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Thread: FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound

  1. #121
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Plastik Assassin's Avatar
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    Well.. here is a dumb question.

    I have a bazaar item called "Morbid Urn" for sale. Its 250,000 gil.

    Anyone know what it is?
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  2. #122
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    The urn once you own it increases the drop rate of arcana, which once sold to the bazaars and shops will give you high-arcana in return to buy. You are suppose to be able to sell them and get a lot of them for a weapon that you need it for. Unfortunately I can't seem to get more than one of the high-arcana. I know I'm missing something, just don't know what it is yet.
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  3. #123
    i have a few questions myself, hope someone can answer:
    1. Ive been playing messanger running around collecting chops, finally got the saddlewood and went to centeral, is there a purpose in there besides talking to the large bird?
    2. what's the best weapon to equip everyone with, i have my lp board filled and right now im using a axe i beleive b/c i can't find a stronger weapon.
    3. where the heck do i get bubble belts from?! i only have 1 and would like the rest of the crew to have em.. any help would be great! thanks in advance
    forgot 1 more.. how do u unlock the fishing game ( what or where do i have to go to start it?)
    Last edited by Jim_Leyland; 12-17-2006 at 09:19 PM.

  4. #124
    how do i get into the henne mines? the chocobo is nolonger where it once was...

  5. #125
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    1. Well I don't know if there is any other point to that, but the bird is part of a quest.

    2. Well the best weapon is Zodiac Spear, but it really depends on what weapons you use. Durandal is the best one handed sword.

    3. I'm pretty sure that the Clan shop has them in Mithru Bazaar once you reach a high enough ranking. I don't recall the ranking unfortunately.

    Well to get into the Henne Mines you can go back to Jahara and rent a chocobo there to ride into the mines. The choco from there is extremely cheap.
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  6. #126
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    Thanks Andromeda.

    Unfortunatly I've only gotten 6 espers. I don't really use them. So now I'm going to try and get 4 more to get into the Henne Mines. Whieee!

  7. #127
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Hannya's Avatar
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    In the stillshrine of Miriam, how do you position the statues to make the door open?

  8. #128
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    To open the door you have to face the statues towards the center, where that really huge statue is if I am not mistaken. Once you do that you should be given a prompt or message that something happened. That is how you should know that something happened.
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  9. #129
    This ain't no place for no hero FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Tiffany's Avatar
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    When I was at the Stillshrine, I noticed that you can normally see the big statue in the middle from where you are at the smaller ones.

    And yes, you have to have all 3 statues face the center of the Stillshrine.

    forgot 1 more.. how do u unlock the fishing game ( what or where do i have to go to start it?)
    Oh, and you start the Fishing Game in The South Bank village (north of Rabanaster) and talk to a guy there who mentions that he likes to fish. Then you have to go to Balfonhiem Port and talk to the fishing enthusiast (twice) then leave the area. Come back and she'll have dropped her fishing rod and you can get it and go back to the South Bank Villiage.

    Hope that helps!

  10. #130
    has anyone tried or even taken out yaizmat yet? we got the ..... charming gent down
    to six .... dots (and he made us work like dogs for it too)
    stepped out to go get our mp back and the ...... charming gent is practically back up to full strength. 3 ...... fun filled days expletive deleted gone.

    and out side of wonderin what the er heck we did to piss square off i'm pretty much out of ideas.

    o and to get high arcanas you need arcana x10 feystone x1 and soul of thamasa x1

    and in the stilshrine whilst placing the statues you can check which direction they are facin with the select button map. the statues show up as arrows and just get the arrows facing toward the center.

    and in central you can visit the owner of the hunt club. he gives you extra gems depending on how many hunt club hunts you have done.
    Last edited by antryg_winrose; 12-23-2006 at 08:19 AM.

  11. #131
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Hannya's Avatar
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    What is a good way to get high arcanas, besides getting them from marks hunts or stealing them from andralamech(<--I can't spell).

  12. #132
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    Getting them from the bazaar. If you sell 10 Arcanas, a Feystone and a Stone of Thamsus or something like that, I can't remember its exact name you will get a High Arcana.
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  13. #133
    The Sacrament
    Hi. New here!!! (Waves to all who see this post) Haven&#180;t had time to post until now. I have but one question. I&#180;ve done mabout 40 hunts, but I&#180;m missing the one with the Bloodwing. How does one enter the Barheim Passage? I know there is a gate crystal, but I can&#180;t teleport there, most likely because I didn&#180;t notice it in the beginning. If there is no other way, I&#180;m pretty much screwed. By the way, if there is anyone who can help me set up my account, I would really appreciate it.

  14. #134
    The Quiet One FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Andromeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    You have to do a rather lengthy quest to get the Barheim Passage Key so that you can go back inside. You first much complete the Cactuar Mark that Danto gave you. And I think you have to be a certain part into the story. After that you speak to Danto again at a later point, who tells you to take the flower from the cactuar to his wife in the village to the north.

    When you speak to his wife she takes it and the ferry comes back to the village. You speak to the boy at the boat for a scene and go across the river to the other said of the village. You get a scene there and then have to go back across to the south part of the village. You speak to the wife of Danto again, and go behind the house to find that flower you gave her. It turns into a Cactuar and you go back across the river again. You get another cutscene and then you go back south.

    You then speak to the wife again who wants some items to heal someone that is injured. The first items are along the beach of the village, you'll see a shiny spot. Take them to the wife and she will ask for something else. You have to go to the outpost where Danto is for that item. It is found near some crates in the outpost. Take the item back to her and she asks for yet another item. Take the boat across to the north and go two zones north to the Broken Sands area and by the cliffs in the middle of the map is the item you are looking for. Take that back to her and then she is finished with you.

    After that you need to kill some time, it took me like ten minutes or more I think. I lost track in the boat game that I was doing that is a little puzzling. Anyway, after enough time passes talk to the wife who tells you that the man is better and behind the house. Speak to him and you get the key. Depending on how many items you give the wife and if still have the Great Serpentwine, you will get other items. Personally none of them are that good, Golden Amulet can be bought, which is the best you can get. So it does not really matter, you do not need the wine.
    That is how you get to the Barheim Passage Key. As I said it is very long quest, so be sure you have an hour to sit down for it.
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  15. #135
    has anyone tried to get to the barheim passage thru the garamsythe waterway entrance without using the key? the entrance is in the south eastern corner of the garamsythe wateraway and leads into the area you get that esper, zalera i think it is. i tend to doubt it will work but if someone has the time to check it could be worth knowing. i was goin to check on my second play thru and completely forgot.

  16. #136
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dark_Angel2's Avatar
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    Where can I get key for site 11 in Lhusu mines and where is that Gilgamesh after I've beaten him once?
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  17. #137
    Aww yeah! FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Wolf's Avatar
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    It's at the Phon Coast hunter's camp. Look for a shiny object on the ground next to a man sitting on the ground. I'm not sure but I think hes sitting next to a baanga. The object is the Site 11 Key. Oh, and Gilgamesh is in the deepest part of the mines and don't worry because there is a save crystal in the room right before you face him for the second time.

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  18. #138
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dimi's Avatar
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    I'm stuck at the Ancient City of Girvuegan. And all my character are at level 52. I'm fighting the Tyrant and he has loads of HP. Is there any quick way to beat him?

  19. #139
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dark_Angel2's Avatar
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    I've beaten him easily. U just need to use curaja a lot. And I mean a lot. I used it almost every turn and beaten him in first try.

    Merged Posts

    How can I get key for barheim passage???
    I gave the flower to Danto's wife, bun ferry isn't coming and north bank is deserted. What's the trick???

    Edit by Djinn: Use the edit button please, don't double post. Thanks.
    Last edited by Djinn; 12-27-2006 at 08:18 AM.
    Life's party! Why to leave it???

  20. #140
    FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Kurosaki Ichigo's Avatar
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    Im everywhere cause im Babbott!!!
    Ok i need a way to make that stupid carrot come out(the Carrot hunt).
    I've tryed everything from killing all the bunnys in the area to letting them all live, running in and out of the place multi times and the damn thing won't come out. Any ideas that can help me?
    <img src=>

  21. #141
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dark_Angel2's Avatar
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    U musn't slay any monsters in whole salikawood.
    When u teleport to salikawood just run to carrot, and that should be it
    Life's party! Why to leave it???

  22. #142

    Help! I'm stuck in the Giza Plains

    This is a little embarassing, but I just started this game and I'm already stuck. I'm supposed to go find Jinn, who is down south in the Giza Plains. I go down there, I avoid the werewolves as much as I can, but I can't seem to find the south passage past the werewolves, and I only have so much time before they kill me. I checked my location on the map, and I am at the exact place where there should be some kind of southern passage to find Jinn, but there is a rock and a log and stuff there, and no way for me to keep going south. I've been stuck on this for a few hours now.. I tried leveling up so I could just kill the werewolves, but its taking forever and there's got to be an easier way. Help, help, help!!

  23. #143
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Well there's two ways to reach Jinn. He's in the southern part of the Giza plains, the Crystal Glade. From the Nomad Village head East (North Bank), South (South Bank), then West (to the Crystal Glade)

    I think the rocks you're mentioning lead to the Ozmone Plain which doesn't open up until later in the game.

  24. #144
    sooo you're probably right.. why did I have to make that so difficult!

  25. #145
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Dunno, I should warn you, there are parts in the game that are a lot trickier to Navigate.

    For future reference, post in the help thread we have stickied at the top of the forum.

    And welcome to the boards

  26. #146

    hunt club marks

    I am under the impression that each or some of the hunt club marks is also "rare" game.

    1-Is this true?
    2-If so, can I get each of these game without being in the hunt club sequence by creating each's special circumstances?
    3-If I kill the monster in either circumstance, does that mean the game is never again available?


  27. #147
    im stuck at the part where you fight the judges at the leviathian thing i think its the center part of something i cant remember the name yeah i keep dying, and i dont know if its because my people arent on high enough levels or what but please help

  28. #148
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dimi's Avatar
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    @i_love_reesesx3: You're talking about Judge Ghis you mean. Well usually my character's already had one quickening at least so you oculd try that, but it depends where you're at though, so yeah. Also for your levels I recommend that your party should be around level 14 at least, but make sure that you have the strongest armor and weapons/magic available at this point, and when you battle don't forget to heal from time to time.

    1.No otherwise there wouldn't be a rare game/ mob monster categoryin your bestiary.
    2.The Clan is really optional. You can play the game without joining the clan to beat it, but you do miss out on completing your bestiary and getting some weapons and armor you can't get from shops though.
    3.As for the rare monster I'm not sure if you can fight them again, but once the mob monster's are dead, there're dead and you can't fight them unless you start a new game.

    @Yazoo: I'm on the Carrot mob hunt too and in order to battle you must not kill any monster's in the Salikawood otherwise it'll hide like that Bahumut guy mentioned and it should be by the south part of the Salikawood most likely.

    Anyways I've been putting my weakest character which is Basch and by the windows in the Zertinan Caverns waiting for the Marilith to come out and he doesn't come out. I killed those Gigantoads that are by there and waited for about a minute. Do I need to wait longer? Or do I need to do something else to lure it out?

  29. #149
    ohh crap. thanks for the help, i think i have to level up a lot since my people are only at level 10, and i dont have the greatest armor/weapons. also, i probably sound really stupid but whats a quickening and how do you do it??? i'm really confused...

  30. #150
    Registered User FFXII Help Thread: CAUTION - spoilers abound Dimi's Avatar
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    A quickening is a special attack that your characters can use in battle. There are 12 quickenings meant for only three quickenings per character. They are 50LP on the board and as you get more for your characters, their MP will get bigger. If you manage to get your characters at least one quickening, try to create a chain so you can do good damage to the Judge. Hope this helps.

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