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Thread: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

  1. #1

    I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    You know, like when you have to look for certain marks and sometimes, it takes a LONG time just for them to show up, which seems to have no purpose whatsoever besides wasting the player's time. I've been trying to get the Trickster to show up for half an hour now! Originally, I had went and he was there on my first try. I had to leave the battle, though, and come back and now he just doesn't want to show up and it's getting frustrating. It's taking longer just to find the damn mark than it will to kill him.

    What do you hate about this game?
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  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    I hate that I am not able to kill Vayne-The Undying. That's about it. I really like the game.

    But as for your problem, here's what I did. I would go into the section Trickster is supposed to be, and if he doesn't show up, I would kill everything else. Then exit through the (I don't know what you call them, but let's call it...) gate leading to the Save Point. Then Save, and go back in. You have to wait until the weather is just right.
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  3. #3

    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    Thanks for the tip. I'll try it later.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    I hate that the game didn't have more content.
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  5. #5
    Registered User I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!
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    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    I can't get that one mark in the Paramina Rift to appear (Fafnir). It has to be snowing heavily for it to show up, and I can't seem to get there in time when it happens. I can't say I hate it though. I think it's an interesting game mechanic to have to wait for certain conditions before things happen. It can be frustrating though.
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  6. #6

    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I can't get that one mark in the Paramina Rift to appear (Fafnir). It has to be snowing heavily for it to show up, and I can't seem to get there in time when it happens. I can't say I hate it though. I think it's an interesting game mechanic to have to wait for certain conditions before things happen. It can be frustrating though.
    There is an area in the Paramina Rift you have to avoid in order to keep the snowstorm intact. I forget what area exactly, so I looked it up on the Final Fantasy Wiki:

    Fafnir can only be found at Silverflow's End during a raging snowstorm. Talking with Relj will trigger the condition, but the weather will always change if the party passes through the Frozen Brook. The player should head to the southwest (left, according to the map) from Mt. Bur-Omisace and not enter the Frozen Brook, but circle around it toward Silverflow's End (taking a chocobo is most efficient).
    So yeah, just avoid the Frozen Brook.

    And yeah, when finding the mark has to do with weather conditions or something like that, yeah, it is an interesting touch, but other times, when it has to do with nothing but pure luck on whether or not it'll show, that's what I hate.
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  7. #7

    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    Personally, i enjoyed the weather aspects of the game in regards to making certain marks and enemies appear. Kept the battles and strategies fresh for me. On the other hand, i can relate to it getting a bit tiresome and annoying.

    But if you didn't have to wait for an optional mark to appear it wouldn't be Final Fantasy XII would it?

  8. #8
    Dalmascan princess I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time! lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    it does take ages to find a hunt.. but its worth it the end... i think

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  9. #9
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: I HATE FFXII when it makes you waste your time!

    Some Hunts Are Almost Impossible To Find...I Still Have Like Half Of The Hunts To Actually Get...It Is Starting To Get On My Nerves, Cause I Really Want To Get Every Mark, So I Can Say I Have Truly Beaten This Game. I Also Want Like Everything, All Items, Espers, Marks, etc... I Want To Have One Of Everything Atleast. It Is My Mission To Get It Done Eventually. But For Now I'm Just Playing Other Games I Haven't Finished Yet. The Game Itself Is Pretty Awesome Though. I Just Don't Like Those Flans That Spit Out The Mithril Bubbles, Those Are Just Annoying As Hell. Some Hunts, And Flans In The Henne Mines that Spit Out Mithril Bubbles, Those Are The Only Things That Annoy Me About This Game.

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