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Thread: Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible)

  1. #31
    Ok still don't get it, is it the save sphere that you teleport to from the ship?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  2. #32
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    Here is now a picture where you an see, where is the cactus-stone. The browbn color(where are a lot of lines) is the sandstorm and in the south of this sandstorm is a cross and this cross is the cactus-stone, which you must activate.
    Now it's no problem to make this minigame and i hope now you have understand.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  3. #33
    Hey thanks for your help :-)
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  4. #34
    That is helpful...
    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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  5. #35
    Hey since this thread is so helpfull where do I get Rikku, Tidus and wakkas ultimate armor?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  6. #36
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    ultimate armor? O.o
    if you want a ultimate armor, then you must this create or you defeat yojinbo. Him you can defeat 4x but after the 5 fight he is death and then you can not have good armor.
    Or do you meant ultimate weapon?

    The best armor is for me Auto-Hast, auto-protest, HP-Expander and bow. You need the following items:

    Auto-Protest: 70 Lichtschleier( word i ngerman>>> need the item which make for you a protes-barrier)
    Auto-Hast: 80 chocobo-Daune(german word>>> the item, whick make for all characters the ability Fast(for the full group you need just 1 item))
    HP-Expander: 30 gigantenfl&#252;gel( don'T know how can I this explain. Hope you know waht you need for this)
    Bow: Bow(german word>>> the ability that protect you of all changes of your character. You need 99 Dark-crystals)
    MFG Clodan
    Last edited by Clodan; 06-15-2006 at 11:50 AM.
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  7. #37
    Ok so does anyone know where I can get A armour for Rikku Wakka and Tidus that are four slots open.
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  8. #38
    No...sorry...I wanted to help.
    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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  9. #39
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    Aaahhh!!! Now I understand. Allright:
    The armor with 4 slots can you have if you fight against the monster in the omega-grotto. Here need you a little bit of luck. You can get thie armors after the fight against monster(which was created) in the monsterfarm. Here you need a little bit of luck too.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  10. #40
    I don't get it do you mean the OMega Ruins and the monster at the end of it OMega?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  11. #41
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    It Is in the Omega-ruins. You can it get of all monsters. You need just a littble bit of luck. If I fight 1 hour in this ruin, I get maybe so 2-4 of this armor with 4 slots.

    Or an other quesion: Are your characters good??? Then you can fight versus Yojinbo and after the fourth fight against Yojinbo you stop the fight, because after the 5. fightt Yojinbo is death.
    But with the Omega-Ruins is the true! For this armor I need a long time!!!
    MFG clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  12. #42
    Ok so what monster do you normaly get it off?
    Because I've been training in there and have not come across them and what is the armour called?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  13. #43
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    Let me do this so. I go after after the football game Protugal-Iran in the Omega-Grotte and I train some of my not so strong characters and if I get some armor with 4 slots, then I write this here in the forum.
    MFG clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  14. #44
    Ok looking forward to your post as I've been after these for months so your help will be most appricated.

    so don't take long also the place where you fought them in the ruins would also be helpfull.
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  15. #45
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    I've fought in the Omega-ruins and in the place where sin is. Here are the results. For Omega I fought 30 min. and by Sin I fought 15 min.:

    Here I get just the Weapon for Wakka with 4 slots from Tomberry. The Tombery is in the Room, where Omega-Weapon is. I have get from other monster armor with just 3 slots, but this was 1 or 2 monster which give me this.

    Here you must go to the place, where are the blocks that means behind the place where is the fog. Here I get in 15 min. 2 Armorweapons with 4 slots. The 2 I get from Adaman Taimai and Barbutas.

    >>>> The place sin is a better place, where you can get the armor with 4 slots. Here do you have more luck. I hope tat you get now armor with 4 slots. If not ,then I don't know.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  16. #46
    With that armour are all the slot open with nothing in them?
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  17. #47
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    Jop. All for slots are open and in Sin the luck is higher.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  18. #48
    Ok thanks for your help so one last question what do I need to get HP break and how many do I need and where can I get them easy.
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  19. #49
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    If you want more HP than 9.999 than you must have "Gigantenfl&#252;gel"(german word>>> don't know english word). You can this get, if you give for example Morbol 135.000 Gil oder Morbol the big 320.000 Gil. If you give Morbol this money you get 4x Gigantenfl&#252;gel and if you give Morbol the big this money you get 8x Gigantenf&#246#252;gel.

    I Don'T really know, how many you need for the Hp-Break, but I think it was 20 or 30.

    An other very easy way is the chocobo-racing by the temple remium. If you can open 3x a treasure and you go under the time to the goal, then you get 30 Gigantenfl&#252;gel.
    But this works just 1x that means if you open 3 treasure again, then you get just 1 potion.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  20. #50
    Thanks I just need some help on gathering items these atre them

    How/what is the easiest way of getting 99 mega phenix downs
    also I need to know how/where to get99 dark matters
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  21. #51
    for the 99 dark matters you can get all the mmonsters in teh monsteer arena and just beat the arena conquest ones constantly and they give you dark matters nearlly all of the time LOL and the mega phoenix i am not sure of but they should be pretty easy perhaps you could do the arena connquests monsters they give usually about three different items so you can try that i'm not completely sur e about the mega phoenix but you can try anyways so i hope i have been some help LOL

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  22. #52
    Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Clodan's Avatar
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    There is an other very easy way to get Mega-Ph&#246;nix:
    You must give the Monster "Schreckgespenst"(don'T know german word>>> it is the ghost, which is in the cave, where you found Yojinbo) and you have to give him 250.000 Gil. Then you get mega-ph&#246;nix 98x.
    MFG Clodan
    My first RPG-Homepage. The first update of them is in the end of this week.

  23. #53
    Thanks again your real helpfull I will be back, as soonn as I need your help
    Hey I started up a new club called the Shadow masters feel free to join as long as you like ninjas and stuff

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  24. #54
    how do you defeat the guardian just before you fight yunalesca?

  25. #55
    Lord Sephiroth!
    Well I've never tried to help somone on here before so lets try.

    By the way let it be known that my tests are over and I'm back.

    So anyway Auron back to your question. when you are fighting the guardian what I did was level up a bit first so your HP is high enough to withstand his attack.
    So when you start cast haste and make sure that you keep this on through out the battle. and when he puts the destrucked on a path-The trhing on the floor trhat kills you. When this is on move your character so that he/she can't be killed from this, so anyway what I did was put your top class weapon on for Tidus one with alot of strength+'s on it and keep your other two people as healers, so just keep hitting with the person with the highest attack points, and keep the others as healers, sorry to repeat but I just want to make syre you got that sentence.
    If there is a perciffick part to this fight you have questions about then PM me or post in here again.
    Hope this helps.

  26. #56
    x final
    does anyone know how to defeat the sentipead boss thing after the highroad not the one that like a monkey the other one whats the best way to kill him please reply

  27. #57
    x final
    does any one know to to beat the boss after the highroad the thing with the head stumick 2 arms and the legs?

  28. #58
    you mean the chocobo eater?

  29. #59
    What are the Dark Aeons, Pennance, and Nemisis? Also where do I have to go and what do I have to do to find them?
    ....In our sleep, pain which cannot forget, falls drop by drop onto the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of god... - Aeschylus

  30. #60
    Aww yeah! Final Fantasy X Help Thread (Spoilers possible) Wolf's Avatar
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    A small town on the outskirts of Madtown, WI
    The Dark Aeons and Penance are special hard bosses only in the International version of FFX. Nemisis is a boss in the battle arena that is very tough and has ten million HP. You can beat it without a scratch on your party (except for your aeons) with some careful planning though.

    A special shout out to my amazing TFF Family:
    Little Moogle, Darkwolf, kung fu kitty, Shadowknight241, Anachronism, Fishie,
    H.U.N.K., lazyboy708, guado_gal Dark One, Martin, TheHasteChocobo

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