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Thread: How can I find Baknamy?

  1. #1

    How can I find Baknamy?

    I know a place where Baknamy, but I do not find him ..
    How can I find Baknamy?

  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger How can I find Baknamy? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: How can I find Baknamy?

    Baknamy can be found in the Necrohol of Nabudis, the Nabreus Deadlands, and there is a few in the Salikawood section nearest the Nabreus Deadlands. The ones in the Salikawood are much easier to defeat than the others.

    Also, they have some type of invisibility around them, so be careful of that. But you don't really have to look for them. They are extremely violent and will find you before you notice them.

    Just be warned that they use elemental motes (usually Dark Motes and Water Motes). They are typically weak against ice magic, but you will need to use strong magicks to defeat them. they have a lot of HP, and therefore are a tough fight. Especially when you have to deal with more than one or two at a time.
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  3. #3

    Re: How can I find Baknamy?

    how can I find baknamy merchant?

  4. #4
    Registered User How can I find Baknamy?
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    Re: How can I find Baknamy?

    Quote Originally Posted by emad82it View Post
    how can I find baknamy merchant?
    In the Necrohol of Nabudis, you find an off-the-map room in the north of the Hall of Effulgent Light (Salikawood entrance). In the center of the room is a Pandora, but in the corner of the room, a ??? can be found; inspecting it gives a cutscene and access to a Baknamy merchant (he will be invisible to you before you inspect the question marks). The merchandise sold changes over the course of the game, but the BEST stuff becomes available after you visit the Pharos at Ridorana.

    Hope that helps.
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  5. #5

    Re: How can I find Baknamy?

    What Dodie said. I also found a map of where the merchant is located:
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