gui i failed epicly so by the time i get to him now i am usually powerful enough to get by just pummling the sinspawn with attacks although i do use seymour for his spells
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  13. #13
    Sargeant Tastycakes Overdrives? dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Wakka's final overdrive is by far the most powerful,I can always time it perfectly and hit the enemy with around 130,000 points of damage (9999 x 13 hits)
    Auron's shooting star animation is purely bad-arse.(The way the camera swings around behind him right before he sends the baddie on a bye-bye trip in da sky.)

  14. #14
    The White Wizard of Fynn Overdrives? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Wakka's final overdrive is by far the most powerful,I can always time it perfectly and hit the enemy with around 130,000 points of damage (9999 x 13 hits)
    Is that Auroch Reels? I used to be perfect at Attack Reels and could deal a similar amount of damage, but just didn't have enough patience with Blitzball to get the final one.

  15. #15
    Sargeant Tastycakes Overdrives? dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindu View Post
    Is that Auroch Reels? I used to be perfect at Attack Reels and could deal a similar amount of damage, but just didn't have enough patience with Blitzball to get the final one.

    No,you're right it was Attack Reels. I haven't played FFX in a while and just automatically assumed it was the last overdrive.

  16. #16
    Star of the FF Show Overdrives? Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Well The characters I Used most were Lulu,Yuna and Tidus

    I Thought Lulu's was pretty strong If you had her completly beefed up She could do some damage

    Yuna's overdrive i wasn't too crazy about unless you used it for Anima it would say average overdrive

    Tidius's Overdrive simillar to Lulu's

  17. #17
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Overdrives? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I love Tidus' Overdrives, except Slice n' Dice, unless it's against a single opponent. Auron's are "?Coº°??°ºoL"?, mainly because I am quick at executing button combinations, and also like an earlier poster said, he's brillo for First Strike and Shooting Star against Great Marlboros. Rikku's Mix is amazingly awesome. Yuna's is useful, and Lulu's is pretty good earlier on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    Yuna's overdrive is my favorite, especially if the aeon you summon already has a full overdrive bar, double overdrive ftw!
    Does that work? Everytime I use Grand Summon, I always make sure to pick an Aeon who doesn't have a full Overdrive gauge, because I thought it would waste the gauge of an Aeon who was already in Overdrive
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  18. #18

    Re: Overdrives?

    Tidus has the best its like a small challenge

  19. #19
    I will save the world Overdrives? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Lulu magic attacks ftw!

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  20. #20
    Crash Boom Bang Overdrives? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Ive always found Lulus and Khimaris to be pretty shit - wel;l, Khimari can learn a couple of decent ones I suppose

    Aurons is pretty good, unless im imagining one of them being able to cast full break, despite the rather shoddy damage

    Wakka's overdrive/celestial weapon is the only reason I play Blitzball. Attack reels is definately the best overdrive imo.

  21. #21
    Registered BRUISER Overdrives? Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Wakka's attack reels, Rikku's mix (with proper items), and Tidus' Blitz Ace are the best since they can hit for max damage multiple times in a row. Auron's banishing blade is also very useful (especially in the monster arena) because it reduces the enemy's defense to 0 for the rest of the battle.

    Lulu's overdrive must be glitched because it's impossible to get it to do as much damage as a normal spell, and Kimahri's should've been available as blue magic with something else saved for the overdrive because there's nothing special about it.

  22. #22
    All is One.One is All. Overdrives? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    I loved Auron's overdrives I didn't really like Kimarhi's or Lulu's(because I could never completely fill up her gauge). Yuna's,Rikku's,Wakka's,and Tidus's was alright but I think I am going have to say that Auron has the best overdrive
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  23. #23
    TFF's Resident Messenger Overdrives? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nidogod View Post
    Lulu's overdrive must be glitched because it's impossible to get it to do as much damage as a normal spell.
    It isn't glitched. The game says in the description section of the Overdrive list that her spells are only half as potent than when casting a single spell. Even her Demi only lowers HP by one-eighth instead of one-fourth each time you use it in Overdrive.

  24. #24
    The White Wizard of Fynn Overdrives? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Yeah, I remember when I had Lulu so beefed up Blizzaga Fury did continuous 9999s against Seymour. It's like the attacks in Blitz Ace; you'll notice they're not nearly as powerful as Tidus's normal physical attack, but more plentiful.

  25. #25
    Registered BRUISER Overdrives? Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Yeah, I remember when I had Lulu so beefed up Blizzaga Fury did continuous 9999s against Seymour. It's like the attacks in Blitz Ace; you'll notice they're not nearly as powerful as Tidus's normal physical attack, but more plentiful.
    Ok I stand corrected, although you must've had to kill Jumbo Flan a thousand times to get enough magic spheres to get it to do that much damage.

  26. #26
    The White Wizard of Fynn Overdrives? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Yeah, I regret it now, but I spent far too much of my life grinding in this game back when I was 12, 13 - about a month of my life that I'm never getting back. I'd run around Zanarkand or Inside Sin power leveling for hours. That damn sphere grid was addictive. On the plus side, hardly anything could withstand Bahamut, Blitz Ace or Attack Reels.

    Nowadays I refuse to grind. I went back through FFI, V and VI recently and didn't once make a conscious effort to level up. It was the same the last time I played X, and only the final boss gave me much trouble.

  27. #27
    Registered BRUISER Overdrives? Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    lol, FFX was actually the only game I played this summer and spent the whole time jacking everyone up for the monster arena. I actually enjoy it. Lulu and Kimahri were the only two characters I didn't grind out, entirely because of their overdrives. Magic in general gets outclassed that late in the game, and Jumbo Flan was so unbelievably hard to kill for those magic spheres. Never want to fight him again.

  28. #28
    The White Wizard of Fynn Overdrives? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Is Jumbo Flan the one on the way to the temple in Zanarkand? The one I used to hate fighting were those Defender robots in the temple. 42,000 HP and you had to get in Auron every time to break down their defence.

    The Monster Arena is one place I never go. Although I used to enjoy going back through old areas and capturing 10 of each monster, I only did it for Yuna's sigil and only fought a few of the creations.

  29. #29

    Re: Overdrives?

    At the end of the game when I have maxed the Sphere Grid the only character who uses their overdive is Wakka everbody else uses entrust to Wakka cuz you cannot cause 99999 damage 12X with any other attack really why use anyone elses?

  30. #30
    Registered User Overdrives? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Overdrives?

    Lulu's isn't as useful in the end of the game for sure. I mean, how many Flares can I produce at once? Not as many attacks as Tidus can use for Blitz Ace... or Wakka as mentioned earlier in this post. Yuna's are also pretty useful at some points in the game. Although, once of the Magus Sisters alone has her highest damaging attack... the bee one. Names are dropping. Maybe Mindy?

    Rikku's was the most fun though! Hey. Maybe it's not as useful, but when you accidentally make a devastating attack before knowing what combos are good, you feel like a prodigy!

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