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Thread: Is He Cool? / What The Hell!

  1. #1

    Is He Cool? / What The Hell!

    This thread is actually 2 questions. Firstly is it me or is Gippal just so cooool or what!!! Secondly can anyone tell me what is up with Vidina (Wakka's and Lulu's baby). I cannot understand two things. What in God's name is the name Vidina is it even a real name!? Do Wakka and Lulu hate him or what!? And also what is up with that quiff?! He is only a few weeks old for Christ's sake I mean it makes you wonder how much hair he was actually born with!!! Any views on this would be great cuz it seriously needs explaining if you ask me!!! And don't forget your views on Gippal too!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Is He Cool? / What The Hell!

    I think it might either be the epic of Wakka transferring through genes, or it just just be the fact that it's a Final Fantasy game. (A shitty one at that.)

    Either way, epic baby is epic. There is no other explanation.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
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  3. #3
    Registered User Is He Cool? / What The Hell!
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Is He Cool? / What The Hell!

    Vidina was an Al-Bhed name. When you translated it to English, it was "Future". I wasn't a fan of the name though, but it did show just how much Wakka got passed his intolerance of the Al-Bhed people. Yeah...we got that in FF X, but naming his baby an Al-Bhed word helped hammer that in.

    And yeah, his hair is looking to be just like his daddy's.

    As for Gippal... I liked him the best of the leaders of Spira (between him, Nooj, and Baralai). I can't remember too much of the impact he had on the game, since I haven't played X-2 in a while.
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  4. #4

    Re: Is He Cool? / What The Hell!

    Gippal was ok, a bit too stereotypical idiot "cool" for me. He's like a skateboarder who thinks hes sooo cool until he cracks his head open doing something useless yet people still praise him for being cool.

    I don't quite get why you think Vidina is a weird name considering the context. First, it's Final Fantasy there are so many weird names its really just normal. Second, what kind of a name is Wakka (his dad), that seems just as weird to me. As for his hair, it does seem like a bit, but again, its a game (and a bad one at that) so its more just to reenforce that its his kid (not that Lulu is a cheating wh*** or anything). Plus some kids are born with some hair and it can grow quickly (although unlikely that thick and styled)
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