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Thread: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

  1. #181
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    The easiest place is the airship and then once you have enough rank in the guild you can buy them from the bazaar in Muthru Bazaar. I don't know teleport stones are available on all flights or not, but they are always available on the airship, if it is a specific one.
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  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by -Sephiroth
    locket door..
    Sochen Cave Palace/Mirror of the soul (middle area)

    in this location their is a door that is still locket for me i have 45-44.5 hunts done(that last one is long..) with all 13 espers the only extra boss i have to fight is that Omega Mk.Xii and that is no easy fight just wondering if any one else knows of this door and what is behind has to be good.. well anyways i will post what i find if i ever find what i have to...
    There is also one of the hunters camp rare game in the middle cave if it is the pilgrims door you are talking about. The northern part of the sochen cave palace houses the hell wyrm which takes a good long time as well.

  3. #183
    Sochen Cave Palace/>>>>Mirror of the soul<<< (middle area)

    go take a look before you assume
    Tiffany! i ____ you
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  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by guitar4sk
    There is also one of the hunters camp rare game in the middle cave if it is the pilgrims door you are talking about. The northern part of the sochen cave palace houses the hell wyrm which takes a good long time as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by -Sephiroth
    Sochen Cave Palace/>>>>Mirror of the soul<<< (middle area)

    go take a look before you assume
    The middle area in Mirror of the soul is where the pilgrims door is located. This leads to a hunt for the phon coast hunters camp.

    You had mentioned beating 44 of the hunts and Omega, but did not say anything about the Hell Wyrm, this is the only reason I mentioned it. I will try to make myself clearer next time...

  5. #185
    .. not angry, just trying to get that door open... some1said something about the water falls but they are not moving. and that wyrm you get to useing a key you get from fishing-bottle-windmill old guy did that.... and i did say 44.5 cuz that Yiazmat is not done
    Tiffany! i ____ you
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  6. #186
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Hannya's Avatar
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    What the heck do you do with the morbid urn purchased form the bazaar after the trickster hunt?

  7. #187
    don't do a thing with it it only helps you to find better items....
    Tiffany! i ____ you
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  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by -Sephiroth
    locket door..
    Sochen Cave Palace/Mirror of the soul (middle area)

    in this location their is a door that is still locket for me i have 45-44.5 hunts done(that last one is long..) with all 13 espers the only extra boss i have to fight is that Omega Mk.Xii and that is no easy fight just wondering if any one else knows of this door and what is behind has to be good.. well anyways i will post what i find if i ever find what i have to...

    so i finaly fockt around enough to get it thanks for all hes talking about the wrym...
    Last edited by -Sephiroth; 01-09-2007 at 09:11 PM.
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  9. #189
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    I searched around and found something that you could possibly use as a walkthrough for the waterfall puzzle. I have the strat. guide so there were pictures for me to follow. Hope this helps!

    Scroll down until you get to the Sochen Cave Palace part. Or use the find option on your browser.


    As for teleport stones, you can also buy them from the guy on the chocobo in Balfonhiem Port. (He's over beside the orange save crystal before you head north into the Tichca Uplands.

  10. #190
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Hannya's Avatar
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    I sold all of the ingridients for the ultima blade in the bazaar. However it is not appearing on the bazaar good list. What can I do to make it appear?

  11. #191
    Mr Evolution
    What do you with the letter from Low-town after the hunt for the ghost in the Waterways?

    Thanks in advance,

  12. #192
    The letter is the first part of the medal event which leads to an esper. You need to find 4 fragments one in the garymscythe waterway, one in a hunt, one ater the crime and punishment hunt, one from rokenmou in old dalans place, and the last one after you speak to Filo in lowtowns south sprawl, then the curious women at the fountian in the southern plaza. She says she had a necklace, and a merchant in muthru bazaar says he sold it to an imperial, hes hiding in the magic shop. It should be self explanitory after that. It opens up a way to the medals in nabreus deadlands, then to chaos in nabudis.

    Ultima blade from the bazaar, I read somewhere that you need 2 adamantite's (classic final fantasy) 2 death powders and 1 gnoma halcyon that you get from the gnoma entite. If you have already sold all of that i don't know what to tell you, maybe some other bazaar packages you already bought used adamantites or deathpowders?

  13. #193
    #= Gnome Halcyon
    Drops - Gnome Entite ........ Dalmasca Westersand
    Steal - Gnome Entite ........ Dalmasca Westersand

    #= Death Powder
    Drops - Bogey ............... Zertinan Caverns
    Steal - Ahriman ............. Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
    Poach - Bogey ............... Zertinan Caverns
    - Cultsworn Lich ...... Tomb of Raithwall (rare monster)

    #= Adamantite
    Drops - Adamantitan ......... Cerobi Steppe
    Steal - Thalassinon ......... Phon Coast (rare monster)
    Other - Reward of Darksteel Mob/Mark Hunt mission.
    - Random reward from Fishing Mini-Game.
    Tiffany! i ____ you
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  14. #194
    I'm not sure what level clan member I am can anyone tell me what level the rank Paragon of Justice is? I want to know what ranks I should be able to beat at this level. Tiff I got 4 Espers now thanks, is there anymore that are attainable?

  15. #195
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    You can go after Chuchulain (or however you spell it). He's located in the Garamsmythe Waterway. That battle has a permanent sap effect that you cannot dispel or anything, so I'd make sure you have bubble and curaja before you take him on.

    There's also Chaos, who's in the Barhiem Passage. You need the key for it but if you read back a few pages it'll tell you all the steps you take at the Small Town north of Rabanaster to get all the stuff you need.

    You can find Ultima in the Great Crystal, but I haven't gotten that far in obtaining Espers yet, so I don't quite know where she is. Hope that helps!

    To be truthful, I have no idea what the ranks are. All I'd do any time I got to a different rank was hightail it to the Clan Provisioner in the Bazar and see what new goodies I was able to get from him.

  16. #196
    Mr Evolution
    How can I get the Golden Amulet?

  17. #197
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    Depending on how well you do with the "Patient in the Desert" sidequest, you can get one from completing that.

    Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you can buy them from the moogles in Eryut Villiage, and My Bur-Omnisace

  18. #198
    Lady Succubus FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Victoria's Avatar
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    Uh, you buy the Amulets from a merchant at the Babbling Vale, which is in the Mosphoran Highwaste area.

    Edit: 6 Gold Amulets sets you back 27,000 gil so be prepared. And also buy a Thief's Cuffs while you're there. Which is 3k.

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by hottdiamondgurl
    I'm not sure what level clan member I am can anyone tell me what level the rank Paragon of Justice is? I want to know what ranks I should be able to beat at this level. Tiff I got 4 Espers now thanks, is there anymore that are attainable?
    The clan ranks do not have associated levels. You will find bills (and elite marks from Montblanc) of differing ranks appearing in a seemingly random order as you play the game. I am currently at the rank of Brave Companion. I've completed most of the Rank I, II, and III hunts that are in my hunts list so far. I also have Rank IV, V and VII hunts I have accepted but not fought. The official guide has an indepth description of the clan, clan levels and hunts, so if you really want to know about them I'd suggest getting a copy of the guide.

  20. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by asa.rand
    The clan ranks do not have associated levels. You will find bills (and elite marks from Montblanc) of differing ranks appearing in a seemingly random order as you play the game. I am currently at the rank of Brave Companion. I've completed most of the Rank I, II, and III hunts that are in my hunts list so far. I also have Rank IV, V and VII hunts I have accepted but not fought. The official guide has an indepth description of the clan, clan levels and hunts, so if you really want to know about them I'd suggest getting a copy of the guide.
    thanks I was just wondering how anyone would know which rank hunts they would be able to beat in reguards to their levels. I've finished ranks 1-5 the only rank 5 I'm missing is the lindwyrm, I can't seem to find him in the tchita uplands. Can anyone help me with this one?

  21. #201
    Ok so I can't find site key 11 for the Lhusu mines, can anyone tell me where to find it? I know the little boy dropped it during the Antlion hunt, but I have no clue where to look for it.

  22. #202
    i give you a hint it is by the ocean in a hunting camp
    Tiffany! i ____ you
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  23. #203
    The lindwyrm only comes out when it's cloudy, so you have to keep re-entering that area until it is not sunny... it doesn't happen very often

    ...and the key is by the ocean in the phon coast hunters camp.

  24. #204

    Chocobo Greens

    Umm....Does any1 know on how to find the damm green stuff that the chocobo likes? I've been trying to find fo ages sucess.
    I heard that somewhere around ...... well basically above Nabina.... that wild chocbo's around the east.....-.-
    if u know where they or some are PLZ tell me....
    thank you!

  25. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashe_FF12
    Umm....Does any1 know on how to find the damm green stuff that the chocobo likes? I've been trying to find fo ages sucess.
    I heard that somewhere around ...... well basically above Nabina.... that wild chocbo's around the east.....-.-
    if u know where they or some are PLZ tell me....
    thank you!
    I can't recall the exact name right now, but you can buy them from the Clan Provisioner in the Bazzar in Rabanastre.

  26. #206
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dimi's Avatar
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    They are called Gyshal Greens if you're referring to the green plants. I think also in the Mosphoran Highwaste the merchant there I belive sells some and when you also ride an airship throughout the game, you an purchase it from the merchant in there and some teleport stones too.

  27. #207
    my level is 31, my last mark is carrot. i have slay every weakling mark except white mousse. how can i get through the garamsythe? i look over the map and there's no road. confuse me.....

  28. #208
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Great Writer Fuji
    Uh, you buy the Amulets from a merchant at the Babbling Vale, which is in the Mosphoran Highwaste area.

    Yes, dear.

    But you also get them at Mt. Bur-Omisace. I could never understand why people kept saying that you first encounter them in the Mosphoran Highwaste. I got mine (and had to do ALOT of battles just to get the gil for them in the Paramina Rift) but you can get them at Mt. Bur-Omisace. You buy them from the Seeq Traveling Merchant who also sells the incredibly useful Haste spell. The cost is 4500 gil


    You can also get Ghysal Greens from the guy on the Chocobo in Balfonhiem Port. I found him so useful. Sells both the greens and the teleport crystals, so I'd always stock up on Both.


    White Mousse?

    Yeah that was a tricky one to find. I think I found it by pure luck. It's in the West Sluice Control at the southwest corner of the Garamsythe Waterway. It appears when the party enters from the east side.

  29. #209
    ok i need to know what r mobs, or are they just another way of saying marks

    oh and how do u get the fishing mini game
    Last edited by Larick; 01-16-2007 at 10:41 PM.
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  30. #210
    I have reached the Ancient City of Giruvegan. I was not quite strong enough (Vaan lv45, the rest lv44) to defeat Daedalas, so I decided to go grind a little in the Feywood. I went all the way back to the blue save crystal in Antiquity's End, clearing all foes along the way. After saving I went back towards Giruvegan. When I reached the Edge of Reason, the Mandragoras showed up. All 5 of them, just like in the Cave Palace. They are very tough this time.

    The guide doesn't say anything (that I can find so far) about this. Has anyone else fought them? Is there a strategy to defeating them?

    Edit: misspelled the name of the monsters, and oh yea, what Larick said. What exactly is the difference between a mob and a mark?
    Last edited by asa.rand; 01-19-2007 at 11:28 AM.

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