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Thread: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

  1. #541

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Umm i am stuck on the Dr.cid boss battle first encounter and my current levels are

    Ashe level 43 with a platinum sword,armor,helm

    Basche level 30 with a trident spear and platinum armor and helm

    Balthier level 39 with a platinum sword,armor,helm

    and my other party is:

    Fran level 39 with a traitors bow

    Penelo level 27 with no equipment

    and Vaan level 15 with no equipment

    so can somebody help me out.

  2. #542
    I'll make you famous FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    i highly recomend you keep all of your characters at a high level, its usefull when your other members die
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  3. #543
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    I take it you are in Draklor? Take out the Rooks one at a time. Keep haste on all your party members and keep silence on Cid. Do not use black magics why the Rooks are still alive.

    After all 4 rooks go down, pound cid as hard as you can. Quickenings can make for a fast death of a single rook.
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  4. #544

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Why do you silence Cid? and i can only get one quickening chain once per battle 2 counting the inactives.

  5. #545
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Keeps him casting spells to buff his self up.

    If you can only get one then you are going to be stuck pounding the rooks into submission with normal attacks. Don't waste your time touching Cid until the Rooks are good and dead.
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  6. #546

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Can't i just raise my MP up with augments and rooks always halve my physical damage and they are hitting me for 500 a pop.

  7. #547
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    K well it seems like you need me to break out the big guns. You should not be having so many problems with this fight.

    Start the fight off by casting Haste on all active party members. Also if you by chance have Bravery, Haste (on your party) and any kind of multi-poisoning spells you have on the rooks, example Bio cast them in the second round. Also if you by chance have bubble or bubble belts (cant remember if they are available at that point in the game) use them.

    Knock out Rook A with a quickening first thing. This should reduce some damage. Take the next turn to silence Cid. After that use 2 two of your stronger fighters to take down the other rooks while using 1 healer to constantly heal damaged party members.

    Also if you have not been boosting you HP on the grid I highly suggest do so before you enter this fight. Another thing you might want to do before going into this fight is to catch up the levels of your other party members as Rydia recommended.

    Bio should help take down the rooks faster due to the fact that every turn will remove more HP. The rooks should not be that big of a problem if you have been obtaining better armor and the fact they only have about 1000 HP a piece.

    Hope this helps, if not we can work on a different strategy for you.
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  8. #548

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    But i thought magick doesn't work on the rooks do to there reflect status?

  9. #549
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Forgot to mention to cast Dispell on them. Also might want to think about casting reflect on cid, that way his buffs get reflected off.
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  10. #550

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    How much does sap usually take off an enemie?

    Hmm and the dispel didn't work well i just need to get my inactive party up to date

    Update:i beat Dr.cid without using any quickenings
    Last edited by Vespy; 11-25-2010 at 05:52 PM.

  11. #551

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    FinalFantasy12, I wouldn't hold your breath on this means of getting a Zodiac Spear. There is only a 1/1000 chance of the Chest appearing with the spear inside of it. It is a total luck situation and generally requires way to many hours to obtain one from the chest let alone multiples from that chest. There is really no need for such a powerful weapon either. Every bad guy in the game can be taken down with out it.

    If you truly want one the best and easiest method is Nechrol method that FFking pointed out.

    Seeing I am lazy I am just going to source the chests you don't want to open and throw it in a spoiler tag.


    1. The chest in front of Old Dalan's place at the southern end of Rabanastre Lowtown.

    2. The chest in the Rabanastre Palace Cellar. Do not open the one at the southeast corner of the map. There will be either one or two chests that may appear there. To be safe, don't open any of them.

    3. The chest in the room at Nalbina Dungeons where you regain all your equipment back. There are more than one chest in the room so to be safe, just don't open any of them.

    4. The chest at the eastern-most section of the Phon Coast. There are 16 chests there arranged neatly near the shore. Don't open any of them.

    Source: Articlesbase
    Aww crap, I got the one near Old Dalan. I got a Zodiac Spear in Henne Mines just yesterday. And for Yaizmat, I went to Level 90. It still took 5 Hours.
    Thanks for the help!

    And one more question, this might have been asked before but where can you get the Ribbon? The guide said that it was in a chest at the field near Balfohiem(Sorry for spelling, can't remember the name.) but which chest? I've been in every area and opened every chest. Do I need to equip the Diamond Armlet?

  12. #552
    Stage Dives, High Fives. FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Confession's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    I got the second one and it's a 1/1000 chance if I remember.

    It roughly took me 4 hours of quick restarts to get it, btu was worth it with a party of Tournesol and 2 Zodiac Spears.

    Man haven't played that game in ages, Stupid WoW

    EDIT: Answering question.

    Entering the Crossfield area of Cerobi Steppe via the save point, Against the far side from where you're looking and slightly too the right is a chest behind the rocks. Now with diamond armlet you have a 50% for the chest to appear, 30% chance of an item and 10% of it being a ribbon.... Good luck, and may wanna look for some Fomaulhalts around there
    Last edited by Confession; 12-22-2010 at 05:52 AM.

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  13. #553
    Consistently Average FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Okay well im trying to get the Sword of Kings but im stuck pretty much at the entrance of the temple. I keep touching that pedistal but it only brings up zombies, am i missing something or am i doing the wrong thing because i cant progress any further into the temple.
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  14. #554
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBerserk7 View Post
    Okay well im trying to get the Sword of Kings but im stuck pretty much at the entrance of the temple. I keep touching that pedistal but it only brings up zombies, am i missing something or am i doing the wrong thing because i cant progress any further into the temple.
    If I recall correctly, have Ashe as your party leader, and equip her with the Dawn Shard. Then you activate the switch/pedestal, and the door should open. Afterward, you can remove the Dawn Shard from Ashe and switch your party leader to whoever you want.

    Hope that helps. ^^
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  15. #555
    Consistently Average FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    I've tried to post in here as little as possible but i cant take it n'more.
    I'm up to the third stage at the Pharos of Ridorana (however its spelt), the part with the coloured waystones. Is there a specific order that i have to do to to get across without returning to the spot with all the undead beasties. ive tried following what those pillars say but their really no help. suggestions or answers will be greatly apprieciated as im currently at my wits end with this dungeon.
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  16. #556
    Consistently Average FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Hey I know this is double posting but i'm still stuck at the 3rd Ascent at the Pharos. The coloured waystones have me stumped and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the order that you are supposed to use to get across. It's been four months since I posted about this and no matter how many times I try to get acroos the room I end up at the part with all the undead monsters. Any form of assistance will be greatly appreciated
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  17. #557
    TFF's Resident Messenger FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    Hey I know this is double posting but i'm still stuck at the 3rd Ascent at the Pharos. The coloured waystones have me stumped and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the order that you are supposed to use to get across. It's been four months since I posted about this and no matter how many times I try to get acroos the room I end up at the part with all the undead monsters. Any form of assistance will be greatly appreciated
    This stumped me for the longest time. Here's what I now know, and hopefully it helps.

    First, choose the Black Sigil. I believe the pillar with the message says to.

    Second, the Green Sigil.

    Third, the Red Sigil.

    Fourth, and this one is where I had the trouble. What did you sacrifice during the second ascent. The Sigil you choose here corresponds with what you sacrifice then. I don't remember the colors, but you should remember which one you chose, and what color it was. Anyway, choose the Sigil that matches the color with what you Sacrificed.

    Fifth, don't touch any Sigil. Instead, find the Fool's Facade. Past that wall is a WayStone. Touch it. Then, get ready for a fight. I don't remember if there is a Save Point, but if there is make sure to use it.
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  18. #558
    Consistently Average FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Thanks a lot Michael you've been a huge help. I'll have to think back to what I sacrificed on the second ascent, I think it was the use of items. I can't be too sure, it was four months ago Thanks once again!
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  19. #559

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    I need one gambit to defeat Omega on the great crystal, but i not have ideia to kill him, i use Reverse but when break i dead.
    My team is

    Vaan: Lv 99 - Tournesol

    Balthier: Lv 91 - Excalibur

    Basch: lv 81 - Zodiac spear.

    Is very hard defeat him.
    I need decide what is the best

  20. #560

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    I was just wondering what you guys think is the absolute minimum level to fight the bosses Tiamat and Elder Wyrm? I tried Elder Wyrm on a previous playthrough and it always kicked my butt. I think I should at least be 25.

  21. #561
    Consistently Average FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    Level 25 seems good but I don't think they matter so much as the equipment you use. Whyrm type enemies like Tiamat and Elder Whyrm become a lot easier to fight if you give at least two of your characters ranged weapons and spread them out around the Boss and then it's just a matter of keeping them covered with Cure. Larsa should be a big help with his Hi-Potions but I can't remember if he's with you for both of these battles. I hope this helps you as the Elder Whrm was a major pain for me.
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  22. #562

    Re: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

    A major pain indeed and I finally got past 'em!!! WOOT!!! Now I'm finally to a part of the game I haven't played before!!

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