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Thread: Latest news on FFX Remake

  1. #1
    Everyone needs a savior Latest news on FFX Remake the_savior21's Avatar
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    Latest news on FFX Remake

    These are just some rumors that i found regarding the game but still its pretty exciting to read this stuff

    quoted from:
    Final Fantasy X HD

    •Re-created for new engine characters, aeons and some stage elements.

    •Cut scenes and FMV will be enhanced with some "filter" of FFXIII engine — probably, it's some kind of AA-filtering and smoothing.

    •Magic, special effects and lightning will be re-created using new engine called "Luminous".

    •Blitzball game will take little changes.

    •FFX HD may have additional network features ( in the light of previous item — I can predict that game will receive multiplayer for Blitzball game in some form, and maybe something else ).

    •Release Date — in 2012 fiscal year ( i.e. before 31 March, 2013 ). At the moment it's impossible to concretize release date, but I personally can expect FFX HD to be released in Japan somewhere in Summer / Autumn of 2012. Actual release date highly depends on scale of planned new features ( how many resources required to implement all of them ) and how long FFX HD is in development stage for now. But, if take into account that there is no any pictures of game or official details — highly possible that FFX HD development started not very long ago.
    this is all really good stuff and i hope 31 March 2013 really is the latest we have to wait for this gem.
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  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Latest news on FFX Remake Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    This may prompt me to buy a PS3 if the rumours are true; I am having real trouble finding a fully functionalcopy of Final Fantasy X after I somehow misplaced my original copy.

    Also, what is PS Vita? Oh, wait, clicked the link and am all clued up now.
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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    They would have to honestly revamp blitzball for it to be multiplayer imo.

    Only thing I want for the HD Remake is...

    Obviously the HD thing, but...just make it the HD Version of International Version. That's it.
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  4. #4

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    I think it'd be really awesome for a PS2 version because I can't buy a PS3 D:

  5. #5

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake


  6. #6

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    I m just wondering is it definately confirmed that this game is being reraleaed in HD or is it still just rumours.

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Latest news on FFX Remake che's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Obviously the HD thing, but...just make it the HD Version of International Version. That's it.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  8. #8
    Sargeant Tastycakes Latest news on FFX Remake dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Geez, Square, could ya wait a while before you pimp out another remake/sequel/spinoff?!
    It's called originality....learn it,people!

  9. #9
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Latest news on FFX Remake che's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Geez, Square, could ya wait a while before you pimp out another remake/sequel/spinoff?!
    It's called originality....learn it,people!
    It's called money.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  10. #10
    Sargeant Tastycakes Latest news on FFX Remake dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    It's called money.
    Right? Now I appreciate a good whorin' as much as the next guy, but come on.Square-Enix doesn't need any more friggin' money.They should use what they do have by putting talented young people through college and hiring them in as many countries around the world as possible.
    They also need to focus a little more on attracting more players and fans via advertising.(I only saw the commercial for FFXIII like three times.)
    Then a remake if it's absolutely neccasary.(How old is X,like ten years or something?Start thinkin' about a remake in a decade or two.)

  11. #11
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Latest news on FFX Remake che's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Right? Now I appreciate a good whorin' as much as the next guy, but come on.Square-Enix doesn't need any more friggin' money.They should use what they do have by putting talented young people through college and hiring them in as many countries around the world as possible.
    They also need to focus a little more on attracting more players and fans via advertising.(I only saw the commercial for FFXIII like three times.)
    Then a remake if it's absolutely neccasary.(How old is X,like ten years or something?Start thinkin' about a remake in a decade or two.)
    I assume they should hire you as their business manager?

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  12. #12
    Sargeant Tastycakes Latest news on FFX Remake dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I assume they should hire you as their business manager?
    Heh,heh,no,nothing like that it's just when a business has a lot of capital it's best to either expand your influence(advertising)or deepen your talent pool(new hires).
    Tetsuya and Noubuo wont live forever but Final Fantasy and Square have an honest chance to if they can.

  13. #13
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Latest news on FFX Remake che's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Heh,heh,no,nothing like that it's just when a business has a lot of capital it's best to either expand your influence(advertising)or deepen your talent pool(new hires).
    Tetsuya and Noubuo wont live forever but Final Fantasy and Square have an honest chance to if they can.
    Nobuo and Tetsuya will live forever in my heart.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Latest news on FFX Remake Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Right? Now I appreciate a good whorin' as much as the next guy, but come on.Square-Enix doesn't need any more friggin' money.They should use what they do have by putting talented young people through college and hiring them in as many countries around the world as possible.
    They also need to focus a little more on attracting more players and fans via advertising.(I only saw the commercial for FFXIII like three times.)
    Then a remake if it's absolutely neccasary.(How old is X,like ten years or something?Start thinkin' about a remake in a decade or two.)
    I'm not sure you get the gist of just how much Square lost on Final Fantasy XIV alone, not to mention Versus and Agito both which are in works for quite some time now. They need some income in between, besides, it's not an actual remake rather a HD update, something all major PS2 titles went through.

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  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy Latest news on FFX Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Nobuo and Tetsuya will live forever in my heart.
    No mention of hirinobou sakaguchi?

  16. #16
    Sargeant Tastycakes Latest news on FFX Remake dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I'm not sure you get the gist of just how much Square lost on Final Fantasy XIV alone, not to mention Versus and Agito both which are in works for quite some time now. They need some income in between, besides, it's not an actual remake rather a HD update, something all major PS2 titles went through.
    Oh, really? Huh, I didn't know that...
    Well,your point is more than valid and all,but Square could still benefit from the given advice.Wouldn't you think more efficient (not neccasarily more) advertising would help a little in FFXIV's case?And I don't know about you,but I don't have the disposable income to re-purchase FFX just because it's now in HD.(Unless it's like $10 on PSNetwork or something,then maybe.)
    And Square,quit with the different "versions" as well,dump everything you can fit onto the disc the first time and leave it.(I'm glad i'm not Japanese,having to hear how awesome FFVII's Emerald/Ruby WEAPON monsters are.)

  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Latest news on FFX Remake Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by dustinpro View Post
    Oh, really? Huh, I didn't know that...
    Well,your point is more than valid and all,but Square could still benefit from the given advice.Wouldn't you think more efficient (not neccasarily more) advertising would help a little in FFXIV's case?And I don't know about you,but I don't have the disposable income to re-purchase FFX just because it's now in HD.(Unless it's like $10 on PSNetwork or something,then maybe.)
    And Square,quit with the different "versions" as well,dump everything you can fit onto the disc the first time and leave it.(I'm glad i'm not Japanese,having to hear how awesome FFVII's Emerald/Ruby WEAPON monsters are.)
    I'm not sure how much good advertising would do for Final Fantasy XIV right now, patching that piece of shit as fast as possible on the other hand...

    As for Final Fantasy X HD update, it's a matter of choice, you don't have to buy it, those who never got to play it however, and those who want to experience one of their favorite games once more, be it because they lost their copy or it doesn't work anymore, or perhaps for collection purposes can enjoy in improved version.

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  18. #18
    Sargeant Tastycakes Latest news on FFX Remake dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I'm not sure how much good advertising would do for Final Fantasy XIV right now, patching that piece as fast as possible on the other hand...

    As for Final Fantasy X HD update, it's a matter of choice, you don't have to buy it, those who never got to play it however, and those who want to experience one of their favorite games once more, be it because they lost their copy or it doesn't work anymore, or perhaps for collection purposes can enjoy in improved version.
    Hey, i've got an idea.... if Square want's to rerelease somethin' they should do it right and make all the FFs *overly dramatic voice* three-dimensional!!(it's what they're going to do when/if a 3D console is created,anyway.)
    Go balls-out,man.

  19. #19
    Star of the FF Show Latest news on FFX Remake Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Gonna get this was a really enjoyable FF
    Although i'm dreading havin to Dodge 200 lighting bolts again
    Apart from that can't wait

  20. #20
    Heroine of Justice! Latest news on FFX Remake Super Tifa's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    *-* No matter how much it can cost, I will buy the remaster of FFX (remake? Ummm, I don't feel like it's exactly a remake. I can Consider a Remake FF3 an FF4 for DS. Btu this is just an HD adaptation right?)
    But, why they don't consider in making FFVI and FFVIII remakes? They are great FFs, But we can only play on SNES and PSX...
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  21. #21

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    I don't know if i will even pick up this title, which is sad to think about. Its definitely one of my favorites and it runs horribly on the backwards compatibility on the PS3.

    The Vita just has so many things that piss me off.
    I don't want it to end up like my 3DS or PSP. I've bought a couple games for each, but for the most part they just sit around and collect dust. Mobile gaming is dying. Its being transferred to mobile phones and tablets. With the tegra 3 tablets possibly coming out next year, i don't think the Vita will stand a chance.

  22. #22
    Boxer of the Galaxy Latest news on FFX Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias x View Post
    I don't think the Vita will stand a chance.
    most places have even sold out of pre-orders. I know mines on pre-order. I believe that it will stand at least a chance, being a revolution in handheld gaming with its dual anologue sticks, touchscreen and rear sensors as well as axis motion control. Theres so much innovation that it couldnt be considered anything less than a practical and intelligent piece of hardware.

  23. #23

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    most places have even sold out of pre-orders. I know mines on pre-order. I believe that it will stand at least a chance, being a revolution in handheld gaming with its dual anologue sticks, touchscreen and rear sensors as well as axis motion control. Theres so much innovation that it couldnt be considered anything less than a practical and intelligent piece of hardware.
    That gets my hopes up a little i guess haha.
    I haven't heard of anywhere around me in selling out of pre-orders. The couple gamestops i've asked have a maybe 25ish preoders and best buy has literally none.

    Maybe i just don't have a gamers around me Still, i think mobile gaming is going to make some huge leaps next year with the tegra 3 like i said.
    I tablet running Lost Planet 2 is just insane.

  24. #24

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    when will they release more news of this game? at VGA or jump festa? i hope we get somethin before christmas.

  25. #25

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    I am looking forward to this. I will buy it whatever it will cost. FFX is the the best FF game ever.

  26. #26
    Jack of all trades Latest news on FFX Remake Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    How is it that they can remake 10 but not 7? Anyways i'm getting in on the Vita the day the game coms out since i love FF 10.^_^

    Hi there were Red Mages. We can hurt you with our Black Magic and heal you with our white Magic just so we can kick your asses some more. If we run out of MP or is just bored we can shank you with our sword. No need to waste your slots on a Black or White Mage since we can do both and more. So what if our stats aren't good or we can't use the best Magic of either classes, we can still hold our own far better than those two. Did we forget we also have a pimp hat and a badass feather on it. Our outfit's color is the same as your blood that is about to be spilled the second you fight us.Muhahahhaha Blue Mages,Dragoons,Monks, all of the classes don't got shit on us. Were just that good.

  27. #27

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    This is not a remake. It's an HD upgrade. To make VII HD they would have to begin from scratch.

  28. #28
    Star of the FF Show Latest news on FFX Remake Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Well actually it is a remake it's being put on a new system
    it's getting a HD Remake as well who knows they might add some new content
    Same as any old title being put on current systems

  29. #29

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    I hope they don't change anything. It's ok if they add things, but not change. And it should be the international edition that they upgrade to HD.

    I live in europe, so I got the international edition on PS2. To bad the Norht American players didn't get it. There is hope for you guys now

  30. #30

    Re: Latest news on FFX Remake

    Well according to IGN this is also coming to the PS3.
    I originally thought it was only coming to the Vita.
    Not sure how that is going to work exactly.

    If its true, I'm stoked. Then i wont have to buy a Vita until much later when some other final fantasy gets released on it. That or Gravity Rush.
    Here the link

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